Fundamentals of Cutting: Chapter-20

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Fundamentals of cutting

• Introduction

• Mechanics of chip formation

• Types of chips produced in metal cutting

• Mechanics of oblique cutting

• Cutting forces and power

• Temperature in cutting

• Tool life : Wear and failure

• Surface finish and integrity

• Machinability
Fundamentals of cutting

Fig 20.1 Examples of cutting process • Fig 20.3 Schematic illustration of a two-
dimensional cutting process,also called
orthogonal cutting.Note that the tool shape
and its angles,depth of cut,to,and the cutting
speed are all independent variables.

Fig 20.2 Basic principle of turning operation

Introduction :
• Cutting process : Remove material from the surface of
the work piece by producing chips
• Turning operation : the work piece is rotated an a
cutting tool removes a layer of material as it moves to
the left
• Cutting off: Cutting tool moves radially inwards and
separated the right piece from the back of the blank.
• Slab-milling rotating cutting tool removes a layer of
material from the surface of the work piece
• End-milling rotating cutter travels along a certain
depth in the work piece and produces a cavity
Factors influencing cutting process
Parameter Influence and interrelationship

Cutting speed depth of Forces power,temperature rise,tool life,type of chips,surface

cut,feed,cutting fluids. finish.
Tool angles As above;influence on chip flow direction;resistance to tool
Continuous chip Good surface finish;steady cutting forces;undesirable in
automated machinery.
Poor surface finish,thin stable edge can product tool surface.
Built-up-edge chip
Discontinuous chip Desirable for ease of chip disposal;fluctuating cutting
forces;can affect surface finish and cause vibration and
Temperature rise. Influences surface finish,dimensional accuracy,temperature
rise,forces and power.
Tool wear Influences surface finish,dimensional accuracy,temperature
rise,forces and power.
Machinability Related to tool life,surface finish,forces and power
Mechanics of chip formation :
• Orthogonal cutting
• Rake angle – Alpha
• Relief angle ( clearance angle)
• Shear angle ( Pi)
• Thickness of a chip – Tc
• Depth of cut- T0
• Cutting ratio r = To / Tc
= Sin Pi / Cos ( pi- Alpha )
Mechanism of chip formation

Fig 20.4 (a) Schematic illustration of the basic mechanism of chip formation in metal cutting.
(b) Velocity diagram in the cutting zone.
Mechanism of chip formation
• Chip compression ratio = 1 / r
• Always > unity
• On the basis of fig 20.4-a
• Shear strain gama
• Gama = AB/OC = AO/OC + OB/OC
• Gama = Cot Pi + tan ( Pi – Alpha )
• Note : for actual cutting operation shear
strain > 5
Mechanism of chip formation
• Shear angle adjusts itself to minimize
cutting force
• Shear plane is the plane of maximum shear
• Pi = 45 + Alpha / 2 – Beta / 2
• Beta : Friction angle
• Mu – coefficient of friction
• Mu = tan beta
Mechanism of chip formation
• Mass continuity has to be maintained
• So , we have
• V To = Vc Tc
• Vc = Vr
• Vc = V Sin pi / Cos ( pi – Alpha )
• Vc : Velocity of a chip
• V : Cutting Speed
• Vs : Velocity of shearing
• From trigonometric relation
• V / cos ( pi – Alpha ) = Vs / Cos ( Alpha ) = Vc /
Sin ( pi )
Types of chips
• Continuous
• Built up edge
• Serrated or segmented
• Discontinuous

Fig20.5 Basic types of chips and their photomicrographs produced in metal cutting (a) continuous ship
with a narrow,straight primary shear zone; (b) secondary shear zone at the chip tool interface;(c)
continuous chip with large primary shear zone; (d) continuous chip with built-up-edge;(e) segmented
or nonhomogeneous chip and (f) discontinuous chips
Continuous chips

(b) Surface finish in turning 5130 steel with a

built-up edge

Fig :20.6 (a) Hardness distribution in the cutting

zone for 3115 steel.Note that some regions in
the built-up edge are as mach as three times
harder than the bulk metal

