Utilitarianism Script

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What is utilitarianism?

What is good in it?

Have you partly practiced it
in your life?
Was the result
advantageous to you or not
Utilitarianisms means if our actions
benefits more individuals that leads to
happiness and it cause less harm to other
individuals it is considered right, but on the
other hand if our actions causes more
harm to more individuals than happiness
then it is considered wrong in the context
of Utilitarianisms.
Utilitarianisms is associated
with British Philosophers,
economists, as well as political
thinkers. Jeremy Bentham and
John Stuart Mill way back in
the 18 and 19 Century.
th th
Utilitarianism is a ‘theory.
By definition, of morality’
that proposes the right and
wrongs of our actions
it permits an effect on
pain and pleasure
For example
In the school, you tend to show
utilitarianisms when you take actions to
ensure that in your classroom, or in the
four corners of the room is a positive
atmosphere or environment between you
and your classmates. This shows and
promoted happiness for the majority of the
Most of the time, Utilitarianisms is
sometimes what we call the common good,
which implies the good deed or the things
that benefits the majority of the community
as a whole
This is adapted by a lot of our family,
friends, colleagues as well as strangers in
our lives.
They do not create or do things
that are bad and morally wrong,
while almost all the time, we are
able to produce the good
actions towards ourselves and
other people.
The principle of
utilitarianism is almost
evident in everything we
In our childhood, we are
told to avoid the bad
actions or doings, and
thus cultivate the good
within ourselves.
In our childhood, we are slowly
builds up right up as we are
getting older, and the one’s
view in society tends to get a
little complicated, avoid the
bad, and cultivate the good.
Its maxim, ‘the greatest good
for the greatest number of
people’ is wholly observed
when dealing with a wider
scope of audience in adapting
We are instructed by different
factors in our life such as the
traditions, culture, religion,
behavior of the people to follow the
utilitarianism way as it can be, at
best, the maximum way we can
improve our lifestyle
Utilitarianism is good, in
one way or another that
encourages us to be
selfless and put others’
situations before it.
As stated by the quote, ‘Put
yourself in my shoes’, we are able
to understand the person’s
reasoning and feelings and try to
advise or support them in making
the greatest good they can ever
In school, what is good for
the majority of the students
is placed on a higher
pedestal which motivates
them to do good deeds.
Likewise, in school we are always
advertised about the wrong
behavior done to others that result
in punishment, whilst making good
things towards them earns us of
being good people in the
In work, we place the
utilitarianism for the benefit
of our workmates, the
employers and authorities
and the whole
I have been practicing it
in my life, since I have
grown up being taught to
always do good for other
people, my family, friends
and even strangers
So far the results were
advantageous to me and I
do not regret that it was
imparted for me at a
young age.
It helped me build a
caring character for me
family and friends, and
strengthened my views in
life to be a good person.
However, I have noticed
some of its flaws as
theories sometimes are
not perfect in practice.
Utilitarianism in other
times forget to think about
minority and their stakes
as well.
Since the majority is the
important, we tend to not
listen on the small groups
that are yet to be
This enables the good to be
centered to what is
commonly agreed, and
shifts the status quo to the
people who benefits in the
good choices.
Utilitarianism may be an
imperfect theory but it still holds
a lot of significance for the
people; its flaws may need to be
examined and debated as it
impacts collective groups at
All in all, the pros and cons
of utilitarianism may be
weighed out on the person
to fully comprehend its
grasp in a specific setting.

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