Anxiety Disorders Intro2
Anxiety Disorders Intro2
Anxiety Disorders Intro2
What is anxiety?
distress or uneasiness of mind caused by fear
of danger or misfortune
an acute response to a a chronic response to
threat that is a threat that is
known, unknown,
definite, vague,
external and internal and
non-conflictual conflictual
Psychoanalytic theories
Anxiety signals the presence of danger in the unconscious
link the source of anxiety to developmental issues
Behavioral Theories
anxiety as a conditioned response to specific stimuli
learned by imitating the anxiety responses parents
Existential Theories
anxiety as a person’s response to the awareness of his own
nothingness and the seeming meaninglessness of his life
Biological theories:
Neuroanatomical considerations :
Limbic system
Cerebral cortex
The anxiety response is inappropriate because of
its intensity and duration
4 % in children 1.6% in adolescents; 0.9%-1.9% adults
The most common anxiety disorder in childhood
Most frequent age of onset : 7-8 years old
Separation Anxiety Disorder
Risk factors:
life stress, especially loss
parental overprotection and intrusiveness
Increased risk of suicide in children