Balaji Institute of Sciences: Narsampet, Warangal-506 331 2010-11

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Balaji Institute of TECHNOLOGY&

(Affiliated to JNTU ,Hyderabad)
Narsampet,Warangal-506 331
A Signature Based method for content based
Retrieval of data’s

Under guidance of :

Siteubmd by:
P. Suresh Kumar [07C31A0588]
G.S.V.R.S.S. Phanindra [07C31A05B4]
V.Suresh [07C31A05C3]
P.Vishnu [07C31A05C9]
R.Nagaraju [07C31A05B4]
A number of algorithms have been proposed for the
discovery of data’s from the large database. However, since
the number of generated patterns can be large, selecting which
patterns to analyze can be nontrivial. There is thus a need for
algorithms and tools that can assist in the selection of
discovered patterns so that subsequent analysis can be
performed in an efficient and, ideally, interactive manner. In this
project, we propose a signature-based indexing method to
optimize the storage and retrieval of a relative data’s from the
large database.
Existing System

• Match retrieval, which is basically subset

quInverted Files indexing method
concentrate partial eries.
• An inverted list that stores a list of
references to all occurrences of this value
in the database
De-Merits of Existing System

 It does not concentrate on the superset queries.

 Retrieval time is high because it has to check all the

data’s in the data base for a query.
Proposed System

1. Focuses on supporting content-based queries of data’s from

the database.

2. Efficiently can be retrieved by signature file indexing method

Advantages of Proposed System

 we address the problem of efficiently retrieving subsets

of a large
collection of previously discovered data’s.

 improves the performance of data’s retrieval.

 This retrieval system is currently being combined with

visualization techniques for monitoring the behavior of a
pattern or a group of patterns over time.
System Requirements
Front End : J2ee.
Back End : MS Sql 2000
Operating System : WindowsXP
•In this paper, we propose a “flat” structure similar to

•The signature file is divided into partitions according

to some “key” derived from the signatures.
Therefore , each partition contains signatures having the

same key.
•When a query is received, the same method is
used to derive a key from the query signature, and onlythose

partitions with a key matched with the query keyare


•partitions not matching the key need not

be searched.

•However, as discussed later, a search on a

signature file does not look for exact match as standard
hashing does, thus introducing some unique and interesting
problems of its own.
•The main problem of the partitioned signature
file is to find a good partitioning scheme and
evaluate its performance.

•We studied elsewhere three partitioning algorithms

and evaluated in detail their performance both
analytically and with simulation
3.1 Problem Description
Definition 1 (state sequence). Let S denote the set of all possible
states. A state s 2 S that holds during a period of time ½b; fÞ is
denoted as ðb; s; fÞ, where b is the start time, and f is the end
time. The ðb; s; fÞ triple is termed a state interval. A state
sequence on S is a series of triples defining state intervals
ðb1; s1; f1Þ; h ðb2; s2; f2Þ; . . . ; ðbn; sn; fnÞi, where bi biþ1, and
bi < fi.
Definition 2 (temporal pattern). Given n state intervals
ðbi; si; fiÞ, 1 i n, a temporal pattern of size n is defined
by a pair ðs;MÞ, where s : f1; . . . ; ng ! S maps index i to the
corresponding state, andM is an n n matrix whose elements
M½i; j denote the relationship between intervals ½bi; fiÞ and
½bj; fjÞ. The size of a temporal pattern is the number of
intervals in the pattern, denoted as dimðÞ. If the size of is n,
then is called an n-pattern.
If the state intervals within the state sequences have
been ordered in increasing index according to their start
times, end times, and states, the resulting temporal
patterns are considered normalized, and only seven out
of 13 Allen relationships [32] are required, namely, before
ðbÞ, meets ðmÞ, overlaps ðoÞ, is-finished-by ðfiÞ, contains ðcÞ,
equals ð¼Þ, and starts ðsÞ.1 For the rest of this paper, let
Rel ¼ f¼; c; fi; s; o;m; bg be the set of these seven
relationships. A normalized temporal pattern does not
Definition 3 (subpattern). A temporal pattern ¼ ðs;MÞ
is a subpattern of ¼ ðs;MÞ, denoted v , if
dimðs;MÞ dimðs;MÞ and there is an injective
mapping : f1; . . . ; dimðs;MÞg ! f1; . . . ; dimðs;MÞg
such that
8i; j 2 f1; . . . ; dimðs;MÞg :
sðiÞ ¼ sððiÞÞ ^M½i; j ¼ M½ðiÞ; ðjÞ:
Informally, it can be stated that a pattern is a
subpattern of if can be obtained from by removing
intervals. As an example, consider the patterns in Fig. 1; p1
is a subpattern of p3, but it is not a subpattern of p4. We can

obtain p1 from p3 by removing interval

state D; on the other
hand, removing interval states C and D
from p4 would not
result in p1.
1. Subpattern queries. Find those patterns in D that
contain q.
2. Superpattern queries. Find those patterns in D that
are a subpattern of q.
3. Equality queries. Find those patterns in D equal to q.
This section first describes the method used to construct the
signature-based index from a collection of temporal
patterns and to answer a query using the index. In order
to facilitate this discussion, a brief overview of the use of
signature files in set retrieval is provided, and the new
terminologies used are introduced.
4.1 Signature Files
A signature is a bit pattern formed for a data object, which is
then stored in the signature file

three commonly used set-valued queries are

1. Subset query ðT QÞ. The target set is a superset of
the query set.
2. Superset query ðT QÞ. The target set is a subset of
the query set.
3. Equality query ðT QÞ. The target set is equal to the
query set

