Cloud Computing-Based Manufacturing Resources Configuration Method

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Optimization of Manufacturing

Systems Using the Internet of


Unit 5 : Cloud Computing-Based Manufacturing

Resources Configuration Method
UDDI - Universal description, discovery and integration
web-based information REGISTIES of web service.

● Service providers
○ To register and publish thier service
● Service demanders
○ To search and invoke the services
Four types of data structures:

● businessEntity
○ Business name, contact information, categorization, and some other key
● businessService
○ Container of a series of related services provided by businessEntity
● bindingTemplate
○ Technical web service description that defines the required information
when invoking specific web services
● tModel
○ It is a list of key references contained in each bindingTemplate and
serves as a pointer to the information about specifications
The Framework of MS-UDDI

To allow service providers to register and publish their manufacturing services

into the CMfg platform. Therefore, these services can be easily found and
invoked by demanders.

MS-UDDI consists of three submodules

1. The registration module

2. The publishing module
3. The search module.

Each serivices has Universally unique identifier (UUID)

● MS-UDDI, various services are freely circulating in the cloud environment

● Which makes it convenient for demanders to search and find services that support the
related manufacturing activities, even the entire production life cycle.

● Aforementioned procedures are executed in the search module.

● After demanders find their target services, the business contracts between two parties
are signed.

● During the service execution, demanders or other users can invoke the binding services
to acquire corresponding real-time production information at any time.
● The registration module, we have
to embed the OWL-S profiles that
describe the services into a UDDI
data structure
● An element in the OWL-S profile
can find a corresponding one in
UDDI, a one-to-one mapping
relationship is built, such as
contactInformation and serviceName
in the OWL-S profile
● Service providers first register manufacturing services into the MS-UDDI. Then, some
other application services that encapsulated based on the real-time production data for
supporting the manufacturing processes are registered, such as online quality controlling
service and real-time production scheduling

● In the publishing module, a web server should be installed with related web service
components plugged in. Therefore, the registered manufacturing services are deployed on
the web server. If successfully deployed, the Web Services Description Language
(WSDL) files can be viewed. This service deployment procedure makes services accessible
over the Internet.

● Let MT = { , ST ST ST ST 1 2 ,..., ,..., } g N denote the part-level task under processing,

where N is the total number of subtasks and STg is the gth subtask, the service optimal
configuration process for this task follows the next two parts.

2.1 Task-Driven Service Proactive Discovery

● In today’s manufacturing industry, distributed SMEs are insufficient to find tasks

proactively, which results in the low utilization of manufacturing resources.

● We presented a task-driven service proactive discovery mechanism that enables CMSs to

actively make rapid responses to tasks and then apply to perform corresponding ones.
Here, based on the semantic match method , four degrees of matching are assigned, including Exact,
Plug in, Subsume, and Fail.

Match ( CMPartType ,MTPartType ) = Exact

Match (CMMethod ,MTMethod) = Exact

Match (CMGeoDimension ,MTGeoDimension ) = Exact

Match ( CMCharacteristic, MTCharacteristic) = Exact

Match ( CMMaterial ,MTMaterial) = Exact

Match ( CMPrecision ,MTPrecision) = Exact

Match (CMRoughness ,MTRoughness) = Exact

Only if all the degrees of matching reach Exact, this CMS can be viewed as competent to undertake the task
and pooled into the candidate set.
Service Optimal Configuration Method
● A service optimal configuration method is proposed aiming to find an optimal
solution for the task.
● The specific procedure, in which an evaluation system and a GRA-based evaluation
approach are included.
● We choose four primary criteria that include cost, time, energy, and quality.
1. Cost (C): the execution cost of a CMS, including all the cost related to the machining process, handling,
storage, etc.

2. Delivery time (DT): the expected date that providers deliver the tasks. Borrowing the philosophy of just-
in-time (JIT), neither earliness nor tardiness should be avoided referring to the task’s due date. The parameter
∆ = T D max{ T −d t, 0} is defined as the tardiness, where dt denotes the due date.

3. Pass rate (PR): the pass rate of the finished product which can be derived from the historical production

4. OTDR: the possibility of delivering tasks on time according to the DT.

5. Reliability (R): the execution reliability of the machine.

6. Energy (E): the energy consumption of the machine; the electricity consumption in the service process is
primarily concerned in this work.

The GRA-based evaluation method is presented to perform the service optimal selection, helping
demanders find their satisfactory services.

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