Tesfalem L.Internship Presentation

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Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

Collage of Biological and Chemical Engineering

Department of Chemical Engineering

Internship Report and Project

Company: MOHA Soft Drinks S.C. Mekelle branch

Prepared by: Tesfalem Legese

Advisors Name: Mr. Aman Kassaye
Company Supervisor Name: Mr. Yohannes G.

Feb, 2019
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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 Background

 Introduction
 Objective of the internship

 Process description

 Material and energy balance

 Internship project

 Conclusion

 Recommendation
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 The origin of Pepsi takes us back to 1898 to a pharmacist called Caleb Brad
Ham of North Carolina.
 Nefas silk Pepsi cola is the first Pepsi cola plant in Ethiopia and was
established in 1966 as a share.
 The company was given to Mohammed Hussien Al-Almoudi in1996 and
called (MOHA)
 Mekelle Pepsi is the recent one amongst the eight MOHA branches in

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The history of soft drinks takes us back to lemonade published in 1663.

Although there is no single definition for soft drinks; the generally accepted one is

they are sweetened, water based beverages.

They can be also defined as sweet, flavored, non alcoholic, carbonated beverages.

The raw materials used in the soft drinks production can be broadly classified as

direct and indirect.

Direct raw materials involve directly as an ingredient whereas the indirect ones

facilitate the production.

David P. Steen and Philip R. Ashurst , 2nd ed. 2006, Blackwell , Oxford, UK
Philip R. Ashurst, 2nd ed. 2005, Blackwell, Hereford, UK

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Objective of the internship
General objective
 To deduce theoretical knowledge into practical and
problem solving skill
Specific objective
To realize the production of soft drinks at MOHA
To realize the water treatment technology
To realize carbon dioxide production
To indicate the quality testing in the laboratory

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Process description
Raw materials
Direct raw materials
 Treated water
 sugar
 Concentrate (prepared by PepsiCo international)
 Carbon dioxide
Indirect raw materials
 high flow (DE)
 activated carbon
 Brine
 Soda ash
 Diesel
 Steam
 Sand
 Monoethanolamine (MEA)

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Water treatment
 Water 85 – 95% of the soft drinks

 The company has water treatment plant to treat ground water physically,
chemically and biologically to produce:
 Soft water

 Backwash

 Service water

 Product water

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Syrup preparation room
 Syrup refers to a dissolved sugar to form a thick sweet solution.
 Sugar solution and concentrate are mixed with a treated water to
form simple syrup and then final syrup.
 Concentrate consists of flavors, colors and preservatives.

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Carbon dioxide production
 CO2 is produced from chemical combustion of diesel through absorption-

stripping process using MEA from the flue gas.

 General steps:

 Combustion (1)

 Separation(2)

 Purification(3)

 Liquefaction(4)

 Evaporation (5)

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Final production
CO2 mixer water

Cooling Filler

Soft steam

CO2 is also used in filler machine to remove the oxygen in the bottle

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Material balance

Steady state, no generation, no consumption, no MEA solution loss
160kg/hr CO2 produced
In = out
Md + MMEA + Mair = Mfg + MMEA------------------ no solvent loss
Since 1L diesel gives 2.66Kg of CO2 mass flow rate of diesel and flue gas
Mair = 1300.8kg/hr – 50kg/hr => Mair = 1250.8kg/hr
MOG = 1300.8kg/hr – 160kg/hr = 1140.8kg/hr

Mole flow rate of MEA : loading = nCO2/nMEA

MMEA = 11.36Kmol/hr * 61g/mol => 693Kg
Therefore 27,379.2Kg of gas is released without treatment to produce 3840kg of CO 2 at 24hrs nonstop

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Energy balance

 Steady state, no accumulation, no generation, no consumption
Energy in = energy out
Heat lost by furnace = heat gain by the other gas + heat gain by MEA + heat gain by CO2 +
loses to the env’t
Using mcpDT
Qin = 44,000kj/kg * 50kg/hr =>2,200,000kj/hr
Heat gain by MEA QMEA = 693kj/hr*3.915kj/kg.K*145K =>393,398.775kj/hr
Heat gain by other gas Qog = 1140.8kg/hr*1.0185kj/kg.K*145 = 168,476.196kj/hr
Heat gain by CO2 = 160kg/hr * 0.9545j/kg.K * 145
Qlost = 2,200,000kj/hr - 393,398.775kj/hr - 168,476.196kj/hr - 22,144.4kj/hr
Qloss = 1,615,980.629kj/hr ……… to the atmosphere

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Internship project
Increasing the efficiency of CO2 absorption
primarily using potassium carbonate

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Statement of the problem
 MEA solution, which is used in the absorption-striping process of CO 2, has many

disadvantages including high energy and chemical cost, corrosiveness, loss of solvent, and
above all it is traditional.

 This project is aimed at improving the absorption-stripping process primarily by replacing

monoethanolamine (MEA) with potassium carbonate.

General objective
 To optimize the carbon dioxide capturing technology in the absorber using primarily K 2CO3

Specific objective

 To compare MEA and K2CO3 and provide the better one

 To study and provide the parameters that affects the absorption

 To increase the efficiency of absorption

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 The project is done theoretically by referring different
books and early works.
 Simple material balance analysis is done on the absorption
using K2CO3.
 The material balance is also compared with the absorption
using MEA in the early work.

General material balance

Mass in - Mass out + Generation - Consumption = Accumulation
On absorption
x1L + ynG = xn+1L + yoG

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Result and discussion

 Although the reaction rate is slow; K2CO3 gives the

following advantages as compared to MEA:

 low energy cost

 low solvent cost

 less corrosiveness

 High solvent regeneration

 high product purity

 Recentness of the technology

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reaction rate can be increased using promoter.

Promoters such as paperazine act like a catalyst and

increase the absorption capacity of the solvent.

Other parameters like temperature, pressure, flow
rate, packing pattern, absorber type, density, viscosity
and PH affect the absorption process .

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Limitations on the project
Lack of laboratory access for the experimental work
shortage of standard operating parameters

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 The internship was found useful on both practical knowledge problem

solving skill improvement in general.

 social skills such as communication skill, team work, punctuality,
responsibility, accountability and work ethics.
 From the material and energy balance huge amount of air is released

and massive energy loss in the company.

 From the project it is concluded that potassium carbonate is much

better than MEA and the slow reaction rate can be solved using
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 As recommendation the company should take the following
in to consideration:
 provide laboratory access for the students

 further improvements on absorption process, water

management (wastewater treatment and recycling ) and energy

loss mainly in the boiler
 utilization of waste acidic gases from CO 2 and flue gas from

steam generation in wastewater treatment as PH adjuster and

CO2 production respectively.
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