Fire and Life Safety A Summary of Chapter 4 National Building Code
Fire and Life Safety A Summary of Chapter 4 National Building Code
Fire and Life Safety A Summary of Chapter 4 National Building Code
•The objective of this Part is to specify measures
that will provide that degree of safety from fire
which can be reasonably achieved
Means of Egress- A continuous way of travel from any point in a building or
structure to a public way, consisting of three separate and distinct parts, that is, exit
access, exit and exit discharge.
An arrangement of firefighting within the building by
means of down-comer pipe connected to terrace tank
through terrace pump, gate valve and non-return valve and
having mains not less than 100 mm internal diameter with
landing valves on each floor/landing. It is also fitted with
inlet connections at ground level for charging with water by
pumping from fire service appliances and air release valve
at roof level to release trapped air inside.
Firefighting Shaft (Fire Tower)- An enclosed
shaft having protected area of 120 min fire
resistance rating comprising protected lobby,
staircase and fireman’s lift, connected directly
to exit discharge or through exit passageway
with 120 min fire resistant wall at the level of
exit discharge to exit discharge. The
firefighting shaft shall be equipped with 120
min fire doors. The firefighting shaft shall be
equipped with firemen talk back, wet riser
and landing valve in its lobby, to fight fire by
fire fighters.
Group H Storage b) Fire Zone No. 2- Business (Subdivisions E-2 to E-5) and industrial
buildings (Subdivisions G-1 and G-2), except high hazard industrial
Group J Hazardous buildings (Subdivision G-3)
c) Fire Zone No. 3- High hazard industrial buildings (Subdivision G-3),
storage buildings (Group H) and buildings for hazardous uses (Group J)
Types of Construction
Restrictions on the Type of Construction for New
a) Buildings erected in Fire Zone No. 1 shall conform to
construction of Type 1, 2, 3 or 4.
b) Buildings erected in Fire Zone No. 2 shall conform to
construction of Type 1, 2 or 3.
c) Buildings erected in Fire Zone No. 3 shall conform to
construction of Type 1 or 2.
Non-combustible materials should be used for
construction of buildings, and the internal walls of
staircase enclosures should be of brick work or
reinforced concrete or any other material of construction
with minimum of 120 min rating. The walls for the
chimney shall be of Type 1 or Type 2 Construction
depending on whether the flue gas temperature is above
200°C or less, respectively.
The false ceiling, shall be of non-combustible material
and shall provide adequate fire resistance to the ceiling
in order to prevent spread of fire across ceiling.
Fire Resistance- Fire resistance is a property of an element of building construction and is the
measure of its ability to satisfy for a stated period, some or all of the following criteria:
a) Load bearing capacity (Stability) (R)- The ability of a load bearing element to withstand fire
exposure without any loss of structural stability.
b) Integrity (E)- Resistance to penetration of flame and hot gases.
c) Insulation (I)- Resistance to temperature rise on the unexposed face up to a maximum of
180°C at any single point and average temperature of 140°C.
a) Dry riser of minimum 100 mm diameter pipe with hydrant outlets on the floors constructed
with a fire service inlet to boost the water in the dry riser and maintenance should be in
accordance with good practice.
b) Drums of 2 000 litre capacity filled with water with two fire buckets on each floor;
c) A water storage tank of minimum 20 000 litre capacity, which may be used for other
construction purposes also.
Openings in Fire Resistant Walls and Floors
Doorway or opening in a fire-resistant wall on any floor shall be
limited to 5.6 m2 in area with a maximum height/width of 2.75
m. Every wall opening shall be protected with fire-resisting
doors, having the fire rating of not less than 120 min.
a) Openings in walls or floors , necessary to be provided to allow passages of all building services like cables,
electrical wirings, telephone cables, plumbing pipes, etc, shall be protected by enclosure in the form of
ducts/shafts having a fire resistance not less than 120 min.
b) The inspection door for electrical shafts/ducts shall be not less than 120 min.
c) The space between the electrical cables/conduits and the walls/slabs shall be filled in by a fire stop material
having fire resistance rating of not less than 120 min.
d) For plumbing shafts in the core of the building, with shaft door opening inside the building, the shafts shall have
inspection doors having fire resistance rating not less than 30 min.
e) For plumbing shafts doors which open in wet areas or in naturally ventilated areas or on external wall of the
building, the shafts may not require doors having any specified fire rating.
