3 Gaseous Exchange Through The Respiratory Membrane.

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MARCH 2020
Gas exchange
1-Define partial pressure of a gas, how is influenced by altitude.
2- Understand that the pressure exerted by each gas in a mixture of gases is independent of the pressure
exerted by the other gases (Dalton's Law)
3- Understand that gases in a liquid diffuse from higher partial pressure to lower partial pressure (Henry’s
4- Describe the factors that determine the concentration of a gas in a liquid.
5- Describe the components of the alveolar-capillary membrane (i.e., what does a molecule of gas pass
6- Identify the various factors determining gas transfer: -
Surface area, thickness, partial pressure difference, and diffusion coefficient of gas
7- State the partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, alveolar gas, at the end of the
pulmonary capillary, in systemic capillaries, and at the beginning of a pulmonary capillary.

Dr. Shafiq
Gas exchange through the respiratory membrane
After ventilation of the alveoli with
fresh air the next step is the process
called Diffusion of oxygen and
carbon dioxide across the respiratory
-Thickness of the respiratory
membrane is 0.2 -0.6 micrometer.
-The total surface area is about 70
m2 in the normal adult human male.
-The total quantity of blood in the
capillaries of the lungs at any given
instant is 60 to 140 ml.
Gas Transfer
(Diffusion of O2 and CO2)
Partial pressure of gases
 The gases of physiological
importance are O2,CO2.
 The rate of diffusion of each of
these gases is directly proportional
to the pressure caused by this gas
alone which is called the partial
pressure of the gas
 Pressure is caused by the constant
impact of kinetically moving
molecules against a surface..
Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures
It states that the partial pressure of a gas in a mixture of
gases is the pressure that gas would exert if it occupied the
total volume of the mixture.

Thus partial pressure is the total pressure multiplied by the

fractional concentration of dry gas,
or Px = PB × F (21% O2 in atmosphere
O2 =760 x 21/100=160 mmHg.
for humidified gas : PX = (PB − PH2O)× F
PX = Partial pressure of gas (mm Hg)
PB = Barometric pressure (760mm Hg)
Partial Pressure of O2 and CO2
 Oxygen concentration in the atmosphere is
21%. So PO2 in atmosphere = 760 mmHg x
21% = 160 mmHg.
 This mixes with “old” air already present in
alveolus to arrive at PO2 of 104 mmHg in
 Carbon dioxide concentration in the
atmosphere is 0.04%. So PCO2 in atmosphere
=760 mmHg x 0.04% = 0.3 mm Hg
 This mixes with high CO2 levels from
residual volume in the alveoli to arrive at
PCO2 of 40 mmHg in the alveoli.
Factors That Determine the Partial Pressure of a Gas Dissolved in a Fluid.

 The partial pressure of a gas in a solution is determined not only

by its concentration but also by the solubility coefficient of the
 These relations are expressed by the following formula, which is
Henry’s law:
 Partial pressure = Concentration of dissolved gas
 Solubility coefficient
 Carbon dioxide is more than 20 times as soluble as oxygen.
Therefore, the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (for a given
concentration) is less than one twentieth that exerted by oxygen.
Factors affecting gas diffusion- Fick’s Principle

D α ΔP x A x S
d x √MW
1-P: Partial pressure differences
2-A: Surface area for gas exchange [The total
surface area of the respiratory membrane is ~ 50
to 100 m2 in normal adult.] ( Decreases??)
3-d: Diffusion distance [thickness of the
respiratory membrane] ( causes?)
4-MW: Molecular weight and (S ) 5-solubility of gas
in the body fluids.

S/ √MW is called the diffusion coefficient of the

6-The temperature of the fluid. In the body, the
temperature remains reasonably constant and
usually need not be considered.
Cont….Factors affecting diffusion across the respiratory membrane

O2 has lower molecular weight than

But CO2 is 24 times more soluble than
Net result: CO2 diffusion approx. 20
times faster than O2 diffusion
The relative rates at which different
gases at the same pressure level will
diffuse are proportional to their
diffusion coefficient.
For Oxygen = 1.0
carbon dioxide =20.0
nitrogen =0.53
 Atmospheric air is composed almost entirely of nitrogen
and O2; it normally contains almost no CO2 and little
water vapor.
 As soon as the atmospheric air enters the respiratory
passages, it is exposed to the fluids that cover the
respiratory surfaces.
 Even before the air enters the alveoli, it becomes almost
totally humidified.
Composition of Alveolar Air—Its Relation to Atmospheric Air

Alveolar air concentrations of gases are different

from the atmospheric air due to several reasons.
1-The alveolar air is only partially replaced by
atmospheric air with each breath {Only 350
milliliters of new air is brought into the alveoli
with each normal inspiration, and this same
amount of old alveolar air is expired.
i.e The volume of alveolar air replaced by new
atmospheric air with each breath is only one
seventh of the total,
2-Oxygen is being absorbed into the pulmonary
blood from the alveolar air.
3- Carbon dioxide is diffusing from the pulmonary
blood into the alveoli.
4- Dry atmospheric air is humidified even before it
reaches the alveoli.
Partial Pressures of Respiratory Gases
as They Enter and Leave the Lungs
Importance of the Slow Replacement of Alveolar Air

 The slow replacement of alveolar air is of particular

importance in preventing sudden changes in gas
concentrations in the blood.
 This makes the respiratory control mechanism much more
stable than it would be, and it helps prevent excessive
increases and decreases in tissue oxygenation, tissue CO2
concentration, and tissue pH when respiration is temporarily
Values for PO2 and PCO2 in dry inspired, humidified
tracheal, alveolar air, and pulmonary blood.
Changes in PO2 in pulmonary capillary, systemic arterial, and
systemic capillary, demonstrating the effect of venous admixture
O2 concentration in the alveoli
At resting condition 250 ml of oxygen are extracted by the
tissues at ventilatory rate of 4.2 L/min.

During exercise 1000 ml of oxygen is extracted by the tissues

per minute, the rate of alveolar ventilation must increase 4
times to maintain the alveolar PO2 at the normal value of 104

*Therefore, oxygen concentration in the alveoli, and its

partial pressure is controlled by: (1) the rate of absorption of
oxygen into the blood.
(2) The rate of entry of new oxygen into the lungs by the
ventilatory process.
Effect of alveolar ventilation on the alveolar PCO2
 Normal rate of CO2 excretion
is 200 ml/min, at normal rate
of alveolar ventilation of 4.2
 The alveolar PCO2 increases
directly in proportion to the
rate of carbon dioxide
 The alveolar PCO2 decreases
in inverse proportion to
alveolar ventilation.
Diffusion of Oxygen from the Peripheral Capillaries into the Tissue Fluid

From alveoli to pulmonry capillaries

From systemic capillaries to

Diffusion of Carbon Dioxide

from the Pulmonary Capillaries into the Alveoli

from the peripheral tissue cells into the Capillaries
PO2 and PCO2 in various potions of normal expired air

 Normal expired air,

containing both dead space
air and alveolar air.
 It has gas concentrations
and partial pressures that is
between those of alveolar
air and humidified
atmospheric air.
PO2 and PCO2 in air, lung and tissues

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