The Lord of The Flies: By: William Golding

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The Lord of the

By: William Golding
William Golding
- Was born on September 19, 2011 in
Cornwall, England. He used to teach
English and Philosophy in Salisbury in
1935, but, five years later, left the school
and joined the Royal Navy.
- After World War II, he went back to
teaching and writing.
- The Lord of the Flies, published on 1954,
was the first story of Golding.
- He died due to heart attack in Cornwall at
the age of 82.

Ralph Jack Piggy

protagonist, twelve-year
antagonist, the leader
old English boy and the Ralph’s “lieutenant.”
of the hunters.
leader of the group.

Roger Simon

Jack’s “lieutenant.” shy and young boy, one of

Ralph’s comrades
Lord of the Flies takes place on an
unnamed, uninhabited tropical island in
the Pacific Ocean during a fictional
worldwide war around the year 1950.

The mountaintop where

the group stay.

The beach were they set

up the fire.
●In the midst of a nuclear war, a group of British schoolboys
found themselves in a deserted island, without adult
supervision, as their plane was shot down.

●The group was divided into two: the “littluns” which consists
of boys around the age of six, and “biguns” who are between
the age of ten and twelve.

●They’ve decided to form a culture and enjoy life without adults

around, later on, they’ve decided to elect Ralph as the leader
and Piggy as the counselor.
● The biggest challenge to Ralph’s leadership was Jack, who also
want to rule that totally contradicts Ralph’s values. He was the
leader of the hunters responsible for hunting food for the entire

● Because of Jack’s greed for power, he and Roger is trying to

make the other boys turned against Ralph and Piggy.

● Some kids were believing in the idea that there is a monster

hiding around the island, then one night, an aerial battle occurs
above the island resulting to one soldier to floats down with
his opened parachute coming to rest at the mountaintop.
● Sam and Eric (one of Ralph’s comrades) were the one who
saw the dead soldier and because of his state they thought
it was the beast the group was talking about.

● They report it back to the group which made Jack form a

group to hunt the said beast, but when they couldn’t find
it, they hunt an animal, cut its head and put it on a stick to
serve as an offering to the beast as they perform tribal

● But the only kid who realizes the real beast was Simon,
when he hallucinated that the animal’s head on the stick
have spoken to him.
●When Simon was caught up with his hallucination, he tried
to tell it to the others but he ruined the ceremony instead
which made the hunters believed that he is the beast and
they beat him to death.

●Because of the continuous chaos between Ralph’s and Jack’s

group, some of them died and others have disappeared
leaving to only three older boys from Ralph’s group
including Piggy.

●Jack’s group stole Piggy’s glasses and when he tried to take

it back the hunters releases a huge boulder on him.
● The left members of the tribe undertakes a manhunt to
track down and kill Ralph, they start fire on places of the
island where he might’ve hide, creating a wide forest fire.
Because of the smoke, a passing ship sees the smoke
from the fire and saved Ralph from certain death at the
hands of Jack’s group.
Third-person omniscient
narrator, meaning that the narrator
speaks in a voice separate from that
of any of the characters and
sometimes narrates what the
characters are thinking and feeling
as well as what they’re doing.
Civilization vs. Struggle to
of Innocence
Savagery Civilization

Dangers War and the

Man’s inherent
of Mob Future
Mentality of Mankind
The Conch Shell
symbol of civilization
and order Piggy’s glasses
power of science and
intellectual endeavor
The Signal Fire
the boys’ connection to
civilization The Beast
the primal instinct
of savagery
The characters

Ralph – represents order, leadership, and

civilization. The Lord of the flies
Piggy – represents the scientific and intellectual - symbol of the
aspects of civilization. power of evil
Jack – represents unbridled savagery and the
desire for power.
- Direct reference to
Simon – represents natural human goodness. Beelzebub/Lucifer
Roger – represents brutality and bloodlust at their
most extreme
- Presents events in a fairly
detached, straightforward style,
enhancing the characters’ role as
symbols as well as individuals, and
preventing the reader from
identifying with any character too
The overall tone of the book expresses
neither shock nor sympathy toward
what happens. The author suggests that
the island itself is as responsible for
what happens to the boys.

Simile Alliteration
“the sun gazed down like an angry eye” “spread along, a series of short, sharp
“thunder went off like a gun,” cries, the sighting call.”
This toy of voting is as pleasing as the conch” “the boys began to babble”
“We did everything adults would do.
What went wrong?”

— Ralph

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