Refuse chutes
a) Refuse chutes shall have opening at least 1 m above roof level for venting purpose.
b) The enclosure wall of non-combustible material with fire resistance of not less than 120 min.
c) They shall not be located within the staircase enclosure or service shafts, or air conditioning shafts.
d) Refuse chutes inspection panel and doors shall be tight fitting with 60 min fire resistance.
e) Sprinkler protection system shall be provided for the refuse chutes.
f) Refuse chutes shall be at least 6 m away from exits.
Vertical openings
Reasonable safety to the occupant while using the means of egress by preventing spread of fire,
smoke, or fumes through vertical openings from floor to floor to allow occupants to complete
their use of the means of egress. Further it shall be ensured to provide a clear height of 2 100
mm in the exit access.
Electrical Installation
a) Medium and low voltage wiring running in shafts, and within false ceiling shall run in metal conduit. Any
230 V wiring for lighting or other services, above false ceiling, shall have 660 V grade insulation.
b) The electric distribution cables/wiring shall be laid in a separate shaft. The shaft shall be sealed at every
floor with fire stop materials having the same fire resistance as that of the floor. High, medium and low
voltage wiring running in shaft and in false ceiling shall run in separate shaft/conduits.
c) Water mains, gas pipes, telephone lines, intercom lines or any other service line shall not be laid in the
duct for electrical cables; use of bus ducts/solid rising mains instead of cables is preferred.
d) All metallic items like steel structural members, etc, shall be bonded properly to the earthing system.
Emergency power supplying distribution system for critical requirement for functioning of fire
and life safety system and equipment shall be planned for efficient and reliable power and
control supply to the following systems and equipment where provided:
a) Fire pumps.
b) Pressurization and smoke venting; including its ancillary systems such as dampers and
c) Fireman’s lifts (including all lifts).
d) Exit signage lighting.
e) Emergency lighting.
f) Fire alarm system.
g) Public address (PA) system (relating to emergency voice evacuation and annunciation).
h) Magnetic door holds open devices.
j) Lighting in fire command centre and security room.
Areas in substation shall not be used as other utility purposes other than those required for the
functioning of the substation and should be adequately ventilated.
Meter rooms on upper floors shall not open into staircase enclosures and should be ventilated
directly to open air outside or in electrical room of 120 min fire resistant walls. Electrical MV
main distribution panel and lift panels shall be provided with CO2/inert gas flooding system for
all panel compartments with a cylinder located beside the panel.
Diesel generator set(s) shall not be installed at any floor other than ground/first basement. If the
same are installed indoors, proper ventilation and exhaust shall be planned. The DG set room
shall be separated by 120 min fire resistance rated walls and doors. The oil tank for the DG sets
(if not in the base of the DG) shall be provided with a dyked enclosure having a volumetric
capacity of at least 10 percent more than the volume of the oil tank. The enclosure shall be filled
with sand for a height of 300 mm.
For detailed information regarding fire safety requirements for hazardous petroleum products,
reference may be made to The Petroleum Act, 1934 and the Rules framed thereunder.
• The luminaires shall be mounted as low as possible, but at least 2 m above the floor level.
• The emergency lighting shall be provided to be put on within 5 s of the failure of the normal lighting supply.
• Emergency lighting shall be able to maintain the required illumination level for a period of not less than 90 min in
the event of failure of the normal lighting even for smaller premises.
• No Battery pack emergency lighting, because of its limited duration and reliability, shall not be allowed to be used
in lieu of a diesel engine driven emergency power supply.
Exit signage
• Exit signs shall be provided such
that no point in an exit access is
more than 30 m from a visible exit
directional sign.
• An exit sign indicating the
direction to an exit shall be
provided at all changes in
• The colour of the exit signs shall be
• A Fire Command Centre shall be of adequate size to house all the
terminals and supervisory/control equipment, etc of the
building’s fire protection/detection systems and
a free working space of at least 6 sq m.
• Shall be on the entrance floor for direct access.
