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Tourism Organizations

 - plays a role in promoting the development of responsible, sustainable and

universally accessible tourism, paying particular attention to the interests of
developing countries.
United Nation World Tourism
Organization (UNWTO)
- the chief international organization in the field of travel
and tourism
- an intergovernmental technical body which deals with all
aspects of tourism
International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO)
 an organization of around 134 governments established
for the purpose of promoting civil aviation on a
worldwide scale
 established at the Chicago conference of 1944
International Air Transport
Association (IATA)
 Was established in 1945 in Havana
 Composed of airline operators attached to the national
delegation of the ICAO conference of Chicago
World Travel and Tourism Council
 The only global forum whose members are the top
decision makers in the travel and tourism industry
 The only body representing the private sector in all
parts of the industry world wide
Develop Organization

OPEC Fund for Intertnational

The World Bank (US) Development (Austria)
Develop Organization

Asian Development Bank (Philippines) Islamic Development Bank (Saudi

The Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD)
- The members of the OECD Australia, Austria, Belgium,
Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, the Netherlands,
New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United
Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA)
 Was organized in Hawaii in 1951
 Composed of more than 1.000 organizations
Caribbean Tourism Association (CTA)

- Founded in 1951 to encourage and assist

in the development of tourism through
out the Caribbean area
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation

- Its purpose is to establish coordination

of national economies for the benefit of
countries in the Asia-Pacific region as a
Organization of American States
-it strengthen relations between American states by
providing advisory services and training programs in many
fields including tourism
- Conducts a number of travel studies and tourism
development programs
Roles of National Organizations in Tourism

 Planning – attracts foreign investment investment and funds infrastructure development

 Employment and Training – determine manpower needs, develops tourism training programs
 Coordinating Public and Private Sectors – determine roles in mixed economics
National Tourism Office (NTO)

 Countries that are visited by tourists have

an official organization that regulates and
encourages tourist activities.
 Its importance varies from one country to
The Department of Tourism in the

 Primary government agency charged

with the responsibility to encourage,
promote and develop tourism as a
major socioeconomic activity
 To generate foreign currency and
Tourism Infrastructure and
Enterprise Zone Authority
 TIEZA or Tourism infrastructure and
Enterprise zone Authority also known as
 PTA is a corporate body tasked to
designate regulate and supervise tourism
infrastructure projects in the country
 TEZ is an area specifically defined or
organized as a Tourism are

 The IA is “responsible for the orderly restoration and development

of intramuros as a monument to the Hispanic period of out history.
As such, it shall ensure that the general appearance of intramuros
shall conform to Philippines Spanish Architecture of the 16th to the
19th century
General Powers and Functions of the TIEZA Board

 The TIEZA board shall have the general powers of a corporation as provided under corporation code.
1. Organize the TIEZA in a manner most efficient and economical for the conduct of its business and the
implementation of its mandate
2. Develop policies, plans and programs in coordination with the Department for the development and
operation of TEZs and adapt rules and regulations necessary for the implementation of the provisions of
this law.
3. Enter into, make, perform and carry out contracts of every class kind, and description which are necessary
or incidental to the realization of its purposes with any person and foreign government entities.
4. Contract loans, indebtedness and credit, issues commercial papers and bonds.
5. Execute any deed of guarantee, mortgage, pledge, trust or assignment of any property.
6. Construct own or lease m operate and maintain infrastructure facilities.
7. Undertake or authorize the undertaking of reclamation projects within TEZs.
8. Preserve restore or reconstruct all national cultural treasures and shrines located within
9. Receive donations , grants bequests and assistance of all kinds from local and foreign
governments and private sectors and utilize the same.
10. Exercise eminent domain and police power, including, but not limited to, the power to
recommend to the Department the removal of structures.
11. Coordinate with LGUs and other government agencies for the provision of basic services.
Tourism Promotions Board (TPB)
-formerly Philippine Convention and Visitors Corporation
(PCVC), is a corporate body created under R.A. No. 9593,
which shall have an authorized capital of Php250 million
fully subscribed by the National Government
Intramuros Administration (IA)
- Was established in 1979 by virtue of Presidential Decree
(PD) No. 1616 signed by President Ferdinand Marcos on
April 10, 1979

 The IA is “responsible for the orderly restoration and development

of intramuros as a monument to the Hispanic period of out history.
As such, it shall ensure that the general appearance of intramuros
shall conform to Philippines Spanish Architecture of the 16th to the
19th century

 An iconic tourism site that honors the Philippines’ glorious past – a thriving
and vibrant future–proof livable city, built ion a foundation of shared values
and a genuine Filipino sense of community

