Copywriting Is Selling in Print: "If He Isn't A Salesman, He Can't Write

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Some of the key takeaways are that copywriting is about selling with words by presenting information in a way that causes the reader to respond. Effective copy sells products or helps people understand the message. A copywriter must understand customer benefits and address their concerns.

The main components of a creative plan are the message elements that will be used in advertising copy. It specifies what will be said, shown, and how it will be communicated.

Some common copywriting formulas used to structure copy are AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action), PPPP (Picture, Promise, Prove, Push), and PAPA (Promise, Amplify, Prove, Action). These provide a framework to engage the reader and incite a desired action.

Copywriting is

Selling In Print

“If he isn’t a salesman, he can’t write

selling copy.
If he isn’t a writer, he can’t be a
salesman in print.”

The Creative Team
Copywriter Art
Art Director

Creative Team

Creative Concept
Copywriting and the
Creative Plan
Copywriting is A creative plan is
the process of the guideline that
expressing the specifies the
value and message
benefits a brand elements of
has to offer advertising copy

What is Copywriting?
"Copywriting is selling with words,
the art of presenting written material,
either advertisements or detailed
information, in such a way as to cause
the reader to respond to the writer´s

Copy is the textual element in the
copy writing.
In print advertisement it consist of
written words.
while in broadcast ads it consists
of the script or the story book.

Copy has the power to create
infinitely greater variety of
images, symbols and associations
than any other medium of

The purpose of the copy is to
persuade by communicating and
therefore copy is the key that
opens the minds of the consumers.
If it is effective it will make a
place for the product in the minds
of the consumer.

David Ogilvy writes in the
‘Confessions of an Advertising
man’, a good advertisement is one
which sells that product without
drawing attention to itself. It
should focus the reader’s attention
on the product.
Instead of saying “ what a clever
advertisement,” the reader says, “
I never knew that before, I must
try this product”.
Copy writing is not a matter of
only inspiration, although
inspiration is important.
Copy writing is more a matter of
knowledge, skill and disciplined
It is not necessarily glamorous,
although the copy writer must be
exited about his job.

Effective copy is one that sells
goods or make people accept
and understand the written

Translate Your Product Features Into
Customer Benefits
What features of your products and
services deliver benefits (to your
target market) that are perceived as
desirably different from similar offers
made by your competitors?
Focus on: Key Factors of Success
Message Strategy
Copy Platform
What are you going to say and
how are you going to say it?
Art Direction
What are you going to show and
how are you going to show it?
Production Values
What are you going to create and
how are you going to create it?
Package Your Prose
Address your Customer’s
Speak your Customer’s
Use your Customer’s
language style
1. What will you do for me if I read
your copy?
2. How are you going to do this?
3. Who is responsible for this
4. Who have you done this for?
5. What will it cost me?

1. Lead with your most important benefit.
2. Enlarge upon this benefit.
3. Tell specifically what the reader will
4. Give proofs and endorsements.
5. Tell what might be lost if no action is
6. Rephrase prominent benefits.
7. Incite action now.
Copy Formulas
Attention, Interest, Desire, Action
Picture, Promise, Prove, Push
Promise, Amplify, Prove, Action 17
Copy Pitfalls
1. Me, me, me… I, I, I
2. Features (not benefits) featured
3. Negative copy
4. Boring Copy
5. Vague copy
Inhibitors of Creativity
Ethnocentric Attitudes “My way
is the only right way.”
Self-Reference Criteria “Everyone’s
preferences are exactly the same as mine.”
Creativity by Committee “There is
safety in numbers. Two heads are better
than one. 10,000 creative directors can’t be

No headline,
headline, no
no subhead,
subhead, no no body
copy—does this
this ad
ad still
still work?


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