Human Person Flourishing in Terms of Science and Technology

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The human person flourishing

in terms of science and

“The science of today is the
technology of tomorrow”

- edward teller
 Technology has always been defined as a
means to an end and being a human
 It has long filled the world. Everyday routines are marked
with technological advances that reflect what a society is
good or known for. Technology has well advanced since the
middle of the 20th century especially after the end of world
war II.

 Aristotle, was born 304 B.C. an ancient Greek philosophy

scientist and one of the most significant thinkers and who
contributed so much to science, technology, political theory,
and aesthetics world; followed that knowledge of the world
begins by looking and examining that which exists.

It has been said that there are

many views or ways as to how
technology is understood. These
philosophies contributed on how
technology is understood and
utilized by the society. Some of it
will be discussed briefly below.
this views technology as basically a means
to an end.
To Aristotle, technology is the organizing of
techniques in order to meet the demand that
is being posed by humans. This may seem
that technology is primarily concerned with
the product. Technology will be judged as
either good or bad based on the value given
to the product based on its use and effect to
the society.
Technological pessimism
This view is extremely supported by French
philosopher Jacques Ellul (1912-1994)
Technological pessimism holds that
technology is progressive and beneficial in
many ways, it is also doubtful in many ways.
 In this view technology has a become a way
of life. Technique has become a framework
which human cannot escape. It has introduce
ways on how to make things easy.
Ellul’s pessimistic arguments are:
1. Technological progress has a price.
2. Technological progress create more problems.
3. Technological progress creates damaging
4. Technological progress creates unpredictable
devastating effects.
Although Ellul has strongly spoken of his
arguments, they are still found to be weak and
not true at all times.
Technological optimism
 This view is strongly supported by
technologist an engineers and also by
ordinary people who believe that technology
can alleviate all the difficulties and provide
solutions for problems that may come.
It holds that even though technological
problems may arise, technology will still be
the solutions to it.
The extreme version of this philosophy is
The main concern of this view is the
existence of or the mode of being of
someone or something which is govern by
the norm of authenticity. This view basically
investigate the meaning of existence or
being and is always faced with the selection
must make with which the existence will
commit himself to.
Martin Heidegger a philosopher is one of the
most known supporter of this philosophy.
Aristotle’s four causes
Heidegger further studied Aristotle’s four
causes and illustrated it using a silver chalice
which he said owes its make up from the four
1.Causa materialis or the material cause.
the material by which the silver chalice was
made of silver.
2.Causa Formalis or the formal cause.
the form of the shape that gave the silver
chalice its image.
3. Causa Finalis or the final cause
the purpose or the primary use by
which the silver chalice was made for:
to be used during the holy communion
as a vessel for the wine that represent
the blood of Christ.
4. Causa Efficient or the efficient cause.
The agent that has caused for the
silver chalice to come about: the
 The four causes are all deemed
responsible for the bringing forth of
the silver chalice. This bringing forth
of something is termed as poiesis
and this is characterized by an
external force. It is bringing
something concealed to
unconcealed which then makes
technology as not only means to an
end but also a mode of revealing.

Presented by:
binoya, dezza may l.
calayag, leonard
1. This views technology as basically a means to an end.
2. 2-5 Ellul’s pessimistic arguments
6. It holds that technology is progressive and beneficial in
many ways and also doubtful in many ways.
7. This view is concern with the existence of or the mode of
being of someone or something which is govern by the
norm of authenticity.
8. The extreme version of this philosophy is called
9-10. in your view how is technology help you in your study
now that we are studying from home?

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