Ministry of Mushrooms, Inc.: About Us
Ministry of Mushrooms, Inc.: About Us
About us:
Mission statement:
Primordia(“Antler”) Formation
Incubation Temperature: 18-24ºC
Relative Humidity: 95-100%
Duration: 14-28 days
CO2: 20,000-40,000 ppm
Fresh Air Exchanges: 0-1 per hour
Light Requirements: 4-8 hours at 200-500 lux
Fruitbody Development
Incubation Temperature: 21-27ºC
Relative Humidity: 90-95%
Duration: 60 days
CO2: less than 2,000 ppm
Fresh Air Exchanges: as required
Light Requirements: 12 hours on/off 750-1500 lux
Fruitbody Development:
Two crops in 90-120 days
Biological Efficiency:
Formula: 1lb of fresh mushrooms grown from 1lb of dry substrate is
100% biological efficiency (B. E.)
Fruitbody Development
Incubation Temperature: 24-27ºC
Relative Humidity: 75-85%
Duration: 4-8 days
CO2: less than 2,000 ppm
Fresh Air Exchanges: 5-7per hour
Light Requirements: minimal, 100-200 foot-candles
Fruitbody Development:
Two crops in 90-120 days
Biological Efficiency
and Yield Potential
Current biological efficiencies are
estimated at 50-75% on supplemented
sawdust. 1 lb (.5kg) of mushrooms can
be harvested from 5 lbs (2.5kg) of
Stamets, P., 2000. Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms. Ten Speed
Press, Berkley California.
Stamets, P. and Chilton, J.S., 1983. The Mushroom Cultivator. Agarikon Press,
Olympia, Washington.
Hossain K., Srker N.C., Kakon A.J., Khan A.S., and Ahmed S., 2009. Cultivation
of Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) on Sawdust of Different Tree
* All images were found online through Google Images and are considered
free to use.