Any B2B Sales Strategy

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10 mins

Fundamentals of a Business Model A

1 Business Model (Critical) Reflection in your journey


Can you please briefly introduce yourself and your startup?

1. WHAT? 2. WHO?
Do you have a product or Who are your
service that works, is customers and
affordable and available? competitors?
4. HOW? Value
Do you have the right (potential) people, Delivery
money, equipment and facilities to
deliver your value proposition?
Your (or/and)

Competitors A Vision
What does the world look like where
your startup wants to operate?
Value Be Realistic, Forward looking,
Compensation Credible, Attractive
B Mission
3. WHY? What role does your company play in
Will this customer/consumer this world? What needs does it fulfil?
say: "I need this!“? Provides direction, Legitimizes, Motivates

C Ambition
What goals does your startup plan to
Should have a challenge, independent and
Source & Credits: Roland Berger | YES!Delft (Incubator) Ready to Startup Program
15 mins
B2B Sales
2.1 How startups/companies sell to MNCs & gain entry?

1 Buying Influences 4 Your Win-Results

Economic Buyer Technical Buyer Win-Lose Win-Win
Final Approver (1 or Screens out possible You win at the Both profited personally
more) who signs off suppliers (they give a No, Buyer's expense. & professionally from
but not a Yes) Has revenge the transaction

User Buyer Coach or Lose-Win

Makes judgements, Guides you to other
No feel good
You give special Value
supervises use of the buyers that help you
about the Sale
Discount/Free time Delivery
product or service make Sale with no outcome

2 Response Modes Sales Funnel

Growth Trouble Prospect/Lead
You Buyer is receptive, Reality-Results Divide your time into 4 above dimensions as
Strategic asks for "more" or
Discrepancy; New
Product Introduction!
35% of the prospects are poor.
orOver-confident Compensation
Selling No Trouble
No discrepancy, no Totally unreceptive to
sale. Comfortable change, Chances are
with Status-Quo Nil

3 Red Flag Device 6 Ideal Customer Profile

Eliminate a Red Flag (and/or) • Satisfied Customer • Repeat business
Lever from a Strength of the • Long-term relationship • Good referral
Adapted from:
The New Strategic Selling: The Unique Sales
System Proven Successful by the World's Best
2 Companies (Stephen E. Heiman et al, 2005)
15 mins
B2B Sales
2.2 How do we select startups/companies that sell to us?

1 Sales Script Model

Approach: Demonstrate: Proposition: Close:
Act as a Consultant Carefully leads customer Product/Service Closing the sale without
Value to point of purchase description asking for an order and
Delivery receiving a signature


2 Communication of the Dots

R5 Model
R1 Rapport – Having and maintaining meaningful relationships via trust
You Customer
R2 Record – Capturing the most important non-verbal and verbal patterns/info.
Consultative R3 Release – Ask for the problem. They immediately give answer (mostly not a problem) Value
R4 Replace – Providing a solution at the point of selling Compensation
Selling R5 Remember – Understand what the customer bought and how people buy

3 Fundamental Mistakes
• Attitude
• No planning
• Little or No preparation
• Word Presentations
• Disconnected from Audience Adapted from:
Unleashing the Power of Consultative
Selling: Selling the way your customer
wants to buy… Not the way you like to
3 sell! (Richard Grehalva, 2004)

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