International Trade Promotion Organizations

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Submitted by
Group T
Roll numbers 153 – 158 MBA(IB)2010-2012
 Government of India has set up various organizations as autonomous
bodies under the Ministry of Commerce to promote International trade
 A few of them are:
 Export Promotion Councils
 Commodity Boards
 Export Inspection Councils
 Indian Institute of Foreign Trade
 Marine Products Export Development Authority
 Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority
 Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India Limited  
 India Trade Promotion Organisation
 Federation of Indian Export Organisations
 Exim Bank
Export Promotion Councils
 Objective:to promote and develop the exports of the country
 There are 11 EPCs under the Department of Commerce and 9
under Ministry of Textiles.
 Each Council is responsible for promoting a particular group
of products, projects and services.
 To project India's image abroad as a reliable
supplier of high quality goods and services.
 To monitor whether exporters follow
International Standards.
 To identify opportunities abroad and assist the
members to make use of the opportunity to
grow and diversify.
 To provide information and assistance to their members in
developing and increasing their exports.
 To offer professional advice to their members regarding
technology upgradation, quality and design improvement,
product development, innovation, etc.
 To organise visits of delegations of its members abroad to
explore overseas market opportunities
 To organise participation in trade fairs, exhibitions and buyer-
seller meets in India and abroad
 To promote interaction between the exporting community and
the Government (Central and State )
 To build a database to provide international trade data like the
exports and imports of the country.
Commodity Boards
 There are 5 Commodity boards under the Dept
of Commerce of India.
 They are responsible for production,
development and export of tea, coffee, rubber,
spices and tobacco. 
 Commodity Boards help their members in product
development, product innovation and technology
 They assist exporters with overseas marketing,
provide information on export-import policies.
 They conduct research, formulate policies to promote
production and trade, facilitate acquiring of Trade
Marks and Geographical Indications, certification
services providing licenses for trading etc.
Export Inspection Council
EIC is an advisory body to the Central
Government, which is empowered to:

1)Notify commodities which will be subject to

quality control and/ or inspection prior to export.

2)Establish standards of quality for such notified


3)Specify the type of quality control and / or

inspection to be applied to such commodities.
 EIC does the pre shipment inspection of
various commodities meant for exports.
 Export Inspection Agencies(EIAs) located at
Chennai, Delhi, Kochi, Kolkata and Mumbai
help EIC in the pre-shipment inspection and
certification activities
Indian Institute of Foreign Trade
 IIFT was setup to professionalize India’s foreign
trade management and increase exports.
 IIFT does so by:

1)developing human resources

2)conducting research
3)organization of marketing research, area surveys,
commodity surveys, market surveys.
4)collecting and analysing data and distributing its
findings to help improve India’s foreign trade.
Marine Products Export Development
 The MPEDA is responsible for development
of the marine products industry with special
reference to exports.
Agricultural and Processed Food
Products Export Development
 The APEDA is responsible for agricultural
exports, including the export of processed
foods in value added form.
Export Credit Guarantee
Corporation of India
 Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India Ltd.
provides the facility of export credit in the country.
 The primary goal of ECGC is to promote export in
India by providing a range of credit risk insurance
covers to exporters against loss in export of goods
. and service.
 It also by offers guarantee covers to banks and
financial institutions to enable exporters to obtain
better facilities from them.
Indian Trade Promotion
 ITPO provides a wide range of services to
promote export.
 ITPO has offices in New Delhi, Bangalore,
Chennai, Kolkata and Mumbai.
 ITPO ensures all regions of India are
adequately represented in events in India and
 To organize fairs and exhibitions in India
 To Participate in overseas fairs and organize
Indian trade shows in select locations abroad.
 To collect and distribute Information on
products and markets among trade and
industry in India and abroad.
 To Organise seminars, conferences and
workshops on trade-related issues
Federation of Indian Export Organisations

 The FIEO is an apex body among all export

promotion organisations and institutions.
 It is a primary servicing agency that provide
integrated assistance to Government
recognised Export Houses / Trading Houses.
 It acts as a Central Co-ordinating Agency to
promote export of consultancy services.
 FIEO organises seminars and sends trade delegations
to overseas markets for export promotion
 brings out `FIEO News per month for the use of its
member exporters and importers.
 FIEO empowers new entrepreneurs, particularly from
micro, mini and small and medium enterprises with
various facets of international trade.
 FIEO is a Registering Authority for exporting firms
& Select Service Providers
 Acts as an interface between the MSME
export sector & the Government & invites the
attention of the Policy makers on issues that
concern the export sector (at the Central &
State levels).
 FIEO can disburse grant to registered
exporters for approved promotional activities
like participation in Trade Fairs/BSMs abroad,
Delegations, etc.
 FIEO facilitates bilateral and multilateral trade
negotiations including WTO matters, RTAs/FTAs
and exchange of business delegations;
 FIEO organizes Made in India Show, Trade Fairs and
Exhibitions across the globe, particularly in untapped
 FIEO  conducts Market Surveys, Market
Intelligence,  Data  Analysis and Dissemination;
 FIEO issues Certificate of Origin, which is
required by many countries to establish proof
of origin of the goods.
 FIEO issues visa recommendation letter to
facilitate issuance of visa of members.
 Government of India launched EXIM Bank to
enhance exports from India and integrate the
country’s foreign trade and investment with
the overall economic growth.
 Exim bank has played major role in the
promotion of cross border trade and
investment in the promotion of cross border
trade and investment.
 Exim Bank is managed by a Board of
Directors, which has representatives from the
Government, RBI, ECGC, public sector banks,
and the business community.
 The Bank's functions are segmented into several
operating groups :
 Corporate Banking Group which handles a variety of
financing programmes for Export Oriented Units
(EOUs), Importers, and overseas investment by Indian
 Project Finance / Trade Finance Group handles the
entire range of export credit services such as
supplier's credit, pre-shipment
 Agri Business Group, to spearhead the initiative to
promote and support Agri-exports. The Group handles
projects and export transactions in the agricultural
sector for financing.
 Small and Medium Enterprise: The group handles
credit proposals from SMEs under various lending
programmes of the Bank.
 Export Services Group offers variety of advisory and
value-added information services aimed at investment
 Export Marketing Services Bank offers assistance to
Indian companies, to enable them establish their
products in overseas markets.
 Besides these, the Support Services groups, which
include: Research & Planning, Corporate Finance,
Loan Recovery, Internal Audit, Management
Information Services, Information Technology,
Legal, Human Resources Management and Corporate

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