Lecture-5-6 Texts of Holy Quran
Lecture-5-6 Texts of Holy Quran
Lecture-5-6 Texts of Holy Quran
of Holy Quran-II
Translation by ‘Pickthall’
• Revealed in Makkah
• The central theme of the surah is to invite the people to accept
and follow the Message of the Holy Prophet and the whole
Surah revolves round this theme.
• The fact that the people who have accepted the Message of the
Holy Prophet have started acquiring such and such noble
qualities of character is a practical proof of the truth of the
Message. 1 - 11
Characteristics of the Believers
• Who perform their Salat with humility
• who refrain from vain things
• who spend their Zakat dues in appropriate ways
• who guard their private parts scrupulously except with
regard to their wives and those women who are legally in
their possession, for in that case they shall not be blame-
worthy, but those, who go beyond this shall be
• who are true to their trusts and their promises
• These are the heirs who will inherit Paradise and dwell
therein for ever.
“Salat” is the usual name in Arabic for the ritual prayer or
divine service.
And again:
“The first thing which a person shall be called to
account for on the day of judgment is SALAT.”