Week 2 Cloud Computing Lecture 4

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Cloud computing

Lecture 4
Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:
Understand the main characteristics of cloud computing
Compare Classical Data Center with Cloud Computing
Describe the key elements of a CDC (compute, storage, and network)
 Describe compute virtualization
 Discuss the compute virtualization techniques
 Explain the virtual machine (VM) components
 Describe resource management and resource optimization techniques
Cloud Computing Definition
Cloud Computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool
of configurable and reliable computing resource (E.G., Networks, servers, storage, applications,
services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal consumer management effort
or service provider interaction.

› Cloud Model is:

1. Four deployment models.
2. Three service models.
3. Five essential characteristics.
Cloud Models
Four deployment models.
1. Private cloud: Enterprise owned or leased.

2. Community cloud: Shared infrastructure

for specific community.

3. Public cloud: Sold to the public, mega-

scale infrastructure.

4. Hybrid cloud: Composition of two or more


Service Model
Three service models.
1. Cloud Software as a Service (SaaS): Use provider’s applications over a network.

2. Cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS): Deploy customer-create applications to a


3. Cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Rent processing, storage, network

capacity, and other fundamental computing resource.

Characteristics of cloud computing as per
• Characteristics of cloud computing as per NIST According to NIST ( National
institute of standards and technology) there are five essential characteristics of
cloud computing:-

1. On Demand Self Service

• Computer services such as email, applications network or server service can be provided
without requiring interaction with each service provider.
• Cloud service providers providing on demand self services include Amazon Web Service ,
Microsoft, IBM and salesforce.com.
• Ubiquitous network access   where computing is made to appear anytime
and everywhere

Characteristics of cloud computing as per
2. Broad Network Access
• Cloud capabilities are available over the network and accessed through
standard mechanism that promote use by heterogeneous clients such as
mobile phones, laptops.

3. Resource pooling
• The providers computing resources are pooled together to serve multiple
customers, with different physical and virtual resources dynamically assigned
and reassigned according to the customers demand.
• Examples of resources include:
• storage, processing, memory, and network bandwidth.

Characteristics of cloud computing as per
4. Rapid elasticity
• Capabilities can be elastically provisioned and released, in some cases
automatically, to scale rapidly outward and inward commensurate with

5. Measured service
• Resource usage can be monitored, controlled, and reported, providing
transparency for both the provider and consumer of the utilized service.

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Important Elements in the Origination of Cloud Computing:
Utility Computing The packaging and delivery of computing resources to a customer who pays for these
resources as a metered service when needed. The objective is to use services effectively while
reducing associated cost.
Grid Computing The application of the processing power of multiple networked computing resources to solve a
specific problem. It is a form of parallel processing conducted on a network of computers. In
grid computing, severs, storage and network are combine to form powerful computing
resource nodes that can be dynamically provision as needed.
Autonomic Computing The functioning of a computer system without external control. The term is based on the
autonomic nervous system of the human body.
The objective of autonomic computing is to have the computer perform critical and complex
functions without any major intervention Platform by a user.
Platform Virtualization physical computing resources into multiple execution environments, including servers,
applications, and operating systems. Virtualization is based on the concept of a virtual machine
running on a physical computing platform.

Important Elements in the Origination of Cloud Computing:
Software as a Service A software distribution and deployment model in which applications are provided to customers as a
(SaaS) service. The applications can run on the users’ computing systems or the provider’s Web servers.
SaaS provides for efficient patch management and promotes collaboration.

Service Oriented A set of services that communicate with each other, whose interfaces are
Architectures (SOA) known and described, whose functions are loosely coupled (the type of
interface is not tied to the implementation), and whose use can be
incorporated by multiple organizations.

