Fundamental of Nursing Unit 1

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History of health care and


UNIT #01

 Introduction
 Stages of nursing
 History
 Early civilization
 Ancient cultures
 Islam and nursing, Mughal period
 Christianity , Middle age and 15th to 19th century
 Founder of nursing , Nursing leaders
 Scholars define by nursing
 Types of nursing programs
 Nursing programs in Pakistan

Nursing began as a desire to keep people healthy

and to provide comfort and assurance to the sick.
Although the general goals of nursing have
remained relatively the same over the centuries ,
ever –advancing science and the changing of
society's needs have deeply influenced the
practice of nursing.
Stages of nursing

Nursing from ancient times to the nineteenth

Early civilization
Middle ages
Fifteenth to nineteenth century
Early civilization

Egyptian physicians are believed to have

specialized in certain diseases (such as
internal diseases, fractured bones, and
wounds). They also hired women , later
known as midwives, to assist with
childbirth. These women were the first
records nurses.

The Greeks believed in Apollo, the Greek god of
healing and prayed to him for magic cures for
their illness.
400B.C.., the famous Greek physician Hippocrates
believed that disease had natural, not magical,

Roman Empire
After 300B.C.., early physician built on the
groundwork of their Egyptian and Greek
The Romans are best known for advances in the
health of the public.

In ancient India, early hospitals were staffed by male
nurses who were required to meet four qualifications:
knowledge of the manner in which drugs should be
prepared for administration, cleverness, devotedness to
the patient, and purity of mind and body. In the reign of
king Asoka Indian hospitals were established . They
looked like modern hospitals of today . They had C-
section facility and also have proper sanitation system
as well.
Islam and nursing

Ethos of health care service

1st Muslim nurse Rufaidah Bint Saad
His participating in many battles, such as Badr, Uhud, khandaq,
khaibar, and others.
Holistic approach to health care service
She was responsible for taking care of60 the wounded and dying
soldiers, establishing a field hospital that had a system of movable
tents to assist the wounded and diseased waaiors.
She focused on hygiene and environment.
She was a 1st eastern nurse. and introduce code of ethics
She led a group of volunteer female nurses during wars.
Mughal period and nursing

Maham a great lady served as a wet nurse of king

Akbar in mughal empire

She nursed during wars in India and Afghanistan.


With the beginning of Christianity, nursing began to

have a formal and more clearly defined role.
Led by the belief that love and caring for others
were important, women made the first visits to sick
people, male gave nursing care and buried the dead.
Nursing became a respected vocation.
Slogan of Christianity was “love thy neighbor as
Middle Ages

More hospitals were built.

Religion has also played a significant role in the
development of nursing.
Nurses delivered custodial care and depended
on physicians for direction.
• Much nursing care was provided by monks and
nuns, which was segregated by sex.
Fifteenth to nineteenth century

Poverty resulted in serious health issues.

Before the mid -1800nursing was without
organization , education or social status, the
prevailing attitude was that a woman's place in the
home and that no respectable woman should have a
Women who had committed crimes were recruited
into nursing in lieu of serving sentences.

Site of health care in ancient cultures

In ancient periods (B.C.-500AD)ruling class of that time

or usually priests were physician. The site of health care
was temple/church.
Treatment was on the basis of religion or magic.
During wars the site of health care were military tents.
Physicians and their team usually look after their
patients in those tents.
In 335 AD Christian hospitals were established, then
roman military hospitals and Arab hospitals were
The founder of nursing(1820-1910)

Period of nightingale
Florence nightingale was born in 12 may 1820 in a wealthy
The guardian angel or angel of mercy image arose in the
latter part of 19th century largely because of work of
Florence nightingale , during Crimean war.
• Nightingale-education
Her education included the mastery of several ancient and
modern language , literature, philosophy, history, science,
mathematics, religion, art and music.
The founder of Nursing

Formal training
She was determined to become a nurse since she believed she was
“called by God to help others and to improve the well-being of
She visited kaiserswerth and received nurses training at 1850 for three
• The lady with lamp
The outbreak of the Crimean war gave nightingale an opportunity for
Nightingale and her nurses transformed the military hospitals by setting
up diet kitchens, a laundry , recreation centers, and reading rooms ,
and organizing classes for orderlies.
The founder of nursing

Period of nightingale
After the war, nightingale established the
nightingale training school for nurses at ST.
Thomas hospital in London; the school served as
a model for other training school ; as the
founder of modern nursing, Florence nightingale
established the first nursing philosophy based on
health maintenance and restoration.
Nursing leaders

Clara Barton (1812-1956)

She was school teacher who volunteered as nurse
during American civil war.

Barton is noted for her role in establishing the

American red cross.
Nursing leaders

Walt Whitman
Men served as nurses. One notable nurse during
America civil war (1861-73) was Walt Whitman.

He was a poet and writer who served as hospital

nurse in Washington.
Nursing leaders

Lillian wald (1867-1940)

Is considered the founder of public health nursing.

• She offer trained nursing services to the poor.

Nursing leaders

Liviana Dock (1858-1956)

Her campaigned for legislation to allow nurses
rather than physicians to control their profession
Nursing defined by different scholars


nightingale 1860)
Define nursing over 100 years ago as “the act of utilizing the
environment of the patient to assist him in his recovery”.
According to (ANA1973)
“Nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization of
health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury,
alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment
of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals,
families, communities, and populations
Nursing defined by different scholars

According to WHO :

Nursing encompasses autonomous and

collaborative care of individuals of all ages,
families, groups and communities, sick or
well and in all setting. It includes the
promotion of health, the prevention of
illness, and the care of ill, disabled and
dying people.
Historical perspectives of nursing

 Women roles:
From the beginning of time woman have cared infants and children
thus nursing could be said to have roots in the home generally
the care provided was related to physical maintenance and
 Religion :
Religion has also played a significant role in the development of
nursing . Although most of the worlds religions encourage
benevolence but firstly it was Christianity which exerts its
effects over care provision to people it gave the values like self –
sacrificing spiritual calling and devotion to duty and hard worK .
Historical perspectives of nursing

 War:
War has also put its effect on the nursing field. during Crimean
war the work of Florence nightingale played an important role
to increase the worth of a nurse in providing health care to
 Societal attitudes:
Before mid 1800s nursing was without education ,
organization ,and social status. Women was only to serve her
family as a housewife.
In 19th century this attitude was totally revolved by the work of
Types of Nursing education programmers
'and history of nursing education in Pakistan
 Nursing education :
Is designed to guide students into higher-level of nursing
education careers to improve their capabilities.
 Nursing assistant (NA)also go by the title of nursing
aides or CNAS (certified nursing assistant).
 Licensed practical nurse (LPN)
 RN (registered nurse)
 BSCN (Baccalaureate degree programs lead to
licensure as an RN
 Masters programs in nursing
 Doctoral programs
1947-1955 There were only three schools of nursing
with diploma nursing programmed and
diploma in midwifery.
4 additional school of nursing were
No standardized syllabus and books were
No concept of nursing research .
1956-1997 Post graduate diploma psychiatric, pediatric and community
health nursing
Degree of RN started
Curriculum designed
Research work in nursing started

1997-2002 BSCN programs was initiated.

Advanced teaching methods were chosen
Organized curriculum was designed
Research work was fully established

2004 TO Date Many schools and colleges are established

Masters and doctorate degree are started
HEC and PNC established proper curriculum for nurses.
Scientific publication increased.

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