Urban Design Guideline

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Sekar Trisna Moninggar
08211942000018 IUP Class

Table of Contents

Introduction 01 04 The Urban Guidelines Strategy

Physical and Visual Condition 02 05 The Corridor Design and


Development Concept 03 06 Conclusions

01 Introduction
Sungai Pinyuh is one of 9 districts in Mempawah Regency, West
Kalimantan, Indonesia. It is a transit point between three main roads with area
121.12 km2, the distance of Sungai Pinyuh with Mempawah Regency is ± 15
km to the north, and with Pontianak ± 67 km to the south. The development of
the region increasing highly and has made Sungai Pinyuh expansion growth
rapidly. This has an impact on the economy of the society and also makes the
city layout chaos. The infrastructure of it has several problems. The urgency of
development always happens in strategic locations like in the downtown area
or on road segments with a high level of accessibility this causes the need of
land capability along the left and right of the road segment increases. The
impact on land use tends to concentrate along main street lanes. As a result,
land use development in the main road environment will be faster, and service
burden for utilizing land functions becomes increasingly heterogeneous.
For anticipating these conditions, it is important that Sungai Pinyuh
street corridor should have the right guidelines for determining the direction of
regional development in the future. This guideline is an operational form to
control the spatial utilization, therefore, a recommendation for structuring the
building and environment mass along the corridor, it used as the basis for
development control guidelines and sustainable development frameworks,
Source : especially which related with building mass arranging and public space
https://sdm.data.kemdikbud.go.id/upload/files/Mempawah_nasional.pdf utilization along the corridor.
Physical and

02 Visual
Physical and Visual Condition
● Most of the land and building use along the Sungai Pinyuh corridor was dominated by formal activities, kind of commercial functions in the
area consists of shopping complexes, morning markets, banyan markets, and fish markets. In addition, there are also stalls and shop houses as
businesses of the local community, and other financial facilities.
● The growth of the city structure leads to sprawl cause incompatibility of road networks, pedestrians, utilities, and other infrastructure.
● When it gets poor maintenance, the degradation in the physical quality and ecological environment area deteriorate.
● It could conclude that;
- It is necessary to stipulate spatial control devices so that existing developments will limit and will anticipating with local government.
- There needs a regional vision arrangement integrally so that good environment quality can create

Figure : Existing street corridor section from Mempawah Regency, segment 1 and 2 (from
Sungai Pinyuh Street Corridor
Problem Vision Mission
The vision guidelines in the The corridor arrangement
conceptualization of the Sungai mission is to prevent the Sungai
Pinyuh street corridor is to Pinyuh corridor character by
develop corridor are integrated maintaining vegetation on the
street and urban green corridor. left and right side.
The Urban

04 Guidelines
The Urban Guidelines Strategy
In accordance with its potential, the Sungai Pinyuh street corridor development which prioritizes :

Ease of Access Comfort

Corridor Secure
The Urban Guidelines Strategy
The aim of the urban guidelines strategy are:
1) Public spaces that are responsive to activities that occur along
the Sungai Pinyuh street corridor for creating attractive and active
corridors for the pedestrian
2) Buildings and street furniture that have good design can
simultaneously raise the quality of the environment and open
space in front of it
3) Active public spaces by promoting mixed use along the
corridor and maintaining residential character by structuring
space and residential functions in buildings
4) Convenience and comfort, by understanding movement
character along the corridor and arrangement according to the
differences in the use of functions between residential and
5) The area that is capable of being a region that has distinctive
features so that it becomes one of the repertoires of the attractive
Sungai Pinyuh street corridor.

Table : Sungai Pinyuh street corridor arrangement strategy

Integrated Corridor
● Pedestrian zones in the integrated corridor concept based on Pedestrian Design Guidelines
● It is not only to ensure vehicles flow, comfortable free movement, pedestrian areas and users of public transportation, but provide
social interaction, security, and people quality of life in the urban.
● There are 2 principles that might be considered based on the integrated corridor concept, namely:
1) Mobility, which emphasizes the people in maximum numbers must be able to move quickly, safely and comfortably along the
2) Safety & Comfort, which is to create clean and safe road design, and comfortable for pedestrians adapted to the environment
a b c

Figure : Existing condition in 3-way junction (a), illustration of pedestrian bridge (b), and crossing area on 3-way
junction (c)
Overall, the integrated corridor concept was illustrated in the figure above. The
illustration shows 2 part of overall concept design. The example are pedestrian bridge
(a) function to connect people from right to left side without worrying about traffic. In
(b) illustration, the 3-way junction revitalized as new landmark of area by adding
bicycle path and crossing line.
Green Corridor
● The ecological and green principle used to reduce urban heat, degradation of land surface through permeable paving, planning
tree zones, and for increasing groundwater recharge & prevent seasonal flooding.
● The direction of the green corridor principle arrangement,
- At first is the trees should not place in the pedestrian area, on the hook area, or street corner, and left side.
- Second, designing for trees space. Furthermore, making the pedestrian safety zone to 1.8 m and the placement of utility systems
must placed separately from trees zone. Trees must not place where it can interfere with the street lighting because it will be
disturbing the vision of traffic signs. Trees trimmed for signage safety, street lights and ease of sight for street users.
- Finally, before planting trees, all of the existing plants must be identified, numbered, marked in the survey plan and maintained as
much as possible.
a b c

Figure : Exsisting corridor to Pontianak (a), Green corridor concept for Pontianak
direction (b), green corridor concept for Bengkayang direction (c)
The Corridor

05 Design Guidelines
The Corridor Design Guidelines
The urban design concepts and guidelines formula based on urban
design principles. This guidelines concept derived from elaboration
result of data with the theory of urban elements from Hamid
Shirvani, The preservation element is not included in the design of
this area because the place does not have preservation areas nor
buildings. The urban design elements concept of Sungai Pinyuh
street corridor includes:
Land Use and Intensity
➔ The land use of the Sungai Pinyuh street corridor directed for commercial functions street corridors on the
ground floor and residential on the upper floors.