T-Target Set
Q -query set
During the next step, the filtering step, each
signature in the signature file is examined with the query
signature and becomes a drop (a candidate that may satisfy
the query) if it satisfies a predefined condition as follows:
1. T Q : target signature ^ query signature ¼ query
2. T Q : target signature ^ query signature ¼ target
3. T Q : query signature ¼ target signature.
4.2 Constructing Signature Files for Temporal
The signature of a temporal pattern is created by converting
the temporal pattern into an equivalent set from which the
signature is then generated.

two functions are

defined in the following:
Definition 5 (state mapping). Given a set of states S, a state
mapping function fðxÞ is a function that transforms a state
type x 2 S into an integer value, such that fðxÞ 6¼ fðyÞ for
x 6¼ y, where x, y 2 S.
Let a set of states S ¼ fA; B;C;Dg. An example of a simple
state mapping function fðxÞ can be defined as fðAÞ ¼ 1,
fðBÞ ¼ 2, fðCÞ ¼ 3, and fðDÞ ¼ 4. This function maps each
state into a unique value.
Definition 6 (relationship mapping). Given a set of states S
and a set of relations Rel, a relationship mapping gðx; y; rÞ
is a function that transforms a relationship ðx r yÞ into an
integer value, where x, y 2 S, and r 2 Rel.
Consider a
function gðx; y; rÞ ¼ hðrÞ fðxÞ þ fðyÞ, where f is a state
mapping function, and h is a function that maps r 2 Rel
into an integer. Let us define hðrÞ as hð¼Þ ¼ N, hðcÞ ¼ 2N,
hðfiÞ ¼ 3N, hðsÞ ¼ 4N, hðoÞ ¼ 5N, hðmÞ ¼ 6N, and
hðbÞ ¼ 7N, where N is the number of states in S.
For example, if S ¼
fA; B;C;Dg and f is defined above, then
gðA; B; bÞ ¼ ð28 1Þ þ 2 ¼ 30 and
gðB; A; bÞ ¼ ð28 2Þ þ 1 ¼ 57;
Definition 7 (equivalent set). Given a temporal pattern p of
size k, Sp ¼ hs1; . . . ; ski is the list of states in p, and Mp is a
k k matrix whose element Mp½i; j denotes the relationship
between states si and sj in Sp. The equivalent set of p, EðpÞ, is
defined as
EðpÞ ¼
[ [k1
j¼iþ1fgðsi; sj; rÞg
where r ¼ Mp½i; j.
For example, using the mapping functions f and g in the
previous example, the equivalent set of patterns p1 and p3
(Fig. 1) can be computed as follows:
Eðp1Þ ¼ fðfðAÞg [ ffðBÞg [ fðgðA; B; bÞg ¼ f1; 2; 30g;
Eðp3Þ ¼ fðfðAÞg [ ffðBÞg [ ffðDÞg [ fðgðA; B; bÞg[
fðgðA; D; bÞg [ fðgðB; D;mÞg
¼ f1; 2; 4; 30; 32; 52g:
For example, using the mapping functions f
and g in the
previous example, the equivalent set of
patterns p1 and p3
(Fig. 1) can be computed as follows:
Eðp1Þ ¼ fðfðAÞg [ ffðBÞg [ fðgðA; B; bÞg
¼ f1; 2; 30g;
Eðp3Þ ¼ fðfðAÞg [ ffðBÞg [ ffðDÞg
[ fðgðA; B; bÞg[
fðgðA; D; bÞg [ fðgðB; D;mÞg
¼ f1; 2; 4; 30; 32; 52g
Definition 8 (signature). The signature of an equivalent set
denoted sigðEÞ, is an F-bit binary number created by the
bitwise union of all element signatures in E. Each element
signature has an F-bit length, and m-bits are set to “1.”
For example, given F ¼ 8 and m ¼ 1, the signature of
element e 2 E is an 8-bit binary number that can be
computed by a hash function hashðeÞ ¼ 2ðemodFÞ. For the
set Eðp3Þ ¼ f1; 2; 4; 30; 32; 52g, its element signatures are
hashð1Þ ¼ 00000010; hashð2Þ ¼ 00000100;
hashð4Þ ¼ 00010000; hashð30Þ ¼ 01000000;
hashð32Þ ¼ 00000001;
and hashð52Þ ¼ 00010000. The signature of Eðp3Þ is computed
using the bitwise union of all these element
signatures, and the resulting signature is “01010111.
Equivalent Sets and Signatures of Temporal Patterns
facilitate the computation of signatures. This procedure is
outlined in Algorithm 4.1.
Algorithm 4.1. Constructing a signature file of temporal
Input: A database D of temporal patterns
Output: SignatureFile
1: for each p 2 D do
2: EðpÞ ¼ Equivalent SetðpÞ
3: sigp ¼ SignatureðEðpÞÞ
4: Insert hsigp; pidpi into SignatureFile
5: end for
6: return SignatureFile
Algorithm 4.2. Pseudocode of evaluateSubPattern using
Input: Temporal pattern database D, a query pattern q
Output: AnswerSet
1: EðqÞ ¼ Equivalent SetðqÞ
2: sigq ¼ SignatureðEðqÞÞ
3: for each hsigp; pidpi 2 SSF do
4: if sigp ^ sigq ¼ sigq then
5: Add pidp into the PID list
6: end if
7: end for
8: for each pidp in the PID list do
9: Retrieve p from D
10: if p w q then
11: Add p into AnswerSet
12: end if
13: end for
14: return AnswerSet
Algorithm 4.3. Pseudocode of evaluateSubPattern using
Input: Temporal pattern database D, a query pattern q
Output: AnswerSet
1: EðqÞ ¼ Equivalent SetðqÞ
2: sigq ¼ SignatureðEðqÞÞ
3: Retrieve the bit slices corresponding to the bit position
set to “1” in sigq
4: Perform a bitwise intersect operation on the retrieved
bit slices
5: for each entry where “1” is set in the resulting intersect
bit slice do
6: Add the corresponding pidp into the PID list
7: end for
8: for each pidp in the PID list do
9: Retrieve p from D
10: if p w q then
11: Add p into AnswerSet
12: end if
13: end for
14: return AnswerSet
Algorithm 4.3. Pseudocode of evaluateSubPattern using
Input: Temporal pattern database D, a query pattern q
Output: AnswerSet
1: EðqÞ ¼ Equivalent SetðqÞ
2: sigq ¼ SignatureðEðqÞÞ
3: Retrieve the bit slices corresponding to the bit position
set to “1” in sigq
4: Perform a bitwise intersect operation on the retrieved
bit slices
5: for each entry where “1” is set in the resulting intersect
bit slice do
6: Add the corresponding pidp into the PID list
7: end for
8: for each pidp in the PID list do
9: Retrieve p from D
10: if p w q then
11: Add p into AnswerSet
12: end if
13: end for
14: return AnswerSet
4.3 Answering Content-Based Queries Using the
Signature File
4.3.1 Subpattern Queries
Given a temporal pattern database D and a query pattern q,
the algorithm for evaluating subpattern queries is called