Cloud Services Example • Cloud computing services

• Cloud computing services provided by Amazon Web Services
• Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) commercial services offered by Amazon to small companies
• Google offers Google Apps.
• Microsoft Azure Services Cloud Platform.
• VMware is a company that provides virtualization software
• IBM and Juniper Networks

Traditional Data Center
Cloud Based Data Centers

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The main difference between a cloud and a data center is that a
cloud is an off-premise form of computing that stores data on
the Internet, whereas a data center refers to on-premise
hardware that stores data within an organization's local network.

Open the links below to watch:

• Classical datacenter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08G6ip6v-6A
• Virtual datacenter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBSCh5Al9is

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Key Requirements of a Data Center


Data Integrity
Integrity Performance


Security Flexibility


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Classic Data Center (CDC) Components
Classic Data Center
A CDC is a facility containing physical
IT resources including compute,
network, and storage

Core elements of CDC

Database Management System (DBMS)

1- Application found in a CDC
• Commonly deployed applications in a CDC
• Business applications:
• E-mail, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Decision Support System (DSS), Data
Warehouse (DW)
• Management applications
• Resource management, performance tuning
• Data protection applications
• Backup, replication
• Security applications
• Authentication, antivirus

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2- Database Management System (DBMS)
• Database is a structured way to store data in logically organized tables
that are interrelated
• Helps to optimize the storage and retrieval of data
• DBMS is a collection of computer programs that control the creation,
maintenance, and use of databases
• Processes an application’s request for data
• Instructs the OS to retrieve the appropriate data from storage
• Popular DBMS examples are MySQL, Oracle RDBMS, SQL Server, etc.

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3- Compute
A resource that runs applications with the help of underlying computing

• Compute consists of physical components (hardware devices) and logical

components (software and protocols)
• Physical components of compute are CPU, Memory, and Input/Output (I/O)
• I/O devices facilitate the following types of communication:
• User to compute: Handled by basic I/O devices such as keyboard, mouse, etc.
• Compute to compute/storage: Enabled using host controller or host adapter
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Examples of Compute System
• Examples of compute systems:
• Laptops/Desktops
• Blade servers
• Complex cluster of servers
• Mainframes
• Bladed server technology is commonly used to deploy compute systems
in a CDC
• Consolidates power- and system-level function into a single, integrated chassis
• Enables the addition of server modules as hot-pluggable components
• Provides increased server performance and availability without increase in size,
cost, or complexity

Logical Components of Compute

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4- Classical Datacenter Storage
• The type of storage device used is based on the type of data and the rate at
which it is created and used
• A storage device may use magnetic, optical, or solid state media
• Examples: Disk drive (magnetic), CD (optical), Flash drive (solid state)
• Storage Device Options
• Tape Drive
• Optical Disks
• Disk Drive
• Solid State Drive

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Which is best? Cloud Vs. Traditional DC

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How much does a data center cost to run?
• It depends on these things:
• How big it is.
• Where it is.
• What it’s doing.

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The cost of running a traditional data center
• Although each data center is a little different, the average cost per year to operate a
large data center is usually between $10 million to $25 million.

• 42 percent: Hardware, software, disaster recovery arrangements, uninterrupted power

supplies, and networking.

• 58 percent: Heating, air conditioning, property and sales taxes, and labor costs. (In fact,
as much as 40 percent of annual costs are labor alone.)

• The reality of the traditional data center is further complicated because most of the costs
maintain existing (and sometimes aging) applications and infrastructure. Some estimates
show80 percent of spending on maintenance.

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The cost of running a traditional data center
• Most data centers run a lot of different applications and have a wide
variety of workloads.
• Many of the most important applications running in data centers are
actually used by only a relatively few employees.
• Some applications that run on older systems are taken off the market
(no longer sold) but are still necessary for business.
• Because of the nature of these applications, it probably wouldn’t be
cost effective to move these environments to the cloud.

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• In this case cloud data centers means data centers with 10,000 or more servers
on site, all devoted to running very few applications that are built with consistent
infrastructure components (such as racks, hardware, OS, networking, and so on).