(c) Surface finish on 1018 steel in face milling

Continuous chips

• Continuous chips are usually formed at high

rake angles and/or high cutting speeds.
• A good surface finish is generally produced.
• continuous chips are not always desirable,
particularly in automated machine tools,
• tend to get tangled around the tool
• operation has to be stopped to clear away
the chips.
Built-up edges chips
• BUE consists of layers of material from the
workpiece that are gradually deposited on the tool.
• BUE then becomes unstable and eventually breaks up
• BUE material is carried away on the tool side of the
• the rest is deposited randomly on the workpiece
• BUE results in poor surface finish
• reduced by increasing the rake angle and therefore
decreasing the depth of cut.
Discontinuous chips
• Discontinuous chips consist of segments that may be
firmly or loosely attached to each other
• These chips occur when machining hard brittle
materials such as cast iron.

• Brittle failure takes place along the shear plane

before any tangible plastic flow occurs

• Discontinuous chips will form in brittle materials at

low rake angles (large depths of cut).
Serrated chips
• Figure :20.5e
• Segmented chips or non-
homogeneous chips
• Semi continuous chips with
zones low and high shear Fig 20.5 (e)segmented or
strain nonhomogeneous chip and

• Low thermal conductivity and

strength metals exhibit this
Chip Breakers
• Long continuous chip
are undesirable
• Chip breaker is a piece
of metal clamped to the
rake surface of the tool
which bends the chip
and breaks it
• Chips can also be broken
by changing the tool
Fig 20.7 (a) Schematic illustration of the action of
controlling the chip flow a chip breaker .(b) Chip breaker clamped on
the rake of a cutting tool. (c) Grooves in
cutting tools acting as chip breakers
Chip Breakers

Fig:Various chips produced in turning: a)tightly curled chip b)chip hits workpiece
and breaks c)continuous chip moving away from workpiece;and d)chip hits tool
shank and breaks off
Chip Formation in Nonmetallic Materials

Fig: a) cutting with an oblique tool b) Top view showing the inclination angle, i.
c) Types of chips produced with different inclination
Mechanism of Oblique Cutting
• The cutting edge is at an angle i, called inclination angle.
• The chip movement is in lateral direction

Fig: a)right hand cutting tool.Although these tools have traditionally been produced from
solids tool-steel bars,they have been largely replaced by carbide or other inserts of various
shapes and sizes,as shownin b).The vcarious angles on these tools and their effects on
machining are described
Temperature In Cutting

Fig:Percentage of the heat generated in

Fig:Typical temperature distribution cutting going into the workpiece,tool,and
in the cutting zone. chip,as a function of cutting speed.
Temperature Distributions

Fig:Temperatures developed in turning 52100 steel: a) flank temperature

distribution;and b)tool-chip interface temperature distribution
Tool Life: Wear and Failure

1. Flank wear :It occurs

on the relief face of
the tool and the side
relief angle.
2. Crater wear:It occurs
on the rake face of the
Fig (a) Flank and crater wear in a cutting tool.tool
3. Chipping :Breaking moves to the left. (b) View of the rake of a
turning tool,showing nose radius R and crater
away of a small piece wear pattern on the rake face of the tool
from the cutting edge c)View of the flank face of a turning
tool,sowing the average flank wear land VB
of the tool . and the depth-of-cut line (wear notch)
Wear and Tool Failures: Crater wear

Fig (a) Schematic illustrations of types of wear observed on various types of cutting tools .(b)
Schematic illustrations of catastrophic tool failures.A study of the types and mechanism of
tool wear and failure is essential to the development of better tool materials
Forces acting in 2-Dimensional cutting
• Cutting forces can be
measured by using suitable
dynamometers or force
transducers mounted on the
machine tool
• They can also be calculated
from the amount of power
consumption,that occurs
during cutting.
• Fig :Forces acting on a cutting tool in a two
dimensional cutting .Note that the resultant
force,R,must be collinear to balance the

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