1 - 5G Basics - Specifications

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Specifications LTE to


Sep 2019

 Evolution of Mobile Communications

 3GPP Specifications

 IMT 2020

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Evolution of Mobile Communications
Over the last 40 years, the world has witnessed four generations of mobile communication
The first generation of mobile communication, emerging around 1980, was based on analog transmission with the main
technologies being AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone System) developed within North America, NMT (Nordic Mobile
Telephony) jointly developed by the, at that time, government-controlled public telephone-network operators of the
Nordic countries, and TACS (Total Access Communication System) used in, for example, the United Kingdom.
The second generation of mobile communication, emerging in the early 1990s, saw the introduction of digital
transmission on the radio link. Although the target service was still voice, the use of digital transmission allowed for
second generation mobile-communication systems to also provide limited data services. There were initially several
different second-generation technologies, including GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) jointly developed
by a large number of European countries, D-AMPS (Digital AMPS), PDC (Personal Digital Cellular) developed and solely
used in Japan, and, developed at a somewhat later stage, the CDMA-based IS-95 technology

The different generations

of mobile communication
Evolution of Mobile Communications
The third generation of mobile communication, often just referred to as 3G, was introduced in the early 2000. With 3G
the true step to high-quality mobile broadband was taken, enabling fast wireless internet access. This was especially
enabled by the 3G evolution known as HSPA (High Speed Packet Access)
3G also saw the first introduction of mobile communication in unpaired spectrum based on the china-developed TD-
SCDMA technology based on Time Division Duplex (TDD).
We are now, and have been for several years, in the fourth-generation (4G) era of mobile communication, represented
by the LTE technology LTE has followed in the steps of HSPA, providing higher efficiency and further enhanced mobile-
broadband experience in terms of higher achievable end-user data rates.
 This is provided by means of OFDM-based transmission enabling wider transmission bandwidths and more advanced multi-antenna
 the later evolution of LTE has also extended the operation of mobile-communication networks into unlicensed spectra.
By means of LTE the world has thus converged into a single global technology for mobile communication, used by
essentially all mobile-network operators and applicable to both paired and unpaired spectra

The different generations

of mobile communication
Evolution of Mobile Communications
in 1998, the different regional standardization organizations came together and jointly created the Third-Generation
Partnership Project (3GPP) with the task of finalizing the development of 3G technology based on WCDMA.

A parallel organization (3GPP2) was somewhat later created with the task of developing an alternative 3G technology,
cdma2000, as an evolution of second-generation IS-95.

For a number of years, the two organizations (3GPP and 3GPP2) with their respective 3G technologies (WCDMA and
cdma2000) existed in parallel. However, over time 3GPP came to completely dominate and has, despite its name,
continued into the development of 4G (LTE, and 5G) technologies.

Today, 3GPP is the only significant organization developing technical specifications for mobile communication.

Discussions on fifth-generation (5G) mobile communication began around 2012. In many discussions, the term 5G is
used to refer to specific new 5G radio-access technology. However, 5G is also often used in a much wider context, not
just referring to a specific radio-access technology but rather to a wide range of new services envisioned to be enabled
by future mobile communication
Standardization and Regulation
There are a number of organizations involved in creating technical specifications and standards as well as regulation in the
mobile-communications area. These can loosely be divided into three groups: Standards Developing Organizations,
regulatory bodies and administrations, and industry forums.
Standards Developing Organizations (SDOs) develop and agree on technical standards for mobile communications systems,
in order to make it possible for the industry to produce and deploy standardized products and provide interoperability
between those products. 3GPP (Third Generation Partnership Project) which is a global organization from seven regional
and national SDOs in Europe (ETSI), Japan (ARIB and TTC), the United States (ATIS), China (CCSA), Korea (TTA), and India
Regulatory bodies and administrations are government-led organizations that set regulatory and legal requirements for
selling, deploying, and operating mobile systems and other telecommunication products. On a global level, the spectrum
regulation is handled by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).
Industry forums are industry-led groups promoting and lobbying for specific technologies or other interests. In the mobile
industry, these are often led by operators, but there are also vendors creating industry forums. An example of such a group
is GSMA (GSM Association) which is promoting mobile communication technologies based on GSM, WCDMA, LTE, and NR.
Other examples of industry forums are Next Generation Mobile Networks (NGMN), which is an operator group defining
requirements on the evolution of mobile systems, and 5G Americas, which is a regional industry forum that has evolved
from its predecessor 4G Americas.
3GPP consists of three Technical Specifications Groups (TSGs)
where TSG RAN (Radio Access Network) is responsible for the
definition of functions, requirements, and interfaces of the
Radio Access.
TSG RAN consists of six working groups (WGs):
RAN WG1, dealing with the physical layer specifications.
RAN WG2, dealing with the layer 2 and layer 3 radio
interface specifications.
RAN WG3, dealing with the fixed RAN interfaces—for
example, interfaces between nodes in the RAN—but also the
interface between the RAN and the core network.
RAN WG4, dealing with the radio frequency (RF) and radio
resource management (RRM) performance requirements.
RAN WG 5, dealing with the device conformance testing.
RAN WG6, dealing with standardization of GSM/EDGE
(previously in a separate TSG called GERAN) and HSPA
3GPP Specifications
The first release for NR is in 3GPP Release 15.