• Cloud data centers are

• Constructed for a different purpose.
• Created at a different time than the traditional data center.
• Built to a different scale.
• Not constrained by the same limitations.
• Perform different workloads than traditional data centers.

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• Traditionally, server virtualization was viewed as a cost-saving measure.
However, it has evolved to the point that it is now considered to have
value. both in providing flexibility in the utilization of resources and as
an enabler of cloud computing.

• Benefits of virtualization
• Server consolidation
• Isolation
• Encapsulation
• Hardware independence
• Reduced cost

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Compute Virtualization
Compute Virtualization
Compute Virtualization

It is a technique of masking or abstracting the physical compute hardware and enabling multiple
operating systems (OSs) to run concurrently on a single or clustered physical machine(s).

• Enables creation of multiple virtual machines

(VMs), each running an OS and application
• VM is a logical entity that looks and behaves like
physical machine
• Virtualization layer resides between hardware
and VMs Virtualization Layer
• Also known as hypervisor x86 Architecture
• VMs are provided with standardized hardware
CPU NIC Card Memory Hard Disk

Need for Compute Virtualization

x86 Architecture Hypervisor

x86 Architecture

CPU NIC Card Memory Hard Disk

CPU NIC Card Memory Hard Disk

Before Virtualization After Virtualization

• Runs single operating system (OS) per machine at a time • Runs multiple operating systems (OSs) per machine
• Couples s/w and h/w tightly concurrently
• May create conflicts when multiple applications run on • Makes OS and applications h/w independent
the same machine • Isolates VM from each other, hence no conflict
• Underutilizes resources • Improves resource utilization
• Is inflexible and expensive • Offers flexible infrastructure at low cost

It is a software that allows multiple operating systems (OSs) to run concurrently on a physical
machine and to interact directly with the physical hardware.

• Has two components

• Kernel
• Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM)


Hypervisor (Kernel and VMM)

x86 Architecture

CPU NIC Card Memory Hard Disk

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Types of Hypervisor


x86 Architecture
Operating System
x86 Architecture

CPU NIC Card Memory Hard Disk CPU NIC Card Memory Hard Disk

Type 1: Bare-Metal Hypervisor Type 2: Hosted Hypervisor

Type 1: Bare-Metal Hypervisor Type 2: Hosted Hypervisor

• It is an operating system (OS) • It installs and runs as an application
• It installs and runs on x86 bare-metal • It relies on operating system (OS) running on
hardware physical machine for device support and
physical resource management
• It requires certified hardware

Virtual Machine Files
File name Description

Virtual BIOS File • Stores the state of the virtual machine’s (VM’s) BIOS

• Is a VM’s paging file which backs up the VM RAM contents

Virtual Swap File
• The file exists only when VM is running

• Stores the contents of the VM’s disk drive

Virtual Disk File • Appears like a physical disk drive to VM
• VM can have multiple disk drives

• Keeps a log of VM activity

Log File
• Is useful for troubleshooting

• Stores the configuration information chosen during VM creation

Virtual Configuration File • Includes information such as number of CPUs, memory, number and type of
network adaptors, and disk types

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Virtual Machine Hardware
Parallel Serial/Com USB controller
port ports and USB devices

IDE controllers Floppy controller

and floppy drives

Graphic card Virtual Machine


VM chipset with one Network adapters

or more CPUs SCSI controllers (NIC and HBA)

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VM Hardware Components
Virtual Hardware Description
• Virtual machine (VM) can be configured with one or more virtual CPUs
• Number of CPUs allocated to a VM can be changed
• Amount of memory presented to the guest operating system (OS)
• Memory size can be changed based on requirement
• Stores VM's OS and application data
Virtual Disk
• A VM should have at least one virtual disk
vNIC • Enables a VM to connect to other physical and virtual machines
Virtual DVD/CD-ROM Drive • It maps a VM’s DVD/CD-ROM drive to either a physical drive or an .iso file
Virtual Floppy Drive • It maps a VM’s floppy drive to either a physical drive or an .flp file
Virtual SCSI Controller • VM uses virtual SCSI controller to access virtual disk
Virtual USB Controller • Maps VM’s USB controller to the physical USB controller

