PRESENTATION On Topic Decision Making

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Good Morning..

Presentation on

Decision making and its steps

involve in its process.
By Mahir Pulami
BBA 3rd sem.

To Pujan Upadhyay
Subject teacher (business organization )
Green Peace Lincoln College
What is decision making ?
O In simple word we can defined decision making is a process of
selection or choosing best course of action out of many
available alternative.
O In other word , decision making is the process of solving
individual or organizational problem by choosing specific
course of action among various possible alternative.
In the word of Ricky W. Griffin,

“Decision making is the act of choosing one alternative

from among a set of alternative .”
Decision making steps

1. Identifying a problem
2. Identifying decision criteria
3. Allocating weight to the criteria
4. Developing alternative
5. Analyzing alternative
6. Selecting an alternatives
7. Evaluating decision effectiveness
1. Identifying a problem or situation :-

Before you begin with your decision, analyze exactly what is the problems towards
you are going to take a decision. This step is also knows as stage of recognizing the
E.g. Problem is we need laptop for our college assessment. So we have to make a
decision for buying best and suitable laptop for our normal use under cost price 50 to
60 thousands.
2. Identifying decision criteria or nature:-

Once you just identified the problem , you must need to identify
the decision criteria or nature that are important or relevant to
resolving the problem. Identifying at what point or topic basis
you are going to take a decision.
For example , we need a laptop , so we have to choose laptop
according to these criteria Processing , memory & storage,
display quality, battery life, weight and size and warranty.
3. Allocating weight to the criteria :-

Allocation weight to the criteria or Ranking all the criteria based

on importance of that criteria for you. A simple way is to give the
most important criteria a weight of 10 and then assigned weight to
the rest using that standard .
For example , for buying laptop, we can give this types of weight
to each criteria:-
a) Processing – 10
b) Memory & storage - 9
c) Display quality & graphic – 8
d) Battery life -7
e) Weight and size – 6
f) Warranty - 4
4. Developing alternatives:-
Developing or listing out various possible alternative that could resolve
the problem. Gathering information about possible alternative. At this step,
the alternatives are only listed not evaluated.
For example when buying a laptop there we found many different types of
alternative or different brand of laptop in the market.

Laptop Weight
Processing Memory Display Battery Weight and Warranty
and quality life size
storage and
Dell 8 9 9 8 7 7
Asus 9 7 8 9 9 6
HP 9 8 10 9 7 6
Acer 8 8 9 7 8 7
Lenovo 7 9 7 8 9 8
5. Analyzing the alternatives:-
Once alternative have been identifying a decision maker must evaluate
each one by using the weighted criteria established in steps-3, multiply
each alternative by the assigned weight, you will get weighted alternative
ve. Finding score of each alternative by multiplying the weighted criteria
with available alternative. Then we will find total score for each
alternative. Through example :-

Laptop weight Total

Processing Memory Display Battery life Weight Warranty

& quality & size
storage &
Dell 80 81 72 56 42 28 359
Asus 90 63 64 62 54 24 358
HP 90 72 80 63 42 24 371
Acer 80 72 72 49 48 28 349
Lenovo 70 81 56 56 54 32 349
6. Selecting alternatives and implementation:-

This is the sixth step of decision making . In this step of the decision making process is
choosing the best alternative or the one that alternative which generate the highest total
score in the fifth steps. For example from the given below data we make a decision to
choose HP brand of laptop for our use or buying , because it scored highest score
among other alternative or other brand’s laptop.

Laptop weight Total

Processing Memory Display Battery life Weight Warranty

& quality & size
storage &
Dell 80 81 72 56 42 28 359
Asus 90 63 64 62 54 24 358
HP 90 72 80 63 42 24 371
Acer 80 72 72 49 48 28 349
Lenovo 70 81 56 56 54 32 349
7. Evaluating the decision:-
This is the last but not the end step of decision making process.
This step involves the evaluating the outcomes or results of the
decision to see if the problem was resolved or not . If the
evaluation shows that the problem is still exists , then you need
to assess what went wrong and what to do correct ?
Thank you..

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