Failure of Materials
Failure of Materials
Failure of Materials
Failure of Materials
Lecture Topic 12
15 June, 2019
How do materials fail?
• Ductile vs. brittle fracture
• Impact fracture testing
• Fatigue (cycling stresses)
• Creep (time dependent deformation)
Fracture means separation of a body into pieces due to stress, at
temperatures below the melting point.
Steps in fracture:
• crack formation
• crack propagation
Fracture of Materials
Depending on the ability of material to undergo plastic deformation before
the fracture two fracture modes can be defined - ductile or brittle
• Ductile fracture - most metals (provided that it is not too cold):
Extensive plastic deformation ahead of crack
Crack is “stable”: resists further extension unless applied stress is increased
The total number of cycles to failure is the sum of cycles at the first and the second
Nf = Ni + Np
Nf = Number of cycles to failure
Ni = Number of cycles for crack initiation
Np = Number of cycles for crack propagation
Fatigue Crack Initiation & Propagation
Crack initiation takes palce at the sites of stress concentration
(microcracks, scratches, indents, interior corners, etc.). So, quality of
surface is important.
Crack propagation
Stage I: initial slow propagation along crystal planes. Involves just a
few grains, and has flat fracture surface
Stage II: faster propagation perpendicular to the applied stress. Crack
grows by repetitive blunting and sharpening process at crack tip.
Rough fracture surface.
Crack eventually reaches critical dimension and propagates very
Appearance of Fracture Surface
• A fatigue fracture surface consists of two parts:
• One part is smooth and quite burnished and
shows ripple like marks radiating outwards from
the center of crack propagation.
• The other part is coarse and crystalline
indicating the final fracture of the remainder of
the cross-section that could no longer withstand
the load.
Creep is a time-dependent and permanent
deformation of materials when subjected to a
constant load at a high temperature (> 0.4 Tm).
Example: steam generators
• Amorphous polymers, which include plastics
and rubbers, are especially sensitive to creep
• A typical creep test consists of subjecting a
specimen to a constant load or stress while
maintaining the temperature constant.
• Deformation or strain is measured and plotted
as a function of elapsed time. Fig: Creep Testing
Generalized Creep Behavior
•1. Instantaneous deformation: mainly elastic.
2. Primary creep: Slope of strain vs. time
decreases with time.
(Work-hardening is taking place.)
3. Secondary/steady-state creep: Rate of
straining is constant.
Steady-state creep rate,
4. Tertiary: Rapidly accelerating strain rate up to
failure. Formation of internal cracks, voids,
grain boundary separation, necking, etc. occurs.
Creep: Effect of Stress & Temperature
stage of secondary/steady-state creep
is of longest duration and the steady-state
creep rate ( is the most important
parameter of the creep behavior in long-life
Another parameter, especially important in
short-life creep situations, is time to
rupture, or the rupture lifetime, tr.
• With increasing stress or temperature:
• The instantaneous strain increases
• The steady-state creep rate increases
• The time to rupture decreases
Alloys for High Temperature Use
Turbines in jet engines, hypersonic airplanes, nuclear reactors, etc. demands high
temperature heavy duty.
Creep is generally minimized in materials with:
• High melting temperature
• High elastic modulus
• Large grain sizes
Following alloys are especially resilient to creep:
• Stainless steels
• Refractory metals (containing elements of high melting temp. like Mo, W, Ta)
• “Superalloys” (Cobalt and Nickel based alloys.)
End for Today