Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)

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Public Switched

Telephone Network (PSTN)

Topics in PSTN
Trunk Network

Node 1 Node 2
 Introduction
 review of early
Access Access

exchanges Node 3
 PSTN Standards Terminals Terminals

 User services & terminals

 Modern exchange technology
 interface standards

 access and trunk networks

 signaling

 network management

 internetworking (telecommunications between networks)

HUT Comms Lab., Timo O. Korhonen
 PSTN switching is based on circuit switching by duplex*
 Temporary bidirectional connections
 Originally for speech (voice) only at 300-3400 Hz
 Earlier two subscribers connected by purely physical
connection (physical switch contacts)
 Nowadays by time slots ~ ISDN (Integrated services
digital networks)is integrated to PSDN
 PCM (Pulse code modulation) is the TDMA (Time division
multiple access) standard for the digital transmission
 PCM time slots consist of 8 bit samples
 For voice digital exchange sets up 64 kbit/s connections
 Data connections by (1) modems, (2) ISDN interface
(3) leased lines via X.25 / Frame relay, or (4) ADSL

*What are semi-duplex and simplex? 3

PCM: pulse coded modulation
An early exchange, call setup
 One of the 100 subscribers lifts his handset -> Call finder is
activated to search the line.
 After the line is located other relays connect the dial-tone
 The subscriber selects two digits.
 The first digit selects the subscriber group by using the
group selector.
 The second digit selects the line selector.
 Selection is done by sending pulses that move the selectors
 When connection is established a ringing tone is sent.
 Note that only 10 subscribers of 100 can call at the same
time to different numbers! (why?) (concentration is 1:10)
HUT Comms Lab., Timo O. Korhonen
Categorizing switching

SPC: Stored program control

HUT Comms Lab., Timo O. Korhonen
Crossbar switch

HUT Comms Lab., Timo O. Korhonen
Crossbar switch - mechanics1

J.E.Flood: Telecommunication Switching and Networks


HUT Comms Lab., Timo O. Korhonen
Access network Access

 local network, local loop or subscriber network

 Copper pairs are ideally suited to
 supplying power to the telephones

 baseband transmission of voice

 no modulation is required as in the case of fibre and

radio applications
 existing copper pair can also be used to access services

of greater bandwidth in other networks

 attenuation of voice signals represented a problem for
network planners - solution loading coils

HUT Comms Lab., Timo O. Korhonen
Present-day PSTN ‘terminals1’ in
access network
 Fixed-line phones (analog, ISDN)
 Cordless phones (PBX-RF interface: DECT2)
 Fax
 Pay phones
 Private Branch Exchange (PBX)
 Gateways to Public Land Mobile Networks (PLMN):
 GSM (Global system for mobile)

 wireless local area networks (WLAN)

 Local loop data extensions

 modems

 ADSL (Asymmetric digital subscriber line) technology

 (leased lines)

also interfaces to other networks & equipment
2DECT: Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications

HUT Comms Lab., Timo O. Korhonen

Analog local loop interface
Loop current used for signaling & message

Digital-lines to
ISDN central office

per trunk signaling

in local loop:
- long setup time
- hacking easy
- voice grade circuits
- interference &
Analog-line cross-talk sensitive
- expensive 10
HUT Comms Lab., Timo O. Korhonen
Basic telephone terminal

 A basic phone can be

made by using just
four units
 The bell

 The hook switch

 The keypad

 The speech circuit

 Modern keypads use dual-tone dialing

 The speech circuit adapts
voice levels and isolates
mic and speaker

HUT Comms Lab., Timo O. Korhonen
Trunk network Local loop

 1960s employed both frequency division multiplexing (FDM)

and "baseband" over paired cable
 FDM was anyhow the backbone of the trunk networks of the
 ITU-T FDM recommendations specify

 capacity and frequencies for FDM systems with 12, 60,

300, 900, 960, 2,700 and 10,800 channels

 Carrier frequencies are between 60 kHz and just under

60 MHz
 In general, FDM can be used in symmetrical paired cable,
coaxial cable, radio link and satellite
 Modern trunk networks apply optical links that may
use Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM)

HUT Comms Lab., Timo O. Korhonen
Some features of PSTN of ´60 (cont.)
 Network intelligence and value-added services
 not supported as such

 operators were anyhow intelligent :)

 value added services by tracking what happens in

the area!
 Inter-exchange signaling
 call setup took about 15 seconds

 channel-associated signaling (CAS: No.5, R1,R2*)

 about 10% of trunk line capacity was taken by signaling

 Operation and maintenance (O&M)

 using local info-databases and local workforce

 network maintenance was based on on-field check-ups

*nowadays in ISDN & PLMN: common channel signaling (CCS): SS7
HUT Comms Lab., Timo O. Korhonen
Connecting V.34 (33.6 kb/s) modem

A-law: in Europe, -law:in the US

See also: “A brief introduction to modem technology” at 14
HUT Comms Lab., Timo O. Korhonen
Present-day PSTN services Added

 Basic service
 bearer service (local loop access): analog (/ISDN)

 Value-added services (telephonist-originated) services as

 directory inquiry (118)

 weather, stock exchange, ticket reservation ...

 Supplementary services (Intelligent Terminal (IN)

 distributed supplementary as ‘call forwarding

unconditional’ (Q.82.2), ‘call waiting’, ‘queuing’ ...

 centralized supplementary services (IN) use specialized

routing & charging as VPN, credit card calls, free phone

(receiver pays), universal access number (connected
automatically to the nearest office), ...
HUT Comms Lab., Timo O. Korhonen
PSTN today summarized
 ISDN very popular in switches (in Finland all-digital
 ISDN getting popular also for local loop access
 Versatile access part (analog/digital terminals possible)
 Conventional local loop technology develops fast
 Remote controlled O&M
 IN services fully-developed - Intelligence moves to
 Fiber-optical DWDM links connect exchanges
 Common channel signaling (SS7)
 SDH-based (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy) trunk-networking
 Gets still more subscribers!

HUT Comms Lab., Timo O. Korhonen
Transfer modes & connections
Transfer modes Connection types
PSTN Circuit switching Connection oriented
- developed for voice - hand-shaking Frame-relay
- nowadays also for data - strict error requirements
- well-specified delays - for fast data transfer
- echo problems
Packet switching Connectionless
- developed for data - broadcasting
- nowadays also for voice - modest error rates
- Statistical multiplexing often accepted
- variable delays - fast data in good channels
Ethernet UDP*
HUT Comms Lab., Timo O. Korhonen
*User Datagram Protocol

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