• Shall have the main fire alarm panel with communication system
(suitable public address system) to aid floors and facilities for
receiving the message from different floors.
• Fire command centre shall be constructed with 120 min rating
walls with a fire door and shall be provided with emergency
lighting. Interior finishes shall not use any flammable materials.
All controls and monitoring of fire alarm systems, pressurization
systems, smoke management systems shall happen from this
• Details of all floor plans along with the details of firefighting
equipment and installations shall be maintained in fire command
Arrangement of exits
For example , if an exit doorway measures 2000 mm in clear width , it would be defined as providing exit capacity for 2000/15
occupants , that is 133 persons ( for an institutional building) . This is how we can calculate exit doorways depending upon the
occupant load .
Further, consider the situation of doors opening to an exit stairway. If the stairway provides an exit capacity of 133 persons,
and the doors leading into the stairway provide an exit capacity of 133 persons, the overall exit system would be considered to
provide the minimum exit capacity of only 133 persons afforded by the stairway. The exit planning will be limited by the most
restrictive exit calculation under the means of egress.
Source -
• Mechanical extractors for smoke venting system from lower basement levels shall also be provided.
The actuation of the system shall be incorporated with the detection and sprinkler systems. The
performance of the system shall be superior than standard units.
• Mechanical extractors shall have an interlocking arrangement, so that extractors shall continue to
operate, and supply fans shall stop automatically with the actuation of fire detection system.
• Mechanical extractors shall be designed to permit 30 air changes per hour in case of a fire emergency.
• Mechanical extractors shall have an alternate source of electricity supply.
•Lift/Elevators shall not normally communicate with basements; if, however, Lifts are in
communication, the lift lobby of the basement shall be pressurised. A positive pressure between 25 & 30
Pascal (Pa) shall be maintained in the lobby &ramp; a positive pressure of 50 Pa shall be maintained in
the Lift shaft.
•The mechanism for pressurisation shall act automatically with the Fire Alarm. Provision shall be made
to operate the system manually as well. The Lift car door shall have a Fire resistance rating equal to the
Fire resistance of lift enclosure.
• A fire pump is a part of a fire sprinkler system's water supply and powered by
electricity or diesel. The pump intake is either connected to the public
underground water supply piping, or a static water source.
• As per NBC it needs to have a minimum pressure of 3.5 kg/cm2 at remotest
location in the system
• Refer Table 7 for Requirements
• Sprinkler system is a must for basement parking & other risk areas where large quantities of
combustible materials are stored.
• Each sprinkler should have coverage radius of 8’.
• Normally a separate sprinkler should be provided for a separate car.
• Sprinklers may connect to main water tank & pump, but capacity of the tank & pump shall be
increased in that proportionate.
• The capacity of water tank shall be calculated on the basis of sprinklers
Automatic sprinkler systems
• Automatic sprinklers shall be installed wherever required in terms of Table 7 throughout the building
in accordance with good practice
• Automatic sprinklers shall be installed in false ceiling voids exceeding 800 mm in height
• In areas having height 17 m or above such as in atria, sprinkler installations may be rendered
ineffective and hence may be avoided.
Fire Prevention
• No combustible material of any kind shall be stored or used in any building or
section thereof used for institutional occupancy, except as necessary to normal
occupancy and use of the building.
Breeching Inlet
• Accessway
Accessway shall be metalled or paved or laid with strengthened perforated slabs to
withstand the loading capacity of stationary 30 tonnes fire engine.
• Width of accessway
The accesssway shall have a minimum width of 6m throughout. Such accessway
must be able to accommodate the entry and manoeuvring of fire engine, extended
ladders pumping appliances, turntable and / or hydraulic platforms.
• Location
Accessway shall be positioned so that the nearer edge shall be not less than 2m or
more than 10m from the centre position of the access opening, measured
• Gradient Of Acessway
Accessway shall be laid on a level platform or if on an incline,
the gradient shall not exceed 1:15.
• Turning facilities Dead-end accessway and fire
engine access road shall not exceed 46 m in
length or if exceeding 46 m, be provided with
turning facilities as shown in Diagram 4.1
• The outer radius for turning of accessway and
fire engine access road shall comply with the
requirements as shown in Diagram 4.2
• Overhead Clearance
Overhead clearance of accessway
and fire engine access road shall
be at least 4.5 m for passage of
fire fighting appliances.
