Bonacorsi Consulting Master DMAIC Roadmap

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Program Name

Lean Six Sigma

<Project Title
(State From ... To)>
< Last Name, First Name >
Define Measure Analyze Improve Control
Wave No: <xx>
Review Date: <xx/xx/xxxx>

Define Phase Road Map
Define Measure Analyze Improve Control

Activities Tools
• Team election and scoping • Project Charter
• Review Project Charter • Voice of the Customer and Kano Analysis
• Validate High-Level Value Stream Map and Scope • SIPOC Map
• Validate Voice of the Customer • Project Valuation/ROIC Analysis Tools
and Voice of the Business • RACI and Quad Charts
• Validate Problem Statement • Stakeholder Analysis
and Goals • Communication Plan
• Validate Financial Benefits • Effective Meeting Tools
• Create Communication Plan • Inquiry and Advocacy Skills
• Select and Launch Team • SWOT Analysis
• Develop Project Schedule • Time Lines, Milestones,
• Complete Define Gate and Gantt Charting
• Pareto Analysis

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Measure Phase Road Map

Define Measure Analyze Improve Control

Activities Tools
• Identify Key Input, Process and Output Metrics • High/Low level process Maps
• Develop Operational Definitions • Value Stream Map
• Operational Definitions
• Develop Data Collection Plan
• Data Collection Plan
• Validate Measurement System • Statistical Sampling
• Collect Baseline Data • Measurement System Analysis (MSA), Gage R&R
• Constraint Identification
• Determine Process Performance/Capability
• Setup Reduction
• Validate Business Opportunity • Generic Pull
• Value Stream Map for deeper understanding & focus • Kaizen
• Quick Wins (Control Plans)
• Control Charts
• Measure Gate Review • Process Capability, Cp & Cpk

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Analyze Phase Road Map
Define Measure Analyze Improve Control

Activities Tools
• Identify Potential Root Causes • Process Constraint ID and Takt Time
• Reduce List of Potential Root Causes
• Cause & Effect Analysis
• Confirm Root Cause to Output Relationship
• Estimate Impact of Root Causes on Key Outputs
• Hypothesis Tests/Conf. Intervals
• Prioritize Root Causes
• Simple & Multiple Regression
• Complete Analyze Gate
• Components of Variation
• Conquering Product and Process
• Queuing Theory

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Improve Phase Road Map
Define Measure Analyze Improve Control

Activities Tools
• Develop Potential Solutions • Replenishment Pull/Kanban
• Evaluate, Select, and Optimize Best Solutions • Stocking Strategy
• Develop ‘To-Be’ Value Stream Map(s) • Process Flow Improvement
• Develop and Implement Pilot Solution • Process Balancing
• Confirm Attainment of Project Goals • Analytical Batch Sizing
• Develop Full Scale Implementation Plan • Total Productive Maintenance
• Complete Improve Gate • Design of Experiments (DOE)
• Solution Selection Matrix
• Piloting and Simulation

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Control Phase Road Map
Define Measure Analyze Improve Control

Activities Tools
• Implement Mistake Proofing • Mistake-Proofing/
Zero Defects
• Develop SOP’s, Training Plan & Process
Controls • Standard Operating Procedures
• ImplementSolution and Ongoing Process
Measurements • Process Control Plans
• Identify Project Replication Opportunities • Visual Process Control Tools
• Complete Control Gate • Statistical Process Controls (SPC)
• Transition Project to Process Owner • Solution Replication
• Project Transition Model
• Team Feedback Session

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Bonacorsi Consulting
This Training Manual and all materials, procedures and systems herein contained or depicted (the
"Manual"), are the sole and exclusive property of Bonacorsi Consulting, L.L.C.
The contents hereof contain proprietary trade secrets that are the private and confidential property
of Bonacorsi Consulting. Unauthorized use, disclosure, or reproduction of any kind of any material
contained in this Manual is expressly prohibited. The contents hereof are to be returned
immediately upon termination of any relationship or agreement giving user authorization to possess
or use such information or materials. Any unauthorized or illegal use shall subject the user to all
remedies, both legal and equitable, available to Bonacorsi Consulting. This Manual may be altered,
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statute, regulation, order or other law, such law will supersede the conflicting or inconsistent
provision(s) of this Manual in all properties subject to that law.

© 2006 by Bonacorsi Consulting, L.L.C. All Rights Reserved.

Steven Bonacorsi is a Senior Master Black
Belt instructor and coach. Steven Bonacorsi
has trained hundreds of Master Black Belts,
Black Belts, Green Belts, and Project
Sponsors and Executive Leaders in Lean Six
Sigma DMAIC and Design for Lean Six
Sigma process improvement methodologies.

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