Karadi Tales

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Karadi Tales

Group 11

104 - Ashwini Chavan

108 - Karan Gosalia
118 - Vipul Ladda
136 - Chaitya Parekh
138 - Khyati Patel
139 - Trushik Patel
● Leading children’s entertainment and knowledge products selling company in India
● Company plans to open a chain of retail stores specializing in creative toys and
innovative learning materials for children
● Target audience : Upper middle class and upper class Indians
● Company planning to recruit 300 people for expansion in 10 Indian cities
● Issues Faced - High attrition rate
-Demanding nature of the job in the industry
-No adequate returns on investment made on employee training
● Solution planned : Set up sales teams rather than taking individual salesperson
Assumptions for the case:

Sales Person 22-50 Years

Social Media Manager 20-30 Years

Trainers 25-40 Years


Sales Person 5L-8L (Plus incentives)

Social Media Manager 3L-5L

Trainers 4L-7L

*50K bonus for completing 1 year (to counter attrition)

Q.1. How can Karadi Tales attract best minds for jobs in the new chain stores? On what groups the company’s recruitment efforts should
focus? How should recruiting be done?

● Social media campaigns (Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, Twitter)

● Advertisements in Local newspapers
● Arranging the small games/workshops in nearby public places
● People with past experience & knowledge about children and toys
● First: Online and In-person (stores) applications(Forms/CV/Resume)
● Second: Interviews with store managers / HR
● Third: Psychometric tests
● Finally they need to follow store matching and offer employment letter
● Employee referrals can also help in get few people
Q.2. How should Karadi Tales go for selecting the best candidates?
What measures and characteristics should be used and why?

● Recruitment drive method to get a pool of high qualified candidates

● Evaluate the interest of the candidates and their knowledge of toys and software
● Candidates could be presented with scenarios in interviews to know whether their
way of communication is engaging and interesting
● Measures: psychology testing, ability and aptitude testing, background check,
checking experience, minimum education, check application to see if a candidate is
meeting with minimum requirement
● Characteristics: focus on people who are socially active, who have quality of being
patient, who are knowledgeable and who are enthusiastic
Q.3. How should Karadi tales address the retention problem in the industry so that it does not affect the

Karadi Tales can address the retention problem in industry by adopting number of
strategies which includes:-

● Should offer extensive training to make candidates fully trained

● Needs to create right and friendly culture in their stores
● Provide handsome perks and benefits to employees’
● Mentorship programs for employees where employees can be given guidance
and motivation
● Company should also promote teamwork culture in their stores
● Giving opportunities to interns to gain some experience
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