Periodic Properties-4

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The properties which are directly or indirectly related to their electronic

configuration and which show a regular gradation when we move left to right
in a period or from top to bottom in a group are called periodic properties.

There are 4 such properties

Atomic Radius

Ionization Enthalpy

Electron gain enthalpy

Atomic Radius

Atomic radius is the distance from the centre of the nucleus to the outermost shell
containing electrons. In other words, it is the distance from the center of the nucleus
to the point up to which the density of the electron cloud is maximum.

Difficulties in determining Atomic Radius:

• The electron cloud surrounding the atom does not have a sharp boundary.
• It is not possible to isolate a single atom for the purpose of determination of its radius.
• Distribution of electrons of an atom is affected by presence of other atoms within its molecule or in its
Types of Atomic Radii

 Covalent radius
 Van der Waals radius
 Metallic radius
Covalent radius is half of the internuclear separation between the nuclei of
two single-bonded atoms of the same species.

r covalent = 1/2[Internuclear distance between two bonded atoms ]

The Van der Waals radius is equal
to one half the distance between two
identical non-bonded isolated atoms.
two adjacent identical atoms belonging to two
neighbouring molecules of an element in the
solid state
Comparison of Covalent radius and Van der waals radius

 Since Van der Waals forces of attraction are weak, therefore, the internuclear
distances in case of atoms held by van der Waals forces are much larger than
those between covalently bonded atoms.

 Since a covalent bond is formed by overlap of two half-filled atomic orbitals

a part of the electron cloud becomes common. Therefore covalent radii are
always smaller than Van der Waals radii.
Electron sea model to explain bonding in metals

In case of metals, the constituent particles are positively

charged metal ions and free electrons.

These positively charged metal ions are called Kernels.

The force that holds the metal ions together in the crystal is
called metallic bond
Electron sea model

These electrons can easily flow

throughout the metal crystal thus making
a sea of mobile electrons.

These mobile electrons are

simultaneously attracted by the positive
ions and hence hold these positive ions
Now lets define Metallic Radius
Metallic radius is defined as one-half of the distance between the
nuclei of two atoms in crystal or between two adjacent metal ions in
the metallic lattice.
Comparison of Covalent radius and Metallic radius
Which of the two would be greater?
Metallic radius is always greater than covalent radius.
Reason: In metallic radius it is the radius between the adjacent metal ions (kernels) in the
metallic lattice .
In contrast , in covalent bond , due to sharing of electron cloud the covalent radius
Comparison of different types of radii
A comparison of three types of radii reveals that van der Waals radius is the longest while
covalent radius of an atom is the shortest,i.e.

Van der waal radius > Metallic radius > Covalent radius

1.What are lanthanoides and actinoides?

2.What is the basic difference in aproach between Mendeleev's periodic law and the Modern Periodic law?

3. Write general electronic configuration of s-,p-,d- and f-block elements.?

4. Write four characteristic properties of each s, p , d and f -block elements .

1.What do you understand by Periodic Properties of elements? Name any three such properties

2.How to atomic size vary in a group and in period ? Explain.

3.Why is Van der Waals radius bigger than covalent radius?

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