 Implement and realize a restoration and redevelopment plan for the present
and future development, management and promotion of Intramuros as a
national heritage site, by forging strategic partnerships that ensure its
orderly, timely, inclusive and sustainable development
Organization of the Administration

 The administration shall be directed by a Board of Administrators, consisting of the minister of

Human Settlements.
 The executive director of the National Historical Institute, the Administrator and such persons as the
president designate. Its executive officer shall be an administrator.
 The administration shall be organized and staffed in accordance with applicable budget and
compensation laws.
Transfer of Administration, Properties and Appropriations

 The buildings and lands owned by the National Government administered

by the Bureaus of the Building and Real Property Management and by other
offices and agencies of the National Government and the city of manila.
Operation of Facilities

 The administration may operate museums, art galleries

theaters, and other cultural/ educational facilities that are
incidental and suitable to the attainment of its objectives.
Commercial Activities

 The administration may directly, or in association with public or

private enterprises, construct, lease, sell, and otherwise operate
shopping and commercial facilities in instramuros. It mate
likewise operate guided tours and offer tourism services.
Building Modifications

 The administration may require the owners of existing structures

to modify the design of existing buildings, Provided that subject
to the approval of the Minister of Human Settlements and to
availability of funds.
 The administration may utilize its funds to undertake the
modification of existing buildings.
Road Maintenance

 The budgetary allocation for the maintenance of national and

local roads within Intramuros area shall be released to the
 The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) the
city of Manila are capable of doing the work.
Traffic Management

 The Administration shall control the nature, extend, and timing of

the access of private and public vehicles into Instramuros.
 The Approval of Public transportation routes going through
instramuros shall be subject to the concurrence of the
Construction Work

 Construction and other civil works may be undertaken by he Administration

or with the assistance of the Department of Public Works and Highways
(DPWH), Department of Transportation, Department of information and
Communications Technologies, the city of manila, or by private
Constructors, subject to applicable Government rules and regulations.
Real Property Tax Discount

 The Administration, in consultation within the Department of

Finance, may extend discounts on real property assessments
situated within intramuros, so as to encourage the private sector
to engage in the construction of duly approved facilities.
Investment Incentives

 The administration, in Consultation with the Department of trade

and Industry or the Department of Tourism, As the case may be,
may extend investment incentives for industries and enterprises
established in intramuros.

 The Appropriations pertaining to Intramuros which are in the budget of the National
Historical Institute and the National Parks Development Committee are hereby transferred
to the Administration.
 The Housing Urban Development Coordination Council (HUDCC) was created by then
President Corazon C Aquino by virtue of Exectutives Order No. 90 dated December
 On May 25, 1989 and May 28, 2001, Executives\ Order No. 357 and Executive Order
No.20 were issued, respectively, to strengthen HUDCC into department lever organization
by conferring it with the power to exercise overall administrative supervision over the key
housing agencies.
Revolving Fund

 The Administration is authorized to establish a Revolving Fund

into which shall accrue revenues from operating and commercial
transactions undertaken by the administration.
Domestic and Foreign Loans

 The Administration is authorized to borrow funds from domestic

or foreign sources, subject to applicable laws and regulations and
the approval of the Minister of Finance

 The Administration is authorized to accept and receive grants/

contributions form private parties to the obligated and disbursed
in such manner as the Authority may, in the exercise of sound
discretion, deem best to accelerate the restoration or enhance the
maintenance of historical facilities in Intramuros and contribute
to their development and preservation.
National Parks Development
Committee (NPDC)
• The national parks development
committee (NPDC) is a government
agency that is tasked to oversee national
parks in the Philippines.
• The NPDC was established on January 14
1963 by executive order No. 30 for the
development of the quezon memorial
circle, luneta, and other national parks.

