Social Workers

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Social Work

Anna Maria is a newcomer at the senior high

school program of SJF University. Being new to
the school, she is observed to be silent and
avoids interaction in groups very often. Three
months after, the situation remains the same
as she still finds difficulty building
relationships. She prefers to eat, to study and
walk alone. Bothered by the situation of Anna,
her adviser in class referred the case to the
school’s social worker.
Social Work

Caring Changing
Promote social justice and equality of all
people with regard to full participation in
Help the family to make decisions about their
pattern of reproduction towards enhancing the
family’s quality of life.

Establishes linkages between people and

societal resources to further social functioning.

Treating people with problems in social


Uphold the integrity of the profession in all

aspects of social work.
1.Child Development Social Work
2.Medical Social Work
3.Clinical Social Work
4.Social Work Administration And
5.International Social Work
6.Social Work As Community
7.Women Welfare
8.Crisis Intervention
9.Criminal Justice
Concepts on Social Work
 Concept of human potential and capacities
Premise based on the belief that a person is inherently endowed with potentials and
 Concept of social responsibility
Based on the notion that an individual has the obligation to contribute to the common
good and society.
 Concept of equal opportunities
Based on the premised of social justice; fairness and equality.
 Concept of Social Provision
Based on the notion that there will always be everywhere with the unmet needs/
problems which is beyond their own capacity to solve.
Principles of Social Work
Acceptance & Reciprocity


Worker Self-Awareness

Respect Basic Human Rights


Client's Participation

Roles Of Social Worker

•Resource Broker • Enabler

•Social Broker • Counselor/
•Mediator Therapist
•Advocate • Mobilizer of
(Policy/Program Community
) Elite
• Documenter/
social critique

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