Sympathetic Chain: Fellowship Interventional Pain Management Angkatan V - Kelompok E

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A paired bundle of nerve fibers that run from the base of skull
to the coccyx, just lateral to the vertebral bodies

A part of the autonomy nervous system

They delivery information to the body about stress and

impending stress and are responsible for fight, fraight of
flight response
Pathway with
synapses in
trunk ganglia

Pathway to the Pathway to the

head thorax
Sympathetic preganglionic fibers serving the head emerge from spinal cord
segments T1-T4

Ascend the sympathetic trunk to synapse with ganglionic neurons in the

superior cervical ganglion

Serving the skin and blood vessels of the head, stimulate the dilator muscles
or the irises, inhibit the nasal and salivary glands, innervate the smooth
muscle that lift the upper eyelid, direct branches to the heart
Sympathetic preganglionic fibers innervating the thoracic organs
originate at T1-T6, run to synapse in the cervical trunk ganglia

Postganglionic fiber emerging from middle and inferior cervical


Some of these fibers innervate the heart via the cardiac plexus,
and some innervate the thyroid gland, but most serve the skin
Some T1-T6 preganglionic fibers synapse in the nearest
trunk ganglion, and the postganglonic fibers pass directly
to the organ served

Fibers to the heart, aorta, lungs, and esophagus, take this

direct route. Along the way, they run into the plexuses
associated with those organs
Pathway with
synapses in
collateral ganglia

Pathway to the Pathway to the

abdomen pelvis
Most of the preganglionic fibers from T5 down synapse in collateral ganglia,
and so most of these fibers enter and leave the sympathetic trunks without

They form several nerves called splanchnic nerves, thoracic splanchnic nerves
(greater, lesser, and least) and the lumbar and sacral splanchnic nerves

The splanchnic nerves contribute to a number of interweaving nerve plexuses

known collectively as the abdominal aortic plexus. Contains several ganglia
that together serve the abdominopelvic viscera

The most important of these ganglia are celiac, superior mesenteric and
inferior mesenteric ganglia
Postganglionic fibers
Travel in the thoracic
Sympathetic innervation of issuing from these ganglia
splanchnic nerves to
the abdomen is via serve the stomach,
synapse mainly at the celiac
preganglionic fibers from intestines (except the distal
and superior mesenteric
T5 to L2 half of the large intestine),
liver, spleen, and kidneys
Preganglionic fibers innervating the pelvis originate from T10 to L2
and then descend in the sympathetic trunk to the lumbar and sacral
trunk ganglia

Some fibers synapse there and the postganglionic fibers run in

lumbar and sacral splanchnic nerves to plexuses on the lower aorta
and in the pelvis

Other preganglionic fibers pass directly to these autonomic plexuses

and synapse in collateral ganglia, such as the inferior mesenteric

Postganglionic fibers proceed from these plexuses to the pelvic

organs (the urinary blader and reproductive organs) and also the
distal half of large intestine
Pathways with synapses in the adrenal
Some fibers traveling in the thoracic splanchnic nerves pass
through the celiac ganglion without synapsing and terminate
by synapsing with the hormone-producing medullary cells of
the adrenal gland

When stimulated by preganglionic fibers, the medullary cell

secrete NE and epinephrine into the blood, producing the
excitatory effects

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