To provide fully developed and well maintained parks for the filipinos wholesome recreation
and sociocultural education which will contribute toward the enrichment of the national
identity and heritage, in partnership with concerned communities and nongovernment
organizations (NGOs)
Nayong Pilipino foundation
The nayong Pilipino is the only tourist
complex showcasing the many primary
attractions and scenic places in the
Philippines it is a major administrative and
operational concern of the agency to keep its
facilities and surroundings in the best
conditions, rehabilitation , restoration and
construction programs are necessary to ensure
a fine collection of miniture Philippine
attractions which reflect filipino history and
Duty free Philippines
corporation (DFPC)
The DFPC shall be body corporate to operate
the duty and tax free merchandising system in
the Philippines to augment the service
facilities for tourist and to generate foreign
exchange and revenue for the government, as
established by the department under executive
order no 46
Philippine retirement authority
The Philippine retirement authority is a
government owned and controlled
corporation created by virtue of executive
order No 1037 signed by president Ferdinand
marcos on July 4 1985.
To attract foreign nationals and former
filipino citizen to retire,invest and reside in
the Philippine with a vision to make our
county a leading and significant destination
for worlds retirees, seniors and elderly PRA
recommends to the bureau of immigration
(BI) the issuance of special resident retires
visa a multiple entry visa with limited tax free
privileges to qualified forengers and former
filipinos who wish to make Philippines their
second home
its more fun in the Philippines

 The Philippine retirement authority (PRA) has joined the deparment of tourism campaign
“its more fun in the Philippines” and is incorporating the newly-adopted copy in its
marketing materils
Special resident retiree’s visa
The srrv allows all its foreign retiree-
members to retire and live in the Philippines
and live in the Philippines for as long they

A principal retiree must be 35 years old to

enjoy the above benefits the only srrv
holders are privileged to avail
Philippine commission on
sports scuba diving (PCSSD)
Republic act no 7160 know as the local
government code of 1991 endeavored that
local government units be self reliant and
that in addition to the powers they currently
discharge these units are mandated to
discharge the functions and responsibilities if
national agencies
In pursuit of mission as set forth in LOI No.745 the commission
is mandated to perform the following function

 To develop programs and projects geared toward the development of the country as premier
diving destination in asia
 To formulate rules and regulations safety standards and operating procedures to implement the
development of sport scuba diving
 To issue license and regulate dive establishment and dive professionals to ensure safety of
domestic and international fiving tourism
 To promote market and develop diving related infrastructures to ensure growth of diving tourism
 To undertake studies researches and surveys for possible incentives to private sector for
development of scuba diving tourism

 To develop and initiate programs on marine conservation particularly those areas with high
touristic values
The united states travel data center

 The united states travel center is an independent, non profit research and educational
organization which aims to improve the equality and range of statistical data describing
travel and tourism. The data center is located in wasington d.c it has published several
studies which provide information pertaining to the travel industry in the united states
example of these studies are “national travel survey” “impact of travel on states
Travel industry association of America

 The travel industry association of America is a non profit association of companies and
government organizations which was formed to promote travelto and within the united

its main objective is to develop and implement programs that benefits the travel
supplier and consumer
 Marketing facilitation
 Tourism research
 Governmental affairs
 Educational programs
 Travel promotions
Travel and tourism research association
The travel and tourism research association is concerned with travel research specifically in
improving the quality and effectiveness of research in the travel industry. Through a series of
conference reports and a journal the association aims to maintain current communications in
travel reaserch developments and methodology occurring in the field
American society if travel agents (ASTA)

 The American society of travel agents is one of the largest travel association in the united includes travel agencies and tour operation from the united states and Canada.
the objectives of the universal federation of travel agents association are to act as a
negotiating body for the various branches of the tourism travel industries
 World association for professional training in tourism (WAPTT)
the world association for professional training in tourism is concerned with vocational training
Council in hotel, restaurant,and institutional
education (CHRIE)
The council on hotel, restaurant, and institution education was founded in 1946 as a non profit
association for schools colleges and universities offering programs in recent years its focus has
expanded to include the enhancement of professionalism
The hotel Restaurant Association of the Philippines (HRAP)