The 3GPP Technical Specifications (TS) are organized in multiple series and are numbered TS XX.YYY, where XX denotes
the number of the specification series and YYY is the number of the specification within the series.

The following series of specifications define the radio access technologies in 3GPP:
25-series: Radio aspects for UTRA (WCDMA/HSPA);
45-series: Radio aspects for GSM/EDGE;
36-series: Radio aspects for LTE, LTE-Advanced and LTE-Advanced Pro;
37-series: Aspects relating to multiple radio access technologies;
38-series: Radio aspects for NR.
NR – The New 5G Radio Access Technology
Despite LTE being a very capable technology, there are requirements not possible to meet with LTE or its evolution.
Furthermore, technology development over the more than 10 years that have passed since the work on LTE was
initiated allows for more advanced technical solutions. To meet these requirements and to exploit the potential of new
technologies, 3GPP initiated the development of a new radio-access technology known as NR (New Radio).

A workshop setting the scope was held in the fall of 2015 and technical work began in the spring of 2016. The first
version of the NR specifications was available by the end of 2017 to meet commercial requirements on early 5G
deployments already in 2018.

NR reuses many of the structures and features of LTE. However, being a new radio-access technology means that NR,
unlike the LTE evolution, is not restricted by a need to retain backwards compatibility. The requirements on NR are
also broader than what was the case for LTE, motivating a partly different set of technical solutions.
5GCN – the New 5G Core Network
In parallel to NR, that is, the new 5G radio-access technology, 3GPP is also developing a new 5G core network referred
to as 5GCN. The new 5G radio access technology will connect to the 5GCN.

However, 5GCN will also be able to provide connectivity for the evolution of LTE.

At the same time, NR may also connect via the legacy core network EPC when operating in so-called non-standalone
mode together will LTE
ITU-R is the radio communications sector of the International Telecommunications Union. ITU-R is responsible for
ensuring efficient and economical use of the RF spectrum by all radio communication services.
While the technical specification of mobile-communication technologies, such as NR, LTE, and WCDMA/HSPA is done
within 3GPP, there is a responsibility for ITU-R in the process of turning the technologies into global standards, in
particular for countries that are not covered by the SDOs that are partners in 3GPP.
ITU-R defines the spectrum for different services in the RF spectrum, including The actual specifications are maintained
by the individual SDO and the RSPC provides references to the specifications transposed and maintained by each SDO.
The following RSPC recommendations are in existence or planned:
For IMT-2000: ITU-R Recommendation M.1457 containing six different RITs including the 3G technologies such as
For IMT-Advanced: ITU-R Recommendation M.2012 containing two different RITs where the most important is
For IMT-2020: A new ITU-R Recommendation, containing the RITs for 5G technologies, planned to be developed in
2019-20. The framework and objective for IMT-2020 is outlined in ITU-R Recommendation M.2083, often referred to
as the “Vision” recommendation.

RSPCs: Radio Interface Specifications

RITs: Radio Interface Technologies
5G Use Cases and Requirements
IMT-2020 capabilities consisting of 8 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
 The KPIs are derived from 3 main 5G use cases (EMBB, URLL, Massive MTC)

Mobile Cloud UHD Streaming

Peak Data Rate (20 Edge Throughput
Computing Gbps) (100 Mbps)
20 100
Peak 20 Gbps IMT-2020
Edge 100 Mbps Area Traffic 10
Capacity Spectrum
enhanced (Mbit/s/m2) Efficiency
10 3x
Mobile-Broadband 1 1x

5G 100x


Ultra-Reliable & massive Machine-Type Network Mobility

Low Latency Communications Energy Efficiency (km/h)
105 10

10 Error-rate
10 Connections/km
6 2
106 1
1 ms Latency 10 year Battery-life
Connection Density Latency
(devices/km2) (1 ms)

Smart Vehicle Industrial Smart Home/ U-Health/

Automation Smart City Wearables

[Reference] Rec. ITU-R M.2083, IMT-2020 Vision

5G Use Cases
In the context of 5G, one is often talking about three distinctive classes of use cases: enhanced mobile broadband
(eMBB), massive machine-type communication (mMTC), and ultra-reliable and low-latency communication (URLLC)
eMBB corresponds to a more or less straightforward evolution of the mobile broadband services of today, enabling
even larger data volumes and further enhanced user experience, for example, by supporting even higher end-user
data rates.
mMTC corresponds to services that are characterized by a massive number of devices, for example, remote sensors,
actuators, and monitoring of various equipment. Key requirements for such services include very low device cost and
very low device energy consumption, allowing for very long device battery life of up to at least several years. Typically,
each device consumes and generates only a relatively small amount of data, that is, support for high data rates is of
less importance.
URLLC type-of-services are envisioned to require very low latency and extremely high reliability. Examples hereof are
traffic safety, automatic control, and factory automation.

Note: It is important to understand that the classification of 5G use cases into these
three distinctive classes is somewhat artificial, primarily aiming to simplify the
definition of requirements for the technology specification.
There will be many use cases that do not fit exactly into one of these classes.
Just as an example, there may be services that require very high reliability but for
which the latency requirements are not that critical. Similarly, there may be use
cases requiring devices of very low cost but where the possibility for very long
device battery life may be less important.
5G Overview
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has classified 5G mobile network
services into three categories:
Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB),
Ultra-reliable and Low-latency Communications (uRLLC), and
Massive Machine Type Communications (mMTC).

illustrates the “importance” of each key capability

for realizing the three high level usage scenarios
envisioned by ITU-R.
5G Overview
Ultra fast (Gbps Broadband : 4K UHD, In-car infotainment, VR game ). The demand for mobile high-definition
multimedia will increase in many areas beyond entertainment, such as medical treatment, safety, and security. such as
Ultra-High Definition display, multi-view High Definition display, mobile 3D projections, immersive video conferencing,
and augmented reality and mixed reality display and interface.

Instantaneous (Low Latency : Lag free gaming, self driven car, Augmented Reality). The low latency and high reliability
communication becomes an enabler for the future development of new applications, e.g. in health, safety, office,
entertainment, and other sectors. Driverless cars, enhanced mobile cloud services, real-time traffic control
optimization, emergency and disaster response, smart grid, e-health or efficient industrial communications.

As the accuracy of positioning gets better, location-based service applications that provide improved emergency rescue
services, as well as precise ground based navigation service for unmanned vehicles or drones may expand extensively.
5G Overview
Massive Connections (106 connections per km2 ) : Monitoring weather, status of machines, public systems. In the future,
every object that can benefit from being connected will be connected through wired or wireless internet technologies.
These connected “things” can be smart phones, sensors, actuators, cameras, vehicles, etc., ranging from low-complexity
devices to highly complex and advanced devices.

As a result, the connected entities are bound to have varying levels of energy consumption, transmission power, latency
requirements, cost, and many other indices critical for stable connection.

Smart energy distribution grid system, agriculture, healthcare, vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-road infrastructure
communication are generally viewed as potential fields for further growth of the Internet of Things (IoT).
5G Overview
International Mobile
5G Technical Vision

For 5G the wireless research community has embarked on a journey to create the technologies of tomorrow that will deliver unprecedented improvements
in network throughput and capacity, enhancements in spectral efficiency, reduced end-to-end latency, and increased reliability and more. These
improvements are driven by key performance requirements defined by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
IMT2020 – Comparison of 5G over LTE Advanced
Spectral Efficiency Peak Throughput 20 Gbps
increases 3 times
to 90 bps/Hz; Cell Edge Throughput 100 Mbps
Peak Throughput Latency 1 ms
with 300 MHz is
90x300 = 27 Gbps

Aggregation of 8
Carriers of 100
MHz each

Enhancements of Key Performance Requirements From IMT-Advanced (4G or LTE Advanced) to

IMT-2020 (5G)
IMT Advanced
The key radio access requirements set by ITU-R for IMT-Advanced for different deployment scenarios are summarized in
Table. Note that the spectral efficiency requirements in downlink and uplink are defined on a per-cell basis, and no
explicit peak data rate requirements are defined.

Key radio access requirements of IMT-Advanced for

different deployment scenarios
IMT 2020
Overview of Minimum Technical Performance
Requirements for IMT-2020
IMT 2020
The evaluation is done with reference to five test environments that are based on the usage scenarios from the Vision
recommendation. Each test environment has a number of evaluation configurations that describe the detailed
parameters that are to be used in simulations and analysis for the evaluation. The five test environments are:
Indoor Hotspot-eMBB: An indoor isolated environment at offices and/or in shopping malls based on stationary and
pedestrian users with very high user density.
Dense Urban-eMBB: An urban environment with high user density and traffic loads focusing on pedestrian and
vehicular users.
Rural-eMBB: A rural environment with larger and continuous wide area coverage, supporting pedestrian, vehicular,
and high-speed vehicular users.
Urban Macro-mMTC: An urban macro-environment targeting continuous coverage focusing on a high number of
connected machine type devices.
Urban Macro-URLLC: An urban macro-environment targeting ultra-reliable and low-latency communications.
LTE Specifications
The target peak data rates for downlink and uplink in LTE Release 8 were set at 100 Mbps and 50 Mbps respectively
within a 20 MHz FDD bandwidth, corresponding to respective peak spectral efficiencies of 5 and 2.5 bps/Hz.

The underlying assumption here is that the terminal has two receive antennas and one transmit antenna. The number
of antennas used at the base station is more easily upgradeable by the network operator, and the first version of the LTE
specifications was therefore designed to support downlink MIMO operation with up to four transmit and receive
LTE Specifications
Cell Throughput and Spectral Efficiency

Performance at the cell level is an important criterion, as it relates directly to the number of cell sites that a network operator requires, and
hence to the capital cost of deploying the system. For LTE Release 8, it was chosen to assess the cell level performance with full-queue traffic
models (i.e. assuming that there is never a shortage of data to transmit if a user is given the opportunity) and a relatively high system load,
typically 10 users per cell.

The requirements at the cell level were defined in terms of the following metrics:
 Average cell throughput [bps/cell] and spectral efficiency [bps/Hz/cell];
 Average user throughput [bps/user] and spectral efficiency [bps/Hz/user];
 Cell-edge user throughput [bps/user] and spectral efficiency [bps/Hz/user] (the metric used for this assessment is the 5-percentile user
throughput, obtained from the cumulative distribution function of the user throughput).

For the UMTS Release 6 reference baseline, it was assumed that both the terminal and the base station use a single transmit antenna and
two receive antennas; for the terminal receiver the assumed performance corresponds to a two-branch Rake receiver with linear combining
of the signals from the two antennas.

For the LTE system, the use of two transmit and receive antennas was assumed at the base station. At the terminal, two receive antennas
were assumed, but still only a single transmit antenna. The receiver for both downlink and uplink is assumed to be a linear receiver with
optimum combining of the signals from the antenna branches.
LTE Advanced
3GPP’s key radio-access targets for LTE-Advanced are outlined in Table. In addition, 3GPP set requirements on backward
compatibility with earlier releases of LTE. This allows network operators to continue serving existing LTE customers
while their network equipment is progressively upgraded.

Key radio access targets for LTE-

Advanced as set by 3GPP
LTE Advanced
LTE-Advanced supports enhanced downlink MIMO transmission, by increasing the number of antennas at the eNodeB
and UE, and hence the maximum number of spatial transmission layers for Single-User MIMO (SUMIMO), from four in
LTE Release 8 to eight. This may increase the multiplexing gain by a factor of two depending on the level of
decorrelation between the antennas, and thus helps to achieve the spectral efficiency target of 30 bps/Hz. Similarly to
the downlink, the number of spatial layers supported in the uplink for SUMIMO is increased from one to four in Release
10 in order to meet the peak spectral efficiency target of 15 bps/Hz. In addition, transmit diversity is introduced for the
uplink control signalling

In order to further improve the spectral efficiency, especially at the cell edge, a later release of LTE-Advanced may
incorporate enhanced support for Coordinated MultiPoint (CoMP) schemes.
LTE System Performance Requirements LTE Rel 8
Table summarizes the main performance requirements to which the first release of LTE was designed. Many of the figures are given relative to the performance
of the most advanced available version of UMTS, which at the time of the definition of the LTE requirements was HSDPA/HSUPA Release 6 – referred to here as
the reference baseline
LTE System Performance Requirements LTE Rel 8
Evolution to LTE Advanced (Release 10)

3GPP Release 9 • Carrier Aggregation

for LTE Advanced
• Long Tem Evolution • 8 x 8 MIMO in DL for
(LTE) • Local Area Base Station for LTE Advanced
• Repeaters for LTE LTE • 4 x 4 MIMO in UL for
• Home eNode B • Enhanced Home eNode B LTEA Advanced
• Inter Cell • Positioning Support for LTE • Relays for LTE
Interference • MBMS Support Advanced
Coordination (ICIC) • SON - Mobility Load • Enhanced ICIC
• SON- Self Balancing • Minimization of Drive
Establishment of • SON - Mobility Robustness Test (MDT)
eNode B Optimization • Enhanced Home
• SON – Automatic • SON – RACH Optimization eNode B Mobility
Neighbor Relations • SON – Energy Saving • MBMS
3GPP Release 8 • SON enhancement

3GPP Release
Main capabilities of LTE associated with 3GPP releases 8, 9 and 10
LTE Advanced
Table 1 compares some of the key requirements for L TE-Advanced with those for L TE

LTE: Peak Throughput 20 MHz x 5 bps/Hz = 100 Mbps (FDD)

LTE Advanced : Peak Throughput 20 MHz x 2 CCA x 30 = 1.2 Gbps (FDD)

Table 1 - Comparison of requirements for L TE and L TE-Advanced

Enhancements in LTE Advanced over LTE
Key requirements for LTE and LTE-Advanced
1.2 Gbps
LTE = 20 MHz * 2 CCA *
Parameters Unit LTE
Advanced 30 bps/Hz (FDD)
UL Mbps 500 50 100 Mbps
Throughput Peak = 20 MHz * 5
DL Mbps 1000 100 bps/Hz (FDD)
Peak UL Bps/Hz 15 2.5
Spectrum DL Bps/Hz 30 5.0
Efficiency Average UL Bps/Hz/Cell 2 0.7
DL Bps/Hz/Cell 3.7 1.7
From Idle ms 50 100
From Plane
Latency connected ms 10 50
Mode DRX
ms <5 <5
Thank You
AF Application Function
AMF Access and Mobility Management Function
AUSF Authentication Server Function
CN Core Network
CP Cyclic Prefix
DN Data Network
DRX Discontinuous Reception
NEF Network Exposure Function
NR New Radio
NRF Network Repository Function
NG Next Generation
PCF Policy Control Function
RAN Radio Access Network
SA Standalone
SMF Session Management Function
TTI Transmission Time Interval
NSA Non-standalone
UDM Unified Data Management
UE User Equipment
UPF User Plane Function
5G NB g(generation)NB or NR (New Radio)

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BRS Beam measurement Reference Signal
BPSK Binary Phase Shift Keying
BRRS Beam Refinement Reference Signal
CCE Control Channel Element
CDD Cyclic Delay Diversity
CP Cyclic Prefix
CQI Channel Quality Indicator
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
CSI Channel State Information
PCRS Phase Noise Compensation Reference Signal
CSI Channel-State Information
DCI Downlink Control Information
DM-RS Demodulation Reference Signal
ePLMN Equivalent PLMN
5G Node 5G Node
5G RA 5G Radio Access
HARQ Hybrid Automatic Repeat Request
MBSFN Multicast/Broadcast over Single Frequency Network
MIMO Multiple Input Multiple Output
MCC Mobile Country Code
MNC Mobile Network Code
OFDM Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
PLMN Public Land Mobile Network

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RPLMN Registered PLMN
xPBCH 5G Physical Broadcast Channel
xPDSCH 5G Physical Downlink Shared Channel
xPDCCH 5G Physical Downlink Control Channel
xPRACH 5G Physical Random Access Channel
xPUCCH 5G Physical Uplink Control Channel
xPUSCH 5G Physical Uplink Shared Channel
QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
QPP Quadratic Permutation Polynomial
QPSK Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
RLC Radio Link Control
RRC Radio Resource Control
RSSI Received Signal Strength Indicator
RSRP Reference Signal Received Power
RSRQ Reference Signal Received Quality
SAP Service Access Point
TDD Time Division Duplex
TX Diversity Transmit Diversity
UE User Equipment
REG Resource-Element Group
SCG Secondary Cell Group
SRS Sounding Reference Signal
VRB Virtual Resource Block
BRS Beam measurement Reference Signal
BPSK Binary Phase Shift Keying

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