4.3.2 Superpattern Queries

Let evaluateSuperPatternðD; qÞ be the algorithm for
superpattern queries, that is, for finding temporal
patterns in D that are contained in q. If SSF is used, the
algorithm is similar to evaluateSubPattern in Algorithm 4.2
except the search condition sigp ^ sigq ¼ sigq (line 4) is
replaced with sigp ^ sigq ¼ sigp, and the query condition
p w q (line 10) is replaced with p v q.
Algorithm 4.4. Pseudocode of evaluateSuperPattern using
Input: Temporal pattern database D, a query pattern q
Output: AnswerSet
1: EðqÞ ¼ Equivalent SetðqÞ
2: sigq ¼ SignatureðEðqÞÞ
3: Retrieve the bit slices corresponding to the bit position
set to “0” in sigq
4: Perform a bitwise union operation on the retrieved bit
5: for each entry where “0” is set in the resulting union bit
slice do
6: add the corresponding pidp into the PID list
7: end for
8: for each pidp in the PID list do
9: Retrieve p from D
10: if p v q then
11: Add p into AnswerSet
12: end if
13: end for
14: return AnswerSet
4.3.3 Equality Queries
Let evaluateEqualityðD; qÞ be the algorithm for processing
equality queries. Using SSF, the algorithm follows Algorithm
4.2, except that the search condition sigp ^ sigq ¼ sigq
is replaced with sigp ¼ sigq, and the query condition p w q is
replaced with p ¼ q.
When BSSF is used, the algorithm requires access to all
bit-slice files, not only part of them. In order to decide if
sigp ¼ sigq, each bit of sigq must be compared with the
corresponding bit of sigp that is stored in different bit-slice
files. This is only possible by accessing all bit-slice files
The use of a signature-based index for content-based
retrieval of temporal patterns has been presented. The
signatures of temporal patterns are created by first converting
temporal patterns into equivalent sets and then generating
the signatures from the equivalent sets. The study
focused on the sequential and BSSF organizations, and aseries of experiments
compared the performance of both
signature files in processing subpattern and superpattern
In conclusion, the use of signature files improves the
performance of temporal pattern retrieval. The bit-slice
signature file performs better than the SSF and is a good
choice for content-based retrieval of temporal patterns. This
retrieval system is currently being combined with visualization
techniques for monitoring the behavior of a single
pattern or a group of patterns over time
7. System design:
7.1 Data flow diagram



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