 The hotel an Restaurant Association of the Philippines was founded on sept 12, 1952 by
executives from the leading hotels and restaurants in manila.
 To realize it’s objectives countless seminars, workshops, and conventions were held
through the years both regional and national levels.
 It also conducted in service training in top hotels and restaurant in the Philippines as well
as food and table service demonstrations.
 HRAP has joined AAHRA and the international Hotel Association in order to broaden its
base from national scope.
 To advertise the presence of suitable accommodations and restaurants in the ph.
The HRAP membership includes the ff:
 1. hotel sector – comprises hotels, resorts, apartelles, pension houses, and transport
establishments with accommodations and food service facilities
 2. restaurant sector – comprises restaurants, clubs, pubs, bistros, music lounges, catering,
and quick-service establishments
 3. allied sector – comprises established suppliers of products equipments, and services for
hotels, restaurants and food establishmens.
 4. associate division – comprises schools offering hotel and restaurant management
 5. affiliate sector – comprises other org. of professionals working in the hotel and
restaurant industry.
 6. provincial chapters – are established in provinces, chartered cities outside of metro
 7. honorary members – are persons recognized for their exceptional and outstanding
contributions to the development of hospitality and tourism act.
 8. life members – are persons recognized for having rendered outstanding service to the
association either as officer, director, or member.
International organizations:
Pacific Asia travel association (PATA)
Philippine chapter
ASEAN tourism association (ASEANTA)
ASEAN hotel and restaurant (AHRA)
International hotel andrestaurant association
The asia foundation (TAF)
Japan external trade organization (JETRO)
National government organizations:
Dept. of tourism
Dept. of labor and employment
Dept. of finance
Dept. of health
Dept. of trade and industry
Dept.of education
Dept. of interior and local
government/philippines national police
senate and congress committees on tourism
Nongovernment professional organizations :
Employers confederation of the ph. (ECOP)
Filipino society of composers, authors, and
publishers (FILSCAP)
hotel and restaurant tripartite consultative
board (HRTCB)
Ph. Chamber of commerce and industry (PCCI)
Tourism council of the ph. (TIBFI)
Tourism council of the ph. (TCP)
Ph. Business for the environment (PBE)
Society of association executives (SAE)
Council of hotel and restaurant educators of the ph.

 To generate a wide acquaintance and closer cooperation among those interested in hotel and
restaurant education
 To provide education opportunities for hotel and restaurant management (HRM) educators who
are interested chiefly in particular areas within the general field of HRM to purse their
 To provide a forum for the dissemination and exchange of information about such topics as
course content and structure, teaching methods, materials, services, facilities and techniques,
continuing adult education, and other suchs topics as may be of material interest to the
 To provide opportunities for HRM educators to publish scholarly papers based upon their
conceptual as well as experiment al findings
 To support a culture of hospitality that embodies the value system, ethics and morals of
hospitality educator.
The association of administrators in hospitality, hotel and restaurant
management educational institutions incorporated (AAHRMEI)
 Establish linkages among different schools nationwide for the advancement of quality and
relevant education
 Initiate programs and activities That are necessary for total development of
administrators, faculty members, practitioners, and students
 Prepare faculty members and prospective practitioners for leadership skills and
 Assist government agencies, particularly the commission on higher education (CHED),
department of tourism (DOT), and the technical education and skills development
authority (TESDA)
Ph. Association of convention/exhibition, organizations and suppliers, inc.
 To bring more events into the country by working more
 To upgrade the skills of those involved in the industry
 To represent the industry’s concerns with venues, suppliers, and
concerned government agencies.
Network of independent travel agencies (NAITAS)
 To unify the various non-IATA travel agents and promote a harmonious
relationship among it’s members.
 To assist and lead its members toward being more professional in delivering
travel and tour-related services
 To contribute promotion of local and international travel and tourism.
 To unify members toward speedy and fair solutions to problems unique to
non –IATA agents.
 To have one solid voice in the tourism industry
movement of incentive travel executives
The movement of incentive travel executives was organized an august 29-
30, 1991by tourism promotions board (TPB)
 To use incentive travel as a business tool in the application of MITE
 To develop educational programs and other business activities
 To sell the Philippines as a quality incentive destination.
Mite’s members represent the forerunners of incentive travel such as hotels,
tour and transport operators, resorts, airlines, marketing and creative
specialists, and selected media personalities.
Ph. Association of accredited tourist guide
lectures Inc. (PAATGLI)

 To develop among the officers and members the value of nationalism, honesty, self-reliance,
collectivism, and social concern.
 Effective promotion of the country’s natural and cultural attractions to domestic and
international tourists
 Upgrading of the competencies of its members of the and provisions of opportunities for professional
growth and development
 Inculcation of discipline, love for work , and commitment among its members
 Constant maintenance of efficient and highly qualified tour guides
 Establishment and maintenance of linkages with tourism business enterprises
The Philippine Tour Operators Association ( Philtoa)
• Is an organization of Tour Operators and allied members actively involved in the
advocacy of responsible tourism.
• Founded in June 12, 1986

