Ankle Planter Flexion: Test: Patient Raises Heel From Floor Consecutively Through Full Range of Plantar Flexion
Ankle Planter Flexion: Test: Patient Raises Heel From Floor Consecutively Through Full Range of Plantar Flexion
Ankle Planter Flexion: Test: Patient Raises Heel From Floor Consecutively Through Full Range of Plantar Flexion
Ankle Planter Flexion
• Grade 5 (Normal): Patient successfully
completes a minimum of 25 heel rises
through full range of motion without a
rest between rises and without fatigue.
Ankle Planter Flexion
Grade 2 (Poor)
•Position of Patient: Standing on limb
to be tested with knee extended, with
a two-finger balance assist.
•Position of Therapist: Standing or
sitting with a lateral view of test limb.
•Grade 2+ (Poor+): The patient can just
clear the heel from the floor and cannot
get up on the toes for the end test
• Test: Patient attempts to raise heel from the floor through the full range of plantar
flexion 3
Ankle Planter Flexion
Grade 2 (Poor)
•Position of Patient: Prone with feet
off end of table.
•Position of Therapist: Standing at
end of table in front of foot to be
tested. One hand is contoured under
and around the test leg just above the
•Heel and palm of hand giving
resistance are placed against the
plantar surface at the level of the
metatarsal heads.
• Test: Patient plantar flexes ankle through the available range of motion. Manual resistance
is down and forward toward dorsiflexion.
Ankle Planter Flexion
Grade 2 (Poor)
•Grade 2+ (Poor+): Completes plantar flexion
range and holds against maximal resistance.
Foot Dorsiflexion & Inversion
• Position of Patient: Short sitting.
Alternatively, patient may be supine.
• Position of Therapist: Sitting on
stool in front of patient with
patient's heel resting on thigh. One
hand is contoured around the
posterior leg just above the malleoli.
The hand providing resistance for
the same grades is cupped over the
dorsomedial aspect of the foot.
• Test: Patient dorsiflexes ankle and inverts foot, keeping toes relaxed.
Foot Dorsiflexion & Inversion
• Grade 5 (Normal): Completes
full range and holds against
maximal resistance.
Foot Inversion
• Position of Patient: Short sitting with
ankle in slight plantar flexion.
• Position of Therapist: Sitting on low
stool in front of patient or on side of
test limb. One hand is used to stabilize
the ankle just above the malleoli.
• Hand providing resistance is contoured
over the dorsum and medial side of the
foot at the level of the metatarsal
heads. Resistance is directed toward
eversion and slight dorsiflexion.
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Good Luck