Data Modeling Powerdesigner Da Data Sheet
Data Modeling Powerdesigner Da Data Sheet
Data Modeling Powerdesigner Da Data Sheet
Sybase PowerDesigner for Data Modeling and Data Architecture
PowerDesigner is the industry's number one data modeling tool that provides enterprise scalability
and open support for over 80 RDBMS. PowerDesigner empowers database designers and DBAs with
robust heterogeneous support for all leading databases. PowerDesigner combined with the Enterprise
Repository enables cross-functional teams to easily visualize, analyze and manipulate metadata for
database design and effective data architecture implementation.
coMMoN FeAtureS
• Ease of Use: Modern interface aligns with Windows version 7 to streamline effective communication
throughout the enterprise.
• Requirements Management: Detailed requirements analysis linked to all models for traceability. Import and
synchronization with Microsoft Word places the business users directly into the analysis and design
• Document Generation: Wizard driven list, multi-model document and fully hyperlinked web reporting
provides any non-modeling user secure, controlled access to metadata. This fosters greater communication
among all members of the project team.
• Impact Analysis: Models are fully integrated using unique Link & Sync technology. This integration ties all
model types together for complete enterprise-wide or project-wide impact analysis. Impact analysis
streamlines communication and collaboration to dramatically increase the entire organization’s
responsiveness to change.
• Information Mapping: Drag-and-drop mapping editor allows for easy, fast and accurate dependency
documentation. Simply drag to or from any supported source to target model pair and create
comprehensive mapping definitions used in data dictionary definitions, impact analysis and warehouse
ETL documentation.
• Open Support: All major RDBMS platforms are supported together in one tool. With over 80 RDBMS
definitions supported, PowerDesigner leads with the most comprehensive and complete support.
• Customizable: Highly customizable interface makes common tasks easy, while empowering advanced users
rapid access to all features. Optimizes productivity by controlling everything from the user interface to the
way PowerDesigner manages modeling tasks and generates code.
• Metadata Sharing: PowerDesigner’s Portal ensures all users have full thin client access to all authorized (by
role-based security) metadata including graphics and full element definitions and descriptions. With the
Composer license, users also have the ability to make edits to certain metadata directly through the web
interface. This allows for greater participation among a broader community fostering a more collaborative
• Enterprise Repository: A fully integrated design-time repository, hosted by popular relational databases. As
a highly scalable centralized metadata management facility, the enterprise Repository offers capabilities
like: Role-based security on models and sub-models, version control, impact analysis, configuration
version compare and comprehensive search capabilities. Repository notifications ensure all users have the
latest metadata available and take appropriate actions based on changes committed to the server.
• Enterprise Glossary: Define business terms and categories, complete with aliases to fully align data models
with the business language. Enforces management of naming conventions throughout all models. This
enforces consistent naming standards, business language alignment and supports data stewardship and
governance efforts.
ModeliNg techNiqueS
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Sybase logo and PowerDesigner are trademarks of Sybase, Inc. or its subsidiaries. ® indicates registration in the United
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