Constitution of Pakistan of 1962: Shafiq Qurban

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Constitution of

Pakistan of 1962
 The Constitution of 1962 was the fundamental law of
Pakistan from June 1962 until martial law was
declared in March 1969.
 On 17 February 1960 Ayub Khan appointed a
commission to report on the future political framework
for the country.
 The Commission was headed by the former Chief
Justice of Pakistan, Muhammad Shahabuddin, and had
ten other members, five each from East Pakistan and
West Pakistan, composed of retired judges, lawyers,
industrialists and landlords.

 The report of the Constitution Commission was

presented to President Ayub Khan on 6 May 1961
and thoroughly examined by the President and his
 In January 1962, the Cabinet finally approved the
text of the new constitution. It was approved by
President Ayub on 1 March 1962
Salient Features of 1962 Constitution
i. Written Constitution x. Emergency Provisions
ii. Rigid Constitution xi. Presidential Powers
iii. Name of Country xii. Restrictions against office of President
iv. National Languages xiii. Federalism
v. Islamic Provisions
vi. Uni-cameral Legislature
vii. President Form of Government
viii. Freedom of Judiciary
ix. Fundamentals Rights
Salient Features of 1962 Constitution

 The Constitution of 1962 was enforced on June 8, 1962 Following were its
important Clauses.
 Written Form
It was written. The Constitution of the republic was a comprehensive document
comprising of 250 Sections and 3 Schedules..
 Preamble
The Objectives Revolution was included as a preamble in the constitution
Salient Features of 1962 Constitution


The constitution of
Muslims states specially
PAKISTAN, laws are not
deep rooted from the
2) Prophet Mohammad
constitution but 3) Holy Qur’an.
constitution is deep rooted
according from below:

1) Almighty Allah
Salient Features of 1962 Constitution

 Name of the country

 The constitution of 1962 declared “The Republic of Pakistan” as the country
name. However, owing to the public reaction, the word “Islamic” was included
later on. The full name of the country, thus became the “Islamic Republic of
 Form of Government
Instead of the Parliamentary System, Presidential form of Government was
introduced for the first time through the 1962 Constitution which meant extensive
powers for the President.
Salient Features of 1962 Constitution

 Basic Democracies
In 1962 Constitution promotes basic democracy system. Basic Democrats were to be
chosen by people. The elected Basic Democrats constituted an “Electoral College”
which elected the President and MNAs and MPAs. Thus, the indirect election system
was adopted in 1962 Constitution
 Minority Rights
The 1962 Constitution had an adequate provisions for the minorities enabling them
to observe their rights/religious rites and promote their culture without restrictions
Salient Features of 1962 Constitution

 There was no restriction of religion for a person holding the office of the Speaker
of the National Assembly
 If the President resigns from his office or vote of no-confidence passes against
him, then according to the Constitution the Speaker would act as the President of
the State till the election of new President.
 Under these special circumstances, a non-Muslim might get the chance to be an
acting President of Pakistan. 
Salient Features of 1962 Constitution

 Independence of Judiciary
Though the 1962 Constitution had ensured complete freedom of judiciary, the
authority of appointment and transfer of Judges rested in the President. Moreover,
both the Supreme Court and the High Courts could not start proceedings of a case on
their own. The administration of the subordinate courts was only partially under their
 Legislation
The 1962 Constitution provided that the legislation in Pakistan would be carried out
in accordance with the Quran and Sunnah. All those laws which were contrary to
Islamic Principles would be annulled or amended in such a way so as to bring them
under Islamic Jurisdiction.
Salient Features of 1962 Constitution

 National Language
In 1962 Constitution recognized Urdu and Bengali
as the two national languages of Pakistan.
 The Principle of Parity
The parity is equal representation between the East
Pakistan and West Pakistan was upheld in the 1962
Salient Features of 1962 Constitution

 Institute of Islamic Research

The 1962 Constitution also provided for the establishment of an Islamic Research
Institution with the aim of promoting, the study of Islamic History and Fiqah and to
carry out research in this regard.
 Establishment of Islamic Ideology Council
The Constitution of 1962 provided for the establishment of a Council of Islamic
Ideology comprising religious scholars as its members. The objective of the council
was to identify non-Islamic laws and bring them in accordance with the Quran and
Sunnah. The Council was also given opinions about the nature of the new laws, bills
and administrative decisions of the government. The recommendations of the
councils, however, were not binding on the President.
Salient Features of 1962 Constitution

 Rigid Constitution 
This is a rigid constitution. A rigid constitution can only be amended by at least two-
third majority of the parliament then it becomes a part of law after authentication by
the President.
 Federal System
 A federal system was introduced in the country. It consisted of a central government
and two provincial government comprising East and West Pakistan.
Salient Features of 1962 Constitution

 Fundamental Rights
The constitution of 1962 laid down fundamental rights of speech and expression,
freedom to choose profession and freedom to profess religion, rights of life, liberty
and property were granted.
 Role of Judiciary 
The Judiciary was responsible for the interpretation of laws and executive orders in
the light of the principles embodied in a written constitution.
 Supreme Judicial Council 
A supreme judicial council consisting of chief justice of supreme court, two judges of
supreme court, and two judges of high courts was to be established.
Salient Features of 1962 Constitution

 Propagation of Islamic Way Of Life

The 1962 Constitution promised to propagate an Islamic way of life