Lecture-5-6 Texts of Holy Quran

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Study of Selected Texts

of Holy Quran-II
Translation by ‘Pickthall’

• Surah al-Mu'minun: The Believers (1-11)

• Surah Al-Anam (152-154)

Surah al-Mu'minun: The Believers (1-11)

• Revealed in Makkah
• The central theme of the surah is to invite the people to accept
and follow the Message of the Holy Prophet and the whole
Surah revolves round this theme.
• The fact that the people who have accepted the Message of the
Holy Prophet have started acquiring such and such noble
qualities of character is a practical proof of the truth of the
Message. 1 - 11
Characteristics of the Believers
• Who perform their Salat with humility
• who refrain from vain things
• who spend their Zakat dues in appropriate ways
• who guard their private parts scrupulously except with
regard to their wives and those women who are legally in
their possession, for in that case they shall not be blame-
worthy, but those, who go beyond this shall be
• who are true to their trusts and their promises
• These are the heirs who will inherit Paradise and dwell
therein for ever.
“Salat” is the usual name in Arabic for the ritual prayer or
divine service.

Salat also means to bow, bend and to stretch.

According to Thomas Patrick Hughes:

“Prayer is the second of the five foundation, or pillars, of

practical religion Islam, and is a devotional exercise which
every Muslim is required to render to God at least 5 times a
day namely early morning, midday, afternoon, evening and
The rationale of performing Salat
• physical, mental, and spiritual submission to Allah
• foundation of Islam.
• "the first act of worship" that Allah made
• distinction between a believer and non-believer
Importance of Salat in Quran
The importance of Salat has been highlighted in various
verses of the Quran
“So woe (sadness) to the worshippers who are

The Quran says:

“ Establish regular prayer, for prayer restrains from
shameful and unjust deeds”
Prayer is an obligation upon every Muslim, man and
woman."...Verily, the prayer is enjoined on the believers
at fixed hours" [4:103]
Importance of Salat
The holy prophet peace be upon him said:
“What stands between a man and disbelief is the
abandonment of SALAT”.

And again:
“The first thing which a person shall be called to
account for on the day of judgment is SALAT.”

He declared prayers to be the pillar of Islam and said:

“He who gives up prayer has indeed disbelieved”.
Benefits of Salah
• Consciousness of being slave
• Sense of duty
• Practice of obedience
• Creating fear of God
• Awareness of divine Law
• Practice of Collectivism
• Bond of brotherhood in congregation
• Concrete expression of thankfulness and appreciation
to our Creator and Sustainer
• Optimistic outlook in life
• Cleanliness
• Physical exercises
Zakat is Obligatory

• To establish a self supporting system

• Eradicate poverty
• Economic stability/ preventing wealth accumulation in few
• (O Messenger,) take zakat out of their wealth so that you may
cleanse them thereby and cause them to grow in purity and
sincerity, and pray for them….” (9:103)
• Zakat is a test by God
• It has been associated with namaz at 82 Quranic Verses.
• those who protect their private parts from unlawful actions and
do not do that which Allah has forbidden; fornication and
homosexuality, and do not approach anyone except the wives
whom Allah has made permissible for them or their right hand
possessions from the captives. One who seeks what Allah has
made permissible for him is not to be blamed and there is no
sin on him.
• The signs of the hypocrite are three: (Ahadith)
• - when he speaks he lies,
• - when he makes a promise he breaks it, and
• - when he is entrusted with something he betrays that trust
Surah Al-Anam (152-154)
• Makki Surah
These were the conditions, when this discourse was revealed. The main topics dealt with in
this discourse may be divided under seven headings:
• Refutation of shirk and invitation to the creed of Tauhid.
• Enunciation of the doctrine of the "Life-after- death." and refutation of the wrong
notion that there was nothing beyond this worldly life.
• Refutation of the prevalent superstitions.
• Enunciation of the fundamental moral principles for the building up of the Islamic
• Answers to the objections raised against the person of the Holy Prophet and his
• Comfort and encouragement to the Holy Prophet and his followers who were at,
that time in a state of anxiety and despondency because of the apparent failure of
the mission.
• Admonition, warning and threats to the disbelievers and opponents to give up their
apathy and haughtiness. It must, however, be noted that the above topics have not
been dealt with one by one under separate headings, but the discourse goes on as a
continuous whole and these topics come under discussion over and over again in
new and different ways.
(verses 152-154)
• The Prohibition of Consuming the Orphan's Property

• The Command to Give Full Measure and Full Weight with

• Fulfilling the Covenant of Allah is an Obligation
• The Command to Follow Allah's Straight Path and to Avoid
All Other Paths
• Praising the Tawrah and the Qur'an
• http://englishtafsir.com/Quran/23/index.html
• http://www.islamreligion.com/articles/10779/viewall/
• http://www.quran4u.com/tafsir%20ibn%20kathir/033%20Ahza
‫النَّبِ ُّى‬
• http://www.sacred-texts.com/isl/pick/

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