B.Arch Programme, IX Semester Theory of Urban Design ARCH503

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Amity School of Architecture and Planning

B.Arch Programme, IX Semester

Theory of Urban Design

Amity School of Architecture and Planning

Urban renewal

The scope
The need
Different procedure and approaches

Amity School of Architecture and Planning

Learning Objectives

By end of this session you will recognise about

fundamentals of urban renewal.
Students will be able to examine need and scope
of urban renewal

Learning Objectives
Amity School of Architecture and Planning

The purpose of urban An Urban Renewal Plan Over time, it has evolved
renewal is to improve applies to a specific Urban renewal is a into a policy based less
specific areas of a city geographic area of the program of land  on destruction and more
that are poorly developed city, which is called the redevelopment. on renovation and
or underdeveloped Urban Renewal Area investment.

. . . .

Urban Renewal
Amity School of Architecture and Planning

Urban Renewal

Urban renewal involves the relocation of businesses, the

demolition of structures, the relocation of people, and the use
of eminent domain (government purchase of property for public
purpose) as a legal instrument to take private property for city-
initiated development projects.
Amity School of Architecture and Planning

Objectives of Urban Renewal

• Preserving as far as practicable local characteristics

• Preserving as far as practicable the social networks of the local community

• Providing purpose-built housing for groups with special needs, such as the elderly
and the disabled

• Providing more open space and community/ welfare facilities

• Enhancing the townscape with attractive landscape and urban design

Amity School of Architecture and Planning

Why Urban Renewal?

Amity School of Architecture and Planning

Why Urban Renewal?

The triggers:-

• Effective functioning of Administrative towns (state

HQ, District HQ)
• To accommodate an event of magnitude.
(Asian games, Common Wealth Games in Delhi,
Tri Centenary Celebrations of consecration of the
Guru Granth Sahib at Nanded)
• Necessity due to natural /man-made calamity
(Earthquake in Bhuj, Plague in Surat)
Amity School of Architecture and Planning

Why Urban Renewal?

The triggers:-

• Obsolescence of land uses (Shifting of

manufacturing industries )
• Market driven change of land use
(Commercialization of Girgaum, Parel areas
of Mumbai)
• To conserve historic monuments/
environment. (Areas around the Taj mahal
precinct )
Amity School of Architecture and Planning

Approaches for Urban Renewal

At the first International Seminar on Urban Renewal, in August 1958, the three
principles of urban renewal were identified as redevelopment, consisting of
demolition and reconstruction; rehabilitation, improvement of the original
structures, and conservation, preservation of historical monuments, and
generally not with residential areas (Miller, 1959).
Amity School of Architecture and Planning


• Redevelopment consists of the removal of existing buildings and the re-use of

cleared land for the implementation of new projects
• This approach is applicable to areas in which buildings are in seriously
deteriorated condition and have no conservation value, or in which the
arrangement of buildings are such that the area cannot provide satisfactory
living conditions.
• In such cases, demolition and reconstruction, of whole blocks or of small
sections, is often thought to be the only solution to ensure future comfort and
safety of the residents.
Amity School of Architecture and Planning


• Rehabilitation follows principles and ethics of conservation, can be defined as the opposite
of redevelopment.
• It is based on preserving, repairing, and restoring the natural and man-made environments of
existing neighborhoods.
• Rehabilitation is applicable to areas where buildings are generally in structurally sound
condition but have deteriorated because of neglected maintenance.
• It takes advantage of the existing built environment as a valuable resource and adapts old
houses to present -day life and acceptable standards by providing modern facilities.
Amity School of Architecture and Planning

• The third approach to neighborhood regeneration, referred to as
integration, views rehabilitation and redevelopment as complementary
forces and combines the best aspects of both approaches.
• It consists of rehabilitation of what can realistically be saved, combined
with reconstruction of new buildings in place of those beyond the reach
of feasible rehabilitation.
Amity School of Architecture and Planning

An example
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•In India the need to infuse vibrancy and

rejuvenate cites was recognized in 2005
and the Central Government launched the
Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban
Renewal Mission (JNNURM)
Amity School of Architecture and Planning


•Launched to encourage cities to

initiate steps for bringing phased
improvements in their civic service
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• Initiative to redevelop towns and cities by

developing infrastructure, carrying out
municipal reforms and providing aid to
the state governments and the urban local
bodies (ULBs)
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• Infrastructure development • Rehabilitation or • Acquisition or • Re-sale or lease of

(construction or conservation of improvement of property
improvement) property
existing buildings
Streets, parks, plazas, utilities
Amity School of Architecture and Planning


Physical renewal Social renewal

– leads to improvement of urban – leads to improvement of

fabric community and housing
Amity School of Architecture and Planning


BSUP Scheme at Thiruvananthapuram, Phase-IIIunder JNNURM in Kerala

Amity School of Architecture and Planning


Cultural renewal – Economic renewal Environmental renewal

promotes enhancement of – leads to new – leads to minimizing

culture and traditions generation of ecological imbalances in
employment and urban environment

. . .
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Concept of Urban Renewal in Developed Nations : Paradigm Shifts

Amity School of Architecture and Planning

Concept of Urban Renewal in Developed Nations : Paradigm Shifts

Amity School of Architecture and Planning

Concept of Urban Renewal in Developing Nations : Paradigm Shifts

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Conceptual Framework of Urban Renewal :

Indian Interpretation
Amity School of Architecture and Planning


Setting Goals and Creating a Vision

Identifying a good opportunity for


Recognizing the social and historical


Private, Public or Joint Partnership

Amity School of Architecture and Planning

Designing and Planning

Creating a ‘public persona’

Prioritizing public amenities

Integrating Public Transit

Achieving the right product mix

Creating a sustainable program

Catalyzing participation and support

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Densification Versus Decongestion

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Optimize high value land redevelopment, promote higher FSI
and hence densification
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A diametrically opposite view - decongesting the area.

•Shifting the residents to other locations and re-designating land

• A change in use /zone will make this location most prime,

resulting in land use transformation

•Gentrification is part of natural process of city development

•A forced relocation is one alternative. In small parts and scale the

same is achieved through SRA
Amity School of Architecture and Planning

1. http://mohua.gov.in/cms/projects-under-jnnurm.
2. https://www.suratmunicipal.gov.in/Departments/SlumUpgradationJnNURM
3. https://www.mcgill.ca/mchg/student/neighborhood/chapter1
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Thank You
Amity School of Architecture and Planning

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