Vision: to be the national tour operators’ association of the Philippines

Mission: to create/organize different chapters
to enhance networking between the government sector and the private sector
particularly in the tourism industry
to preserve natural tourist destinations through the promotion of environment
consciousness projects.
 To encourage and foster nationwide chapter extensions
 To pursue an active role in product development
 To strive for international recognition and affiliations
 To upgrade industry knowledge through education/workshop
 To conduct national information campaign on relevant issues
 To develop active membership through participation and involvement in team-building
 To develop and update database
 To revise and amend the by-laws to conform to the needs of times
 To encourage sales mission
 To address needs and concerns of members in a timely manner
 To endeavor for financial industry
 Regular : those who are duly licensed tour operators who are engaged in the business of booking,
handling, and assisting in all business and leisure tourism activities within the Philippines for
both local and international tourist
 Allied : these are hotels, resorts, inns, handicraft shops, restaurants, nightclubs, tourist transport
companies , airline companies, shipping companies, convention and exhibition organizers, tour
guide associations, and other related entities duty licensed and/ or any other government agency
pertinent to their operations

the PHILTOA board is composed of nine directors, six are from the regular membership and three
from the allied membership.
The annual election of the board of trustees is to be held on the first week of nov. of each year. The
board of trustees shall elect from among themselves the officers of the association for a term of one
Union of Filipino Tourism Education (UFTE)

Objectives Three Categories of members

 To unite all colleges, universities and schools with  Regular – those engaged in the teaching of
tourism programs. tourism and other related courses.
 To promote a closer working relationship between  Associate – those involved in tourism
educators and industry.
research, studies and training.
 To put out a journal which will publish research
studies, articles.
 Institutional – which are interest in promoting
the goals of the association.
 To encourage members to undertake research on the
latest aspects of tourism produce informations.
 To sponsor lectures , seminars, workshops,
 To work with colleagues to advance the image and
understanding of travel and tourism education .
The Women in Travel, Philippine Chapter

Was organized in 1980, it is an affiliate member of the International

Federation Of Women travel Organization (IFWTO)
 1983  1995
 1988  1996
 1989  1997
 1990  1977
 1991  1998
 1992-1994
Association of Travel Marketing Executives
 Is a nonprofit research and educational organization of individual travel marketing
 ATME aims to assist travel marketing executives toward greater personal achievement,
success and satisfaction.
 The members of ATME are professionals in an executive or managerial capacity in work
that is primarily but no exclusively related to marketing.
ATME Activities

 monthly newsletters to and for its members entitled Travel and Tourism Executives
 Special reports on travel marketing
 Encouragement and assistance in developing and promoting regional group chapters and
meetings throughout the world.
 Seminars and workshops of timely interest to ATME affiliates
 Annual registry of registered travel marketing professionals and associates
 Possible election to fellow status.
ATME Affiliate Classifications

 Registered travel marketing professional – is a career travel marketing executive.

 Travel Marketing Associate – Includes Students, suppliers and others wishing to participate
in ATME programs but do not meet the requirements for registered professional and may
become associate of ATME
 Fellow – qualified individuals who have been a registered travel marketing professionals
for at least one year .
The Society Of Travel and Tourism Educators
 Was founded in 1980. its original members were only 15.
At present, there are 300 members representing all levels
of travel and tourism educators.
The aims of SOTTE

 To increase professional knowledge through interaction with all levels of travel and tourism
 To develop a network of peers with whom the members can learn and grow
 To share ideas, strategies and research with the other members
 To promote a closer working relationship between educators and the industry.
 To organize meetings and conferences in which travel and tourism education and industry
executives will discuss the education and training need of the industry
 To publish a newsletter with the latest information on educational issues, opportunities and
 To promote the image and understanding of travel and tourism education within the larger
arenas of the industry and academic world.
The members are classified

 Active members – are educators who are actively engaged in teaching courses or doing
research in travel and tourism in certificate or degree granting institutions.
 Associate members – are non educators who are actively engaged in the travel and tourism
industry as officers or employees of organization whose principals function is the
promotion and development of travel and tourism.
 Student members – are students currently enrolled in certificate or degree granting
programs in travel and tourism.
 Corporate members – are organizations which are directly involved education of travel and
tourism student.
 Allied members – are organizations other than an educational institution which have an
interest in supporting travel and tourism education
Philippine Travel Agencies Association
 The Philippine travel agencies association was establish in
1979. it was born out of a union of the national
associations of the outbound travel agencies and inbound
tour operators.
The Objectives of PTTA

 To unite the members in a common purpose, working in a close bond of cooperation,

fellowship and assistance in furthering and protection the interest of its members.
 To strive toward the attainment of the highest standards of services and a facilities for travelers
and tourist.
 To uphold the dignity and the ethics of travel and tour business and to strive toward its
 To work for the general welfare of the members by acting as the true representatives of the
travel and tour agency sector of the industry.
 To cultivate friendly relations between the Philippines and other countries among their people
 To act as an effective liaison with government agencies and other trade organization
 To encourage support help develop Philippines tourism.

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