Perkuliahan Ke-4. Brittle and Ductile Fracture

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Perkuliahan ke-4
Mekanika Patahan dan Fractorgrafi
Perkuliahan ke-4

Brittle Fracture Ductile Fracture

Macroscopic Appearance of
Cleavage Fracture Quasi-Cleavage Ductile Fracture Mechanism
Ductile Fracture

Cleavage in Amorphous Void Nucleation and Growth

Pseudo-Cleavage Ductile-Brittle Transition
Materials Mechanism

Ductile-Brittle Combined
Intergranular Brittle Fracture
Brittle Fracture
1. Cleavage
◦ Cleavage is the most representative fracture
mechanism for brittle fractures. It is a type of
fracture that occurs by direct rupture of atomic
bonds, causing the separation of specific
crystalline planes, called “cleavage planes.” It
is the fastest type of fracture, consumes little
energy and is caused mainly by tension stresses
perpendicular to the cleavage plane.
Mechanisms of Fracture
◦ Intergranular
 Grain
fracture by
microvoid coalescence
 Grain
fracture (cleavage)
separation without microvoid coalescence
 Fatigue crack initiation and growth
Dimple Formation (Ductile)
Cup and Cone Fracture (Ductile)
Polished Copper Cross Section
Dimpled Fracture (Ductile)
Cleavage Features
River Patterns (brittle materials)
Quasi-Cleavage Fracture
Fatigue Striations
6061-T6 Notched Round Bar
Carbon Fiber-Polymer Matrix
0-45 Interface in IM6/3501-6
Ply Rupture Outer Layer
Bleed-out from Natural Pore
Microballoon Experiments

◦ Mimic natural porsity using glass

◦ Sizes 5 to 60 m
◦ Effect of microballoons on interface
strength and stiffness unknown
Microballoons in IM6/3501-6
Filled vs. Broken Microballoons
Some Texts
◦ Understanding How Components Fail by Donald J. Wulpi
◦ The New Science of Strong Materials (or Why You Don’t Fall through the
Floor) by J. E. Gordon
◦ The Science of Structures and Materials by J. E. Gordon
◦ Fractography by Derek Hull
◦ To Engineer is Human by Henry Petroski
Project Ideas
◦ Component failure investigations
◦ Fabrication of fiberglass composites
◦ Statistics of failure
◦ Connections with literature and history
◦ ???
A Final Thought

"I Keep Six Honest..."

I keep six honest serving-men

(They taught me all I knew);
Their names are What and Why and When
And How and Where and Who.
I send them over land and sea,
I send them east and west;
But after they have worked for me,
I give them all a rest.

Excerpt from Kipling’s The Elephant's Child

Rectangular Plate with Hole

Figure 6.1 Rectangular plate with hole subjected to axial load. (a)
Plate with cross-sectional plane; (b) one-half of plate with stress
distribution; (c) plate with elliptical hole subjected to axial load.
◦ Thermal Stress:

◦ Stress = E.a. dT
Griffith Cracks

Flaws Make the World Beautiful!

Were it not for the flaws, rocks and mountains would have been perfectly boring
Griffith (1920)

◦ Griffith (1920), realized the significance of microcracks in

reducing the fracture strength

◦ Applied the mathematical work of Inglis (1913) for an elliptical

hole, and developed a theoretical criterion of rupture based on
the concept of minimum potential energy of classical mechanics
and thermodynamics which seeks a minimum total free energy
of a system
Griffith Theory
◦ In the Griffith theory, the theoretical strength is the
microscopic fracture stress which is actually reached in a very
small volume of the rock while the mean stress may remain
very low

◦ Griffith's work, which has since been known as the Griffith

energy balance approach, and has served as a foundation for
fracture mechanics, deals with the equilibrium state of an
elastic, solid body, deformed by specified surface forces
Griffith (1920) …
◦ Griffith extended the theorem of minimum energy by
accounting for the increase of surface energy which occurs
during formation of cracks

◦ He assumed that the equilibrium position is one in which

rupture of the solid occurs if the system is allowed to pass
from an unbroken to a broken state through a process
involving continuous reduction of potential energy
Griffith (1920) …
◦ Griffith (1920) argued that brittle solids fail by incremental
propagation of a multitude of randomly-oriented, small pre-
existing cracks

◦ Griffith cracks are common in rocks and include intragranular

and intergranular microcracks (grain boundaries) and larger
transgranular cracks

◦ In a larger scale, the Griffith flaws include joints, faults, and

bedding planes
Fracture Strength
◦ Brittle fracture strength depends largely on the elastic properties of the elastic rock and the
length and sharpness of the flaws

◦ Stress concentrators such as low aspect ratio cavities, inclusions, material property
mismatches, and fossils, give rise to tensile stresses that may fracture rocks even when applied
stresses are compressive provided they are non-hydrostatic
Griffith (1920)
◦ The intensification of stress depends on the:

◦ Length and orientation of the crack with respect to the applied


◦ Radius of curvature at their tips, rendering certain cracks more

vulnerable than others

◦ The propagation of these Griffith cracks involves the creation of two

new incremental crack surfaces which is a process that absorbs
Griffith (1920) …
◦ The creation of these new surfaces in the interior of a solid (by
crack propagation) leads to an increase in potential energy as
work must be done against the cohesive forces of the molecules
on either side of the crack

◦ The work is part of the potential surface energy of the system.

