The Perfect Tenses: It's A Latin Word Per Factus' Completely Done

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It’s a Latin word ‘per factus’ >> completely done


consist of some forms of the helping verb have followed by a
verb in the past participle form.

The present perfect uses the present tense (has or have).

The past perfect uses the perfect tense (had).
The future perfect uses the future-tense (will have).
The present perfect is used for past-time actions or
events whose action or consequences continue up to
the present moment of time.
The past perfect is for past-time actions or events that
were finished before some more recent time or event.
The future perfect is for future time actions or events
that will be finished before some later time or event.
The present perfect is formed by the present tense of have (has
or have) followed by verb in the past participle form.
I have cooked for dinner.
The present perfect is formed by the present tense of have (has
or have) followed by verb in the past participle form.
She has finished her assignment.
They have already had their breakfast.
To understand the meaning of present perfect, we must
contrast it with the meaning of the simple past tense.
A. I lived in Australia for years.
B. I have lived in Australia for five years.

what’s your conclusion?

In general, the past tense emphasizes that the actions or

events described through the use of past tense are over with;
they don’t really impact the present.
The present perfect is just the opposite. It emphasizes the
ongoing connection between the past and the present.
Here are some more examples of the present perfect for
events that have spanned an unbroken period of time up to
the present moment.

She has studied Nursing since she came to


They have shown that same cartoon for the last 3


As long as I can remember, I have always hated

Compare the use of past tense and the present perfect in the
following sentence:

Last year John had an accident that has totally changed

his life.

The accident was a one-time only event in the past. The

accident is over and done with, so it was reported in the past
However, the consequences of the accident are not tied to that
past moment of time; the consequences have continued on to
the present.
Therefore, the present perfect is appropriate to describe the
ongoing nature of the consequences.
PERFECT form in the following sentences.
1) Mr. Brown left/ has left last week for a business trip.
2) Sam lost/has lost his car and can’t get home.
3) The choir sang/has sung that song a hundred times.
4) The garage had/has had my car for a week now, and still
isn’t fixed.
5) We moved/have moved there 10 years ago.
6) We lived/have lived there ever since.
7) I studied/have studied to Duke Univ. a few years ago
What’s the form of past perfect?
The past perfect is used to emphasize that a past-time
action or event was completed prior to some more recent
(but still past) action or event.

They had already graduated before they got married.

They had had a big fight before they broke up.

In all the examples that we have looked so far, the verb in the
past perfect form has proceeded the verb in the past tense
form. This sequence seems perfectly logical since the past
perfect event has to occur before the second past-tense event
Logically it may be, but that is not the way English
works. In fact the two events can be presented in either

He had taken out a life insurance police before he died.

Before he died, he had taken out a life insurance policy.

The fact that we cannot count on the past perfect event

being presented before the more recent past time event
makes using the past perfect a great deal of more difficult.
The verbs in italics are all in the base form. The verbs are
used to describe 2 past events, one which precedes the other.
Change the verb whose action takes place first into the past
perfect form. Change the verb whose action takes place later
into the past-tense form. Remember that the 2 events can
occur in either order in the sentence.
 The audience take their seats before the curtain go up.
 The audience had taken their seats before the curtain went
1) Apparently the driver suffer a heart attack before the
automobile accident happen.
2) After the play receive a bad review, the playwright
decide to take some revisions.
3) I make plans before they call with their invitation.
4) Watson write up each case after Sherlock Holmes solve
the crime.
5) After the snow stop, we immediately shovel off the
6) Shakespeare write his first play before he ever go to
7) After I read the report, I begin to understand what the
problems were.
What’s the form?
The action or events described by the future perfect tense
must be completed prior to some other future time or
The future time can be expressed as an adverb of time.
I will have finished everything by noon.
By noon, we will have already finished.
The future time can also be expressed in another clause,
which can be in the present tense or present perfect.

By the time you get this message, I will have left.

By the time you have gotten this message, I will have left.

The two clauses can occur in either order:

He will have packed all the boxes before she has printed all the
Before she has printed all the labels, he will have packed all the
Replace one of the italicized base form verbs with the
future perfect. Replace the other italicized base-form verb
with either the present or present perfect, as appropriate.
The train leave by the time we get to the station.
The train will have left the station by the time we have
gotten there.
1) The cement harden before we get it all poured.
2) Hopefully, the snow plows clear the roads before we
leave the freeway.
3) We starve to death before the waiter bring us our order.
Jane walk back home before the bus arrive.
The audience forget the details by the time the speaker

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