• Public Road
Public roads can serve as accessway
provided the location of such public roads
is in compliance with the requirements of
distance from access openings.
• Obstruction
Accessway and fire engine access road
shall be kept clear of obstructions and
other parts of the building, plants, trees or
other fixtures shall not obstruct the path The podium edge is obstructing the reach of the boom of
between the accessway and access fire engine to 4th storey.
Other obstructions could be roadside trees, entrance porch
openings. etc. To allow full extension of aerial ladders at a safe
climbing or elevation angle Ø of 60 to 80 degrees, sufficient
space is needed to position the fire engine.
Public road may be used as hardstancing by fire engine,
provided the edge of the public road to the facade of the
building where access openings are located should not
exceed 10m.
Tower block is relocated nearer to the edge of the
podium base to avoid obstruction to the boom of
fire engine. The fire engine shall be located at least
2m, but not more than 10m away from the external
wall or façade (including any overhead obstruction)
of the building. If the fire engine is located within
2m from the building, the aerial ladder when set-up
would fall outside the safe working limit ie. the
inclination of the ladder would be too steep. If the
fire engine is located more than 10m from the
building, the effective reach of the aerial ladder
would be reduced
• Marking of fire engine accessway
1. All corners of accessway shall be marked.
2. Marking of corners shall be in contrasting
colour to the ground surfaces or finishes.
3. Accessway provided on turfed area must be
marked with contrasting object (preferably
reflective) that is visible at night. The
markings are to be at an interval not more
than 3 metres apart and shall be provided on
both sides of the accessway.
4. Sign post displaying the wordings ‘Fire Engine
Access – Keep Clear’ shall be provided at the
entrance of the accessway. Size of wordings
shall not be less than 50mm.
Assisted Evacuation- Strategy that exists during which a designated person or persons provide assistance, during an
emergency, to another person(s) to leave a building or a specific part of the built environment and to reach a final place of
Authorities Concerned- An organization, office, or individual responsible for enforcing the requirements of a code or
standard, or for approving or accepting equipment, materials, an installation, or a procedure.
Automatic Fire Detection and Alarm System- A system comprising components and sub-systems required for automatically
detecting smoke, heat or fire initiating an alarm and other actions as appropriate. This system also includes manually
operated electronic fire alarm (MOEFA) system.MOEFA system (with or without automatic fire detection and alarm system)
includes all or some of the components such as manual call stations (initiating an alarm for fire and other actions as
required), talk-back system and public address system.
Combustible Material- A material which either burns itself or adds heat to a fire, when tested for non-combustibility in
accordance with accepted standard [4(1)].
Common Path of Travel- That portion of the exit access which the occupants are required to traverse before two (or more)
separate and distinct routes or two (or more) exits become available. Common paths of travel are part of travel distance.
Covered Area-Ground area covered by the building immediately above the plinth level. The area covered by the following in
the open spaces is excluded from covered area-
a) Garden, rockery, well and well structures, plant nursery, water pool, swimming pool (if uncovered), platform round a
tree, tank, fountain, bench, Chabutara with open top and unenclosed on sides by walls and the like;
b) b) Drainage culvert, conduit, catch-pit, gully pit, chamber, gutter and the like;
c) Compound wall, gate, unstoreyed porch and portico, slide, swing, uncovered staircases, ramp areas covered by Chhajja
and the like; and
d) Watchman’s booth, pump house, garbage shaft, electric cabin or substations, and such other utility structures meant for
the services of the building under consideration.
Down-comer- An arrangement of firefighting within the building by means of down-comer pipe connected to terrace tank
through terrace pump, gate valve and non-return valve and having mains not less than 100 mm internal diameter with
landing valves on each floor/landing. It is also fitted with inlet connections at ground level for charging with water by
pumping from fire service appliances and air release valve at roof level to release trapped air inside.
Dry Riser- An arrangement of firefighting within the building by means of vertical rising mains not less than 100 mm internal
diameter with landing valves on each floor/landing which is normally dry but is capable of being charged with water usually
by pumping from fire service appliances.
Emergency Lighting- Lighting provided for use when the supply to the normal lighting fails.