Thus bounding surfaces posses a surface tension and a
corresponding amount of potential energy
Griffith Energy-Balance Concept

◦ If we subject the outer boundary of a rock to tension (such that

boundary moves out)

◦ This decreases the potential energy (i.e., dWR<0), of the loading

device (Fig. 3.2 Engelder).
R designates rock

◦ The work to propagate the crack is positive, and is defined as an

increase in surface energy (dUs)
Griffith Energy-Balance Concept
◦ As the crack propagates, the rock undergoes a change in strain
energy (dUE).
◦ The total change in energy for crack propagation is:
UT = Us - WR + UE

◦ Griffith energy balance concept:

◦ Propagation occurs without changing the total energy of the rock-crack system.
◦ i.e., for an increment of crack extension (dc),
d UT /dc = 0
Griffith Energy-Balance Concept …

◦ This means that the mechanical and surface energy terms within the rock-crack system must balance

◦ The motion of the crack walls represents a decrease in mechanical energy

◦ While work (as surface energy) must be done to remove the restraints across crack increment
◦ Pada Element of Fracture, bab dimulai dari penjelasan tentang kleasifikasi
dari fracture, mekanisme fracture dan deformasi plastis. Aspek dari fraktur
adalah model patahan, ciri-ciri utama pemeriksaan mikroskopik patahan,
urutan retakan dengan inisiasi crack.
1. Classification of
Terdapat 2 jenis model patahan yaitu
◦ Patah Getas (Brittle Fracture)
◦ Patah Ulet (Ductile Fracture)
Jenis-jenis Mekanisme Patahan secara umum!
1. Overload
2. Fatigue
3. Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC)
4. Creep
5. Hydrogen-induced cracking
6. Radiation Crackcing
Patahan dapat diklasifikasikan menurut mekanika
mikronya berdasarkan pertumbuhannya dan bentuknya
◦ Belahan (Cleavage)
◦ Aliran Plastik (Plastic Flow)
◦ dekohesi (Decohesion)
◦ Lubang Coalsescance (Void Coalescence)
2. Mechanical Aspects of Fracture

◦ Suatu patahan dihasilkan dari sebuah peningkatan tegangan pada

suatu titik atau wilayah di material. patah terjadi dari proses
pecahnya ikatan antar atom, yang berlangsung secara terus menerus
hingga membentuk suatu permukaan baru. Celah celah sempit di
bagian dalam material akan menciptakan konsentrasi tegangan.
Berdasarkan kekuatan ketahanan material, patahan
(fracture) dapat di control dari salah satu tegangan :
◦ Fracture controlled by tension stress
◦ Fracture controlled by shear stress
Parameter yang secara mekanis mencirikan fraktur ditentukan oleh
perluasan zona plastis sebelum kegagalan, menurut kategori
1. Linier Elastic Fracture Mechanics
2. Elasto-Plastic Fracture Mehanics
3. Plastic Collapse
3. General Fracture Model
◦ the first fracture stage takes place, known as the Stage I of crack nucleation. Once the crack nucleus has
been formed,
◦ the Stage II of crack propagation occurs. It is during Stage II that the main fractographic characteristics
will be produced.
◦ Stage III of final failure, and it is the zone where the final separation occurs. Because of the high stress
concentration, high strain rate and the major changes in geometry when the fracture is close to final
separation, the state of stress and strain change significantly in relation to the state of the process zone in
Stage II and, therefore, the fracture surface in Stage III will show abrupt changes of orientation,
roughness, secondary cracks, and so forth.
4. Fracture Line
◦ Garis Patahan sebenarnya adalah perubahan kekasaran permukaan patahan
yang terlihat seperti garis karena bayangan yang terbentuk pada kondisi cahaya
samping. Dalam kasus lain, mereka dapat menjadi garis batas antara dua
daerah dengan tampilan permukaan, warna, tekstur atau kekasaran yang
berbeda. Perubahan tersebut dapat disebabkan oleh mekanisme patahan yang
berbeda, perubahan lingkungan atau perubahan mikrostruktur.
300’C S 400’C
S+L 500’C S+L
250’C S+L
L 450’C L

Void Nucleation and Growth Mechanisms in
Ductile Fracture
◦ Fracture of Brittle Particles
◦ Inter-phase decohesion
◦ Dislocation pile-up

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