CIS-4403: Solutions
Cloud Computing Characteristics
• So what are its characteristics?
• Described as: On-demand computing, pay as you go, software as a service,
utility computing
• Usually costs, but cost-effective
• Virtualization
• Scalable (expand on current hardware)
• Elastic (dynamically add hardware as needed)
• Distributed and highly parallel approach
• Emphasizes availability
• Replication, replication, replication …
• Cloud infrastructure used depends on application
• Only need one server to run small job OR
• Massive number of servers needed
• ELASTIC – unlimited resources
• Cloud provider keeps adding hardware to satisfy your
The Result of Clouds:
Different Computing Model

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)

Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)
Cloud Service Models
• Software as a Service (SaaS)
• Applications, management and user interfaces provided over a network

• Platform as a Service (PaaS)

• Application development frameworks, operating systems and
deployment frameworks

• Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

• Virtual computing, storage and network resource that can be
provisioned on demand
• Sun white paper:
"Introduction to Cloud Computing Architecture"
• Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) – aka Hardware as a
Service (HaaS) and Utility computing
• Why buy machines when you can rent resources?
• Utility computing billing – based on what used
• Provides basic storage and compute capabilities as server
• Servers, storage systems, CPU cycles, switches,
routers, etc.
Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)
• Resource Provisioning
• Provides the users the capability to provision computing and storage
• Virtual Machines
• These resources are provided to the users as virtual machine instances and
virtual storage. Users can start, stop, configure and manage the virtual
machine instances and virtual storage.
• Provider Managers Infrastructure:
• The cloud service provider manages the underlying infrastructure.
• Pay-per-use/Pay-as-you-go:
• Virtual resources provisioned by the users are billed based on a pay-per-
use/pay-as-you-go paradigm.
• Does not provide applications to customers (SaaS and
PaaS do)
• Saves cost of purchasing
• Infrastructure can be scaled up or down
• Multiple tenants can use equipment at the same time
– called multitenant
• Device independence – access systems on different
• Low barriers to entry
IaaS Components
• Computer hardware – rented out, provider set up as a grid for
• Network – hardware for firewalls, routers, etc.
• Internet connectivity so user can access hardware
• Allows clients to run the VM they want
Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)


Benefits Characteristics Examples

- Shift focus from IT - Multi-tenancy - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
management to core activities - Virtualized hardware (EC2)
- No IT infrastructure - Management & monitoring tools - RackSpace
management costs - Disaster recovery - Google Compute Engine
- Pay-per-use/pay-per-go pricing - Joyent
- Guaranteed performance - Terremark
- Dynamic scaling Adoption - OpSource
- Secure access - Individual users: Low - Nimbula
- Enterprise grade infrastructure - Small & medium enterprises: Medium
- Large organizations: High - Enamoly
- Green IT adoption - Eucalyptus
- Government: High
- Open Stack
• How do you use this hardware?
• If they provide the hardware and software to use it, is it no longer IaaS?
• If you want to use their servers, do you have to create your own VM?
Do they have VMs available?
• 0321
• If you create your own VMs, etc. This is not easy …
IaaS Examples
• Ex: Amazon’s EC2, e.g. Samba - Connecting to Cloud Storage
as a Network Share
• Google Compute Engine
• Windows Azure VMs
• Service level agreements between provider and client – SLA
• The specific parameters, minimum levels required for each element of the service,
remedies for failure to meet requirements.
• Affirms ownership of data stored on the service provider’s system, specifies your rights
to get it back.
• System infrastructure and security standards to be maintained by the service provider,
your rights to audit their compliance.
• Specifies your rights and cost to continue and discontinue using the service.
• http://www.techradar.com/us/news/internet/cloud-services/four-things-to-know-about-

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