Emergency Lighting System- A complete but discrete emergency lighting installation also fed from the standby power
source to the emergency lighting lamp(s), for example, self-contained emergency luminaire or a circuit from central battery
(with or without monitoring system) connected through wiring to several escape lighting luminaries.
Escape Lighting- That part of the emergency lighting which is provided to ensure that the escape route is illuminated at all
material times, for example, at all times when persons are on the premises, or at times the main lighting is not available,
either for the whole building or for the means of egress.
Evacuation Lift- Lift that can be used, during an emergency, for self-evacuation.
Exit- That unobstructed component of means of egress which is between the exit access and the exit discharge or public
way. Exit components include exterior exit doors at the level of exit discharge, interior exit stairways, exit passageways,
exterior exit stairways and exterior exit ramps.
Exit Access- That portion of a means of egress that leads to an exit (for example, doorways, staircase lobby, ramps, Veranda,
corridor or passageway leading to an exit.
Exit Access Corridor- A corridor in exit access which may not necessarily have the requirement of exits being met.
Exit Discharge- The component of a means of egress between the termination of an exit and a public way.
Fire Barrier (or Fire Resisting Barrier)- A fire barrier is a vertically or horizontally aligned member such as a wall or a fire
curtain, or a floor. These may be with discontinuities created by openings with a specified fire resistance rating, where such
members are designed and constructed with a specified fire resistance rating to limit the spread of fire that also restricts the
movement of smoke.
Fire Compartment- A space within a building that is enclosed by fire barrier or fire-resistant walls on all sides, including the
top and bottom.
Fire Door and Fire Door Assembly- Any combination of fire door, frame, hardware and other accessories that together
provide a specific fire-resistant rating to the opening in terms of its stability, integrity and insulation properties, when
installed in the openings in fire separation walls. Fire door is a component of fire door assembly.
Fire Load- Calorific energy, of the whole contents contained in a space, including the facings of the walls, partitions, floors
and ceilings.
Fireman’s Lift- A lift or a group of lifts invariably associated with all the features and requirements of a fire-fighting shaft.
Such lift(s) are installed to enable fire services personnel to reach different floors with minimum delay, and shall meet the
additional features as required in accordance with this Part. This lift also serves the purpose of meeting the requirement of
evacuation lift for assisted evacuation.
Fire Resistance Rating- The time that a material or construction will withstand the standard fire exposure as determined by
fire test done in accordance with the standard methods of fire tests of materials/ structures as per the accepted standard
Fire Resistant Wall- Fire resistance rated wall, having opening(s) with specified fire-resistant rating, which restricts the
spread of fire from one part of a building to another part of the same building.
Fire Separation- The distance in metre, from the external wall of the building concerned to the external wall of any other
building on the site, or from other site, or from the opposite side of street or other public space for the purpose of
preventing the spread of fire.
Fire Stop- A fire resistant material, or construction, having a fire resistance rating of not less than the fire separating
elements, installed in concealed spaces or between structural elements of a building to prevent the spread/propagation of
fire and smoke through walls, ceilings and the like as per the laid down criteria.
a) Gas based systems- Systems that use gaseous agents as fire suppression media, such as, all agents alternate to Halon
gases, listed and approved for use by relevant Indian Standards; other methods/types of gas based systems where their
protection is equal to or better than what is suggested above for the type of application subject to the acceptance of
Authorities concerned may also fall under such systems.
b) Water based systems- Systems that use mainly water as firefighting media such as hydrant system, sprinkler system,
water spray system, foam system and water mist system.
Fire Wall or Fire Separating Wall- A fire resistance rated wall having fire protected openings, which restricts the spread of
fire and extends continuously from the foundation to the roof (and through the roof at least 1m above the roof in case of
combustible roof), with sufficient structural stability under fire conditions to allow collapse of construction on one side or
either side without collapse of the wall.
Fire Exit Hardware- A door-latching assembly incorporating an actuating member or panic bar that releases the latch bolt
upon the application of a force in the direction of egress travel, provided on exits.
Lift Lobby- A space from which people directly enter a lift car(s) and into which people directly enter upon exiting a lift
Means of Egress- A continuous way of travel from any point in a building or structure to a public way, consisting of three
separate and distinct parts, that is, exit access, exit and exit discharge.
Means of Escape- A way out of a building or structure that does not conform to the strict definition of means of egress. but
does provide an alternate way out.
Multiple Occupancy- A building or structure in which two or more classes of occupancy exist.
Occupancy or Use Group- The principal occupancy for which a building or a part of a building is used or intended to be
used; for the purpose of classification of a building according to the occupancy, an occupancy shall be deemed to include
subsidiary occupancies which are contingent upon it.
Place of Comparative Safety- Places within a building where people can stay little longer until evacuation, for example,
refuge areas, terrace, fire/ smoke separated compartments, etc.
Public Way- A street, alley, or other similar parcel of land essentially open to the outside air, dedicated, or otherwise
permanently appropriated to the public for public use and having a clear width and height of not less than 3 m.
Horizontal Exit- A defend in place or a staging arrangement, providing safety from fire and smoke originating from the area
of incidence, by allowing alternative egress from a compartment to an area of refuge or another compartment at or near
the same level. This also includes such egress from a compartment to an adjoining building. A horizontal exit shall be
through a fire door of 120 min rating in a fire-resistant wall. Horizontal exit require separation with the refuge area or
adjoining compartment through 120 min fire barrier. The adjoining compartment of the horizontal exit should allow
unlocked and ease of egress and exits for the occupants using defend in place strategy.
Ramp- The construction, in the form of an inclined plane that is steeper than or equal to 1: 20 (5 percent) from the
horizontal, together with any intermediate landing, that makes it possible to pass from one level to another.
Roof Exits- A means of escape on to the roof of a building, where the roof has access to it from the ground through
alternative stair case or adjacent building.
Smoke Barrier- A continuous membrane, or a membrane, where such membrane is designed and constructed to restrict the
movement of smoke.
Smoke Compartment- A space within a building enclosed by smoke barriers on all sides.
Stack Pressure- Pressure difference caused by a temperature difference creating an air movement within a duct, chimney or
Ventilation- Supply of outside air into, or the removal of inside air from an enclosed space.
Venting Fire- The process of facilitating heat and smoke to leave a building as quickly as possible by such paths so that
lateral spread of fire and heat is checked, firefighting operations are facilitated and minimum fire damage is caused.
Visual Strobes/Flashing- It is an audio-visual fire alarm for alerting persons with hearing impairment with flashing light. The
strobe frequency should be from 0.5 Hz to 4.0 Hz.
Water Based Systems-
(a) Hydrant System- A distribution system having a network of piping installed underground/above- ground around and/or
through inside of a building with internal and/or external hydrants fitted with landing valves at regular intervals according to
the occupancy. The distribution system is connected to water supply system for firefighting.
(b) Automatic Sprinkler System- A system of water pipes fitted with sprinkler heads at suitable intervals and heights and
designed to actuate automatically, control and extinguish a fire by the discharge of water.
(c) Automatic Water Spray Systems- A special fixed pipe system connected to a reliable source of fire protection water
supply and equipped with water spray nozzles for specific water discharge and distribution over the surface or area to be
protected. The piping system is connected to the water supply through an automatically actuated deluge valve which
initiates flow of water. Automatic actuation is achieved by operation of automatic detecting equipment installed along with
water spray nozzles. There are two types of systems namely high velocity and medium velocity systems.
(d) Water Mist Systems- A distribution system connected to a pumping and water supply system that is equipped with
nozzles capable of delivering water mist to the part/entire enclosure or area, intended to control, suppress, or extinguish
fire and is capable of meeting the specified performance requirements.
(e)Foam Protection System- Firefighting systems where foam is made by mechanically mixing air with a solution consisting
of fresh water to which a foaming agent (liquid concentrate) has been added. Firefighting foam is a stable aggregation of
small bubbles of density lower than oil or water, and shows tenacious qualities for covering horizontal surfaces. There are
three types of foam applications that is, low, medium and high expansion foams depending upon the application.
Wet Riser- An arrangement for firefighting within the building by means of vertical rising mains not less than 100 mm
nominal diameter with landing valves on each floor/landing for firefighting purposes and permanently charged with water
from a pressurized supply.