Catholic Social Teachings

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Catholic Social Teachings

Scriptural Foundations
• Passages in the Sacred
Scriptures that can be
utilized as foundations
to social moral theology
are numerous
• Old Testament
• Exodus Liberation is one of the origin of
Social moral theology.
• The liberating acts of God was made
most manifested in their exodus from
the slavery in Egypt up to their
development as an established
community in the Promise Land.
(Exodus 3, 8)
– God’s covenant with the chosen
people indicates that He is
concerned with the people’s well-
– God promised that He would always
be on His side and would defend
them from any oppressor.
– Prophets issued strong
condemnation of the social
injustices of their time.
• New Testament
– Christ did not only preach the
necessity of concern towards the
neighbor but also responded to their
– Kingdom of God; the emphasis on
Jesus’ teachings about Kingdom of
God contributed to the greater
awareness of the need for social
concerns and societal transformation.
Cf: Church of the Poor, abridged edition 2013
Jesus’ Public Ministry
• Jesus works tirelessly,
accomplishing power deeds to free
men and women from sickness,
suffering, injustices and death.
• Jesus did not come only for
spiritual reason but also to
liberate people from any forms of
evil and oppression.
Lumen Fidei
• In the Light of Faith
• Encyclical
• Pope Francis, 2013
– ‘Faith thus appeared to some as
illusory light, preventing mankind
from boldly setting out in quest of
– The proclamation of Jesus Christ,
the “Good News” of salvation, love,
justice and peace is not readily
received in todays world.
– Men and women of the modern
age have the greater need for the
– With this very reason the
Magisterium put into writings the
Catholic Social Teachings.
Catholic Social Teachings
• To fully realize the evangelical mission
of the Church, it teaches the moral
implication of economics, political,
and cultural issues of the people.
• The church brings out the relevance of
Christian faith in all concrete human
situations and proclaims the holistic
salvation of humankind brought by
Industrial Revolution
• Transition to new manufacturing process
in Europe and the United States around
1760, sometime between 1820 and 1840.
– hand production methods to machines,
chemical manufacturing and iron production
and the increase of using steam power, water
power and machine tools.
– Thus, raising serious problems of justice and
posing great social question – the Labor
Rerum Novarum
• Encyclical
• Pope Leo XIII, May 15 1891
• Rights and Duties of Capital
and Labor
– Discusses the relationships and
mutual duties between labor and
capital as well as government and its
– Its primary concern was the need to
lessen the misery which is
experienced on the majority of the
working class.
• It opened the door of the Church to be
vocal on social structures and
conditions of people in the society.
Catholic Social Teachings
• Moral principles that guides Christians
in their moral attitudes and decisions.
• It isn’t actually an answer to any
problem, but rather;
– Moral principle that can guide the
response to ongoing problems.
– Criteria for evaluating social issues
– Recommendations for creative pursuit for
common good.
• It challenges citizen’s behavior, the
social system and structures.
• It serves as a guide whenever there
are conflict between the Gospel and
the system that affects the dignity of
human and society.
Faith and the Social Teachings

• Faith as a human reality is central to

our daily lives.
• Is a gift and a response of human to
his Creator.
• As Jesus commended us to love, it is
rightfully for us to serve our neighbor
as a response to gift of god has given

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