Medicaps University: System at Bharti Airtel Prachi Pathak Prachi Kumrawat Paridhi Kothiwala Nikita Nagraj Nisha Patel

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Medicaps university


TOPIC: A study on performance appraisal
System at bharti airtel
Prachi Pathak
SUBMITTED TO: Prachi Kumrawat
Dr. haldhar Sharma Paridhi Kothiwala
Nikita Nagraj
Nisha Patel
Performance appraisal is one of the the traditional and most universal practice of the
management. It is a systematic and objective way of judging the relatives worth or ability of an
employee in performing his task. Modern management refers to an appraisal system in which the
employee merit like initiative, dependability, personality etc . Are compared with others and
ranked and rated. The trend now a days is in the direction of attempting to measure what the man
does (Performance appraisal ) rather than what he is ( merit rating) . Employees also wish to
know their position in the organisation. Performance appraisal helps to identify those who are
performing their assigned task well and those who are not and the reason for such performance .
Appraisals are judgements of characteristics, traits and performance of others on the basis of
which we assets the worth or value of others and identify what is good or bad.

According to flippo, “ Performance appraisal is the systematic , periodic and an impartial rating
of an employee’s excellence in matters pertaining to his present job and his potential for a better

A Performance appraisal is an important tool for measuring managerial efficiency, organizational

effectiveness , monitoring and measuring the performance of employees.

“Performance appraisal is the process of evaluating the performance and qualifications of the employee in terms of the requirement of the job
for which he is employed, for purpose of administration including placement , selection for promotions , providing financial reward and other
actions which required differential treatment among the members of the group as distinguished from action affecting all members equally .

It is a systematic evaluation of the individual with respect to his or her performance on there job and his or her potential for development.

In a nutshell we can says that performance appraisal is a process by which individual employees behaviour and accomplishments for a fixed
time , period are evaluated.
1. To study the performance appraisal system in Airtel
2. To study the method used for performance appraisal in the
3. To study the satisfaction level of the employee’s after performance
4. To provide suggestions if necessary.
No work can be completed without the research methodology. Research methodology is an
important tool which provides a technique to conduct the study efficiently and effectively.
Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be
understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically.
Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem . It may be
understood as a science of studying how research is done and it to study various steps that are
generally adopted by a researcher in studying his research problem . It is necessary for researcher
to design the methodology from the problem as a method differ from problem.
• Type of research- Descriptive research
• Sampling design- random sampling
• Sample size- I have chosen a sample size of the 100 employees.
• Data collection
• Primary Data- data collected through questionnaire
• Secondary data – Are collected through various magazines and journal and web sites of
Airtel . Press release of the company . Newsletters and brochures and detailed descriptive
leaflets magazines like business world , outlook etc

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