Lesson 13 and Lesson 14

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Stauros  Greek word for “Cross”

Cross  a pointed, vertical stake firmly fixed in

the ground. (The word was used for “Fence
• Later the word was used in Greek Language
for a wooden stake fixed in the ground and
used as an instrument of torture or death.
Death by Crucifixion  an especially cruel and
agonizing way to die in historical Jewish
Lesson 13

Romans  They employed this form of
execution primarily for slaves and also used it for
foreigners, traitors, and criminals.

Patibulum  The cross-beam that condemned

criminal was often force to carry until he/she
reached the execution place.
14 Stations of the Cross
1. The Last Supper
2. The Agony in Gethsemane
3. Jesus is Condemned to Death
4. Jesus is Scourged
5. Jesus Carries the Cross
6. Jesus Falls
7. Simon of Cyrene Helps Jesus Carry the
8. Jesus Meets the Women of Jerusalem
14 Stations of the Cross
9. Jesus Is Stripped of His Garments
10. The Forgiven Thief
11. Mary and the Beloved Disciple at the
Foot of the Cross
12. The Death of Jesus
13. Jesus is Laid in the Tomb
14. The Resurrection of Jesus
The Way of the Cross  also known as “Via
Crucis”, is a pious devotion of the Catholics who
want to journey with Jesus from his agony
toward our redemption.

• The Stations of the Cross is one of the most

popular devotions to the suffering Jesus, the
best image of Jesus for the Filipinos.
• The Cross is a symbol of Christ’s self-giving
love for the Father and for us.
Lesson 14

• When we attend wakes and funerals we often
hear people talking about the dead person’s
last words, activities, and actions.
“A dying person’s last words and will are very
important and in our tradition, we take them as
something to be fulfilled, something to be done
out of respect for the deceased.”
• The seven last words of Jesus, usually read,
heard, and meditated upon Good Friday in our
Filipino Christian Tradition, are words that lead
us to a deeper knowledge and understanding
of the reason for Jesus’ death.
1. Matthew and Mark – gives the 4th Word
2. John – gives the 3rd, 5th, and 6th Words
3. Luke – gives the 1st, 2nd, and 7th Words.
7 Last Words of Jesus
(Syete Palabras)
1. “Father forgive them for they do not
know what they do”
2. “In truth I tell you: this day you will be
with me in paradise”
3. “Woman there is your son, Son there is
your mother”
4. “My God, my God, why have you
forsaken me?”
7 Last Words of Jesus
(Syete Palabras)
5. “I thirst”
6. “It is finished”
7. “Father, into your hands I commend
my spirit”
• The death of Jesus on the Cross primarily
conveys his unconditional love both for the
Father and for us.

St. Paul described the redemption wrought in

Jesus Christ in four steps:
1. Jesus offered a sacrifice as both priest and
2. To expiate for our sins
3. Creating a new covenant with God in his
4. For us and for our salvation
Liturgical Year theme:
“Year of Ecumenism

1. December 25
2. January 1
3. January 5

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