Demand Assigned Multiple Access

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Mobile and Wireless Computing

Internal Test III

Name - Anushka Shastri

Roll No - IT-2K17-09

Batch - MTech 2k17

Semester - VIII

Guided By - Ms. Manju Sachdeo Ma'am

Date - 24/05/2021
Demand Assigned Multiple

Multiple Access:
We do multiple access to enable satellite to
take or give signals from different stations at
time without any interference between them.
Multiple Access
Sometimes a satellite’s service (Frequency Division Multiple Access)
is present at a particular
location on the earth station and
sometimes it is not present.
That means, a satellite may
have different service stations of TDMA
its own located at different
(Time Division Multiple Access)
places on the earth. They send
carrier signal for the satellite.
In this situation, we do multiple
access to enable satellite to
take or give signals from CDMA
different stations at time without
(Code Division Multiple Access)
any interference between them.
What is DAMA ?

● Full form - Demand Assigned Multiple Access

● Channel Allocation Technique
● There are two channel allocation techniques -
○ PAMA - Permanent Assigned Multiple Access
○ DAMA - Demand Assigned Multiple Access
DAMA is a technique used to
assign satellite channels to on
an as request basis.

The most multiple-access

DAMA systems use DAMA in which
the available channels are
allocated on an as required
basis to users.
Demand Assigned Multiple Access (DAMA) is a technology used
to assign a to clients that don't need to use it constantly.
DAMA systems assign communication channels based on news
issued from user terminals to a network security system.
Channels are typically a pair of carrier frequencies (one for
transmit and one for receive), but can be other fixed bandwidth
resources such as timeslots in a TDMA burst plan or even
physical channels.
Once a channel is allocated to a given pair of nodes, it is not
available to other users in the network until their session is
How DAMA works ?

● Demand access systems require two types of a channel:

○ a common signaling channel (CSC) and
○ a communication channel.
● A user wishing to enter the communication network
○ first calls the controlling earth station using the CSC,
○ and the controller then allocates a pair of channels to that user.
● The CSC are located at the ends of the transponder bandwidth.
● When earth station wants to access the satellite, it transmits a control packet to satellite
on the CSC Frequency & waits for a reply.
How DAMA works ?

● The control packet is received by the hub earth station

and decoded.
● The control packet contains source address & destination
address also it includes cyclic redundancy check (CRC).
● The control station measures duration of the connection.
Advantages of DAMA

Prior Increased Less

Reservation Efficiency Collision
A sender reserves Reservation can Sending within this
a future time-slot increase reserved time-slot is
possible without
efficiency to 80%
Explicit Reservation

Algorithms Implicit Reservation (PRMA)

Access method DAMA: Explicit Reservation

● Two modes:
○ ALOHA mode for reservation:
■ competition for small reservation slots, collisions possible
○ reserved mode for data transmission within successful
reserved slots (no collisions possible)

It is important for all stations to keep the reservation list consistent at

any point in time and, therefore, all stations have to synchronize from
time to time.
Access method DAMA: Explicit Reservation
● a certain number of slots form a
● frames are repeated
● stations compete for empty slots
according to the slotted aloha

● once a station reserves a slot
successfully, this slot is
Packet Reservation automatically assigned to this
Multiple Access station in all following frames as
long as the station has data to
● competition for this slots starts
again as soon as the slot was
empty in the last frame

every frame every station has other stations can

consists of N its own mini-slot send data in
mini-slots and x and can reserve unused data-slots
data-slots up to k data-slots according to a
using this mini- round-robin
slot (i.e. x = N * sending scheme
k). (best-effort
Uses of DAMA
VSAT systems for point of
sale (POS) transactions

such as credit card, polling

Remote location Internet
Military for satellite or radio frequency
access and mobile identification
maritime communications.
How DAMA differs from Multiplexing?

Multiplexing Multiplexing
Divides a single Technical
communication channel
into multiple channels

Assigns a pair of
frequencies to a user Administrative
terminal process
DAMA assigns a pair of The number of transient Thus, DAMA is used
frequencies to a user clients that use DAMA for infrequently-
network terminals used networks.
Then, the frequencies increases according to DAMA does not
are returned to a list, or efficient user require continuous
central pool, of sequencing at specific connection from
frequencies available to frequencies and user terminals to a
other terminal users. different timeslots. network control

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