Table : Recommendation of land use and intensity of Sungai Pinyuh

Building and Mass System
➔ The building mass system attempt to encourage walking and commercial activities that are located along the Sungai
Pinyuh corridor, till the concept of 'Perimeter Block' can apply for giving priority to comfortable walking corridors and
provide a friendly scale for observers that do activities on the ground floor.
➔ The application of this concept will create a continuous and friendly corridor space.
➔ It applies to both blocks plots and single plots.
a b c

Figure : Existing building layout (a), Commercial plan concept (b), Residential plan
concepts (c)
Open Space and Green System
➔ The trees lane planting on the right side along corridor between pedestrian path and the main street.
➔ The distance of each trees are 8-10 m.
➔ The green area have 1,5 width.
➔ On the left side of the green lane is slow line that use by bicycle or vehicle who want to stop at buildings in a moment.
a b c

Figure : Existing corridor that has no greenery (a), Green system

concept (b), illustration of green path, pedestrian and bicycle lane (c)
Supporting Activities
➔ Supporting activities in this area utilize existing road corridors and existing terminal areas.
➔ The location of intercity public transport terminal in this corridor for the future use to as one-stop shopping area. It
means that the use of public transport terminals is steady but adding new functions, like shop houses, and shopping
centres so that terminal utilization function maximally.
➔ The second supporting activity is utilizing the Anjungan-Bengkayang corridor as Chinatown. Chinese New Year events
such as lion dance, dragon dances, and Chinese New Year attributes can places in this corridor till people can find out
that this area is one of the supporting activities of the Sungai Pinyuh corridor.
a b c d

Figure : Existing terminal (a), corridor towards Bengkayang (b), public transport
terminal re-functioning (c), illustration of chinatown along corridor towards
Bengkayang regency (d)
Circulation and Parking
➔ Circulation is direct for boulevard corridor formation by providing a slow lane that functions as access and vehicles lane of lower
speeds till it expects to give a character to the area and preventing jam on the main lane.
➔ The size of the row adapts with the existing condition and planning for widening the road corridor.
➔ The row is direct for future development, which is 13 m wide on the Chinatown (Anjungan-Bengkayang lane) corridor (see in
figure 8, 21 m for the corridor leading to Mempawah (see in figure 9), and 16-18 m for the corridor to Pontianak.
➔ Sharing access applied to this corridor with the use of clear and easy to read traffic signs.
➔ There is 3 concept for parking in this corridor, namely:
1) to place vehicles in the parking area (off- street parking) that provide by with sharing access so that the road corridor does not
dominate by parking spaces
2) on street parking only allows on the area that provides on-street parking
3) Providing parking in the slow lane so that the vehicle does not accumulate on the main corridor segments, and reduces the
vehicle speed.

Figure : No bicycle path in existing corridor (left), bicycles path and corridor concept from Bengkayang
regency (center), corridor concept from Pontianak city (right)
a b

Figure : Existing corridor towards Mempawah (a), Corridor concept from Mempawah
Pedestrian Paths
➔ The pedestrian path was designed continuously along the corridor with good and comfortable landscape arrangement.
➔ The placement of utilities and street furniture does not interfere in pedestrian movements.
➔ Openings to the direction of building facade especially on the ground floor develop, so it provides attraction and
experience for street users.
➔ The landscape material encourages comfort and safety factors and is able to absorb water.
➔ The pedestrian area is also equipped with pathways for people with disabilities and visually impaired people, making it
easier for them accessing this route.
a b c

Figure : Existing pedestrian used for parking and hawker (a), pedestrian ways concept (b),
illustration of pedestrian lane and landmark of Sungai Pinyuh street corridor (c)
➔ It’s made to provide instructions for the existence of certain facilities placement in an area that could access visually,
especially by pedestrians.
➔ The principles of signage along the Sungai Pinyuh corridor are:
- Signage in the form of traffic signs and street names must be clear and placed in a position that does not interfere with
movement, especially in the pedestrian corridor.
- The form and design of information systems must be in accordance with applicable standards so that they are easily
understanding and familiar.
- Installation of ads space and building name in the space of on electric poles or pedestrian path lighting.
- Buildings name or business board places to the buildings facade or that does not disturb the visual of the city.
a b c

Figure : existing signage (a), signage concept (b), illustration of signages installation (c)
06 Conclusions
It concluded that the Sungai Pinyuh street corridor has experience land function, physical and visual
quality degradation. From this problem, an urban design concept emerges which aims to organize the
built-up area and open space so it could creates a proportional environmental system, besides, it provides
guidance on the structural form of regional space utilization in a three- dimensional form that could be
implemented by related parties. As well as recommendations for structuring the building mass and
environment, the corridor design concept also as the basis for the preparation of development control
guidelines and a sustainable development framework in the future. There are 2 concepts that will
developing in this study namely integrated corridor and urban green corridor. These concept implemented
by using 8 variables of urban elements.
As the results, street corridor design guidelines do by looking at whole aspects and carry out in an
integrated manner by arranging the road space, arrange the side of the street space and providing
guidelines for the building system and land use. Urban design elements adding in this guidelines to get
good performance with arranging the visual aspects so that the Sungai Pinyuh street corridor well
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