INFOSYS Quality Systems: Prepared by

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INFOSYS Quality Systems

Prepared by
Karan Bhalla 101
Fenil Gandhi 105
Mehul Gupta 107
Priyam Gupta 108
Deepak Ramkrishna 114
Roshan James 115
• India’s largest software exporter and consultancy firm Infosys
• Infosys Technologies Ltd. founded in 1981
• global leader in the "next generation" of IT and consulting with revenues of over US$ 4 billion.
• defines, designs and delivers technology-enabled business solutions
• complete range of services by leveraging our domain and business expertise and strategic
alliances with leading technology providers
• Global Delivery Model (GDM)- rise of offshore outsourcing
• global footprint with over 50 offices , 105,453 employees
• Values
– Customer Delight
– Fairness
– Pursuit of Excellence
• “Powered by Intellect, Driven by Values” .
• Follows a proper quantitative quality management, as expected at Level 5 of CMM
• quality through the highest standard
• CMMI Level 5 Certification, ISO, EN9100, Six Sigma and Baldridge standards
Software quality measures

• (quality of design)- conformance to explicitly

stated functional and performance
requirements, explicitly documented
development standards and implicit
• (quality of conformance)- how valid the design
and requirements are
Generalized Software Quality Approach

two approaches

• the procedural approach -procedures and

guidelines for the review and testing activities
are established
• the quantitative approach-
– setting a quantitative quality goal
– then managing the software development process
• Benchmarked against world-class standards
and models such as ISO 9001-TickIT, SEI-
CMM / CMMI, ISO 20000, ISO 27000, AS 9100,
TL 9000 and ISO 14001
Strategic improvement initiatives
• Baldrige-based assessment of units for business
• Organization-wide reuse and tools initiatives for
productivity improvement
• Patent application filed for PROSO, our project
scheduling model
• Program management framework to enable execution of
large deals
• Proactive risk assessment model and approach
• Internal quality certification
Quality At Infosys

Continuous Quality Improvement Policy

• applied to Infosys‘ core engagement delivery
processes, support processes
• policy-based approach that embeds automated
policy monitoring "sensors" across the SDLC
• following clearly defined expectations for building
quality and security into code
• QA freed from the constant interruption of having
to review, reproduce, and remediate defects
Quality At Infosys cont..
Quantitative Quality Management
• Various Software reliability models and the concept of
Defect Removal Efficiency is used
• defect prediction
• defect patterns observed in past projects are used
[Process Database (PDB) ]
• SPC technique for micro controls
• for effort recording, an in-house tool is used and for
defect logging and tracking a commercial tool is used
Quality At Infosys cont..

Statistical Process Control

• micro-level SPC employed to the coding phase
• two main quality control activities of this phase
are code reviews and unit testing
• control limits for key parameters like defect
density found in reviews, preparation rate, review
• specification limits are set based on the
improvement goals of the organization
Accrued Benefits of Continuous Software
Quality Improvement
• Employee Related initiatives aimed at
bettering their quality of life
• Static analysis
• Code review during development
• Automated regression testing
'Four R’s of Infosys' for Software Quality Assurance

• Risk
• Return on Investment
• Regulations
• Rich customer experience
CMMI Credentials
Capability Maturity Model (CMM) service mark owned by Carnegie Mellon
University (CMU) and refers to a development model elicited from actual data

Infosys has been assessed at the highest Level, Level 5 of the CMM
Processes at Infosys
Processes are defined by clear ownership using the ‘Entry, Task, Verification, Exit’
(ETVX) paradigm along with clearly defined roles and responsibilities. 
Process Infrastructure

• Quality System Documentation (QSD)
• Body of Knowledge (BOK)
• Process Assets
• Process Capability Baseline (PCB)
• Tools Repository
Tools for Quality

• Integrated Project Management

• Process Database
• InFlux
Key Elements of Infosys Project Processes

• Traceability
• Defect Detection, Prevention, Tracking
• Measures & Metrics
• Estimation
• Quality Assurance & Quality Control
• Risk Mitigation
Product Quality Management System at Infosys

• integrates the key ingredients of the QA processes into

one system
• designed on a workflow-based model
• PQMS achieves process efficiency and better predictability
through continuous closed loop corrective actions
• PQMS workflow engine - four essential components
– test management
– product management
– customer management
– reports management
Test Management Sub-System (TM)
•provides a complete test management support
•support four essential functional activities

• Test Role Definitions

This module allows the definition of roles and responsibilities mapping the QA organization structure

• Test Procedure Definitions

This module allows the creation and maintenance of test procedures

• Test Planning & Tracking

– Test Planning
– Effort Estimation
– Test Scheduling
– Tracking and Monitoring
• Results Management
This module captures the results of the tests executed
– Total test cases executed
– Total Pass/Failed/Blocked test cases
– % Coverage overall
– % Coverage product/platform/module wise breakup
– % Failure for the release
Product Management Sub-System (PM)
• provide a comprehensive product inventory and
configuration management support
• effective and efficient management of the lab
inventory, network models and pertinent device
configuration management

• Customer Management Sub-System (CM)

• map testing requirements to customer-defined
Reports Management Sub-System (RM)

Provides the interface to various stakeholders on the quality of the product

Reports Management Sub-System -3-tier reporting model
Quality Management – People Perspective

• The people element is the core foundation of

Quality Management
• Organizational Culture for Quality is practiced
from induction into the organization to

• Employee Related initiatives aimed at

bettering their quality of life
Performance, Quality Awards & Recognitions

• Infosys Among Top 20 Global Companies to Win the Most Admired

Knowledge Enterprises (MAKE) Award 2010
• Infosys is ranked among the top ten value-creating technology and
telecommunications companies by The Boston Consulting Group
• Infosys listed on Forbes' Asian Fabulous 50 for the fourth consecutive
• Infosys ranked among the greenest brands in India
• Infosys BPO recognized at the Six Sigma Global Summit
• Infosys Australia achieves enhanced CMMI Level 5 quality standard
• Infosys BPO wins the Global Six Sigma award

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