Configuring Cisco Switch and Router
Configuring Cisco Switch and Router
Cisco Devices
Cisco’s Routers
Cisco Devices
Hardware Components
Depending on the model/series (at least)
Mother Board/Back Plane
CPU (RISC - MIPS or Motorola)
I/O interfaces/Modules
Cisco Devices
Memory Components
Flash Memory – Holds the IOS; is not
erased when the router is reloaded; is an
EEPROM [Electrically Erasable
Programmable Read-Only Memory]
created by Intel, that can be erased and
reprogrammed repeatedly through an
application of higher than normal electric
NVRAM – Non-Volatile RAM - holds
router configuration; is not erased when
router is reloaded
RAM – Holds packet buffers, ARP cache,
routing table, software and data structure
that allows the router to function; running-
config is stored in RAM, as well as the
decompressed IOS in later router models
ROM – Starts and maintains the router
Cisco Devices
What is IOS?
Internetwork Operating System
Operating System of all Cisco Devices
A derivative of BSD UNIX
Custom built by Cisco for each platform
Pre-packaged and static. Complete IOS is upgraded.
Features available in different versions (for a price!)
GUI’s available, but 90%+ of users still prefer command-
line configuration.
IOS is designed to be hardware independent.
Cisco Devices
CLI Commands
Exhaustive Command List
Type help or ? to see list of commands
Type command ? to see the possible command
Commands can be auto-completed using TAB
Up-Arrow, Down-Arrow can be used to see
command history
Abbreviations of Commands can be used
Cisco Devices
Show Configuration
sh run : To see running configuration
sh conf : To see saved configuration
Cisco Devices
Save Configuration
wr mem
Cisco Devices
Configuration Mode
conf t
Cisco Devices
General Commands
ip default-gateway
ip name-server
ip routing
ip route
ip multicast-routing
Cisco Devices
Interface Commands
ip address < ip address > < netmask >
ip address < ip address > < netmask > secondary
duplex full/half/auto
speed 10/100/1000/auto
bandwidth < bandwidth in kbps >
description < interface description >
encapsultaion hdlc/ppp
Cisco Devices
Diagnostic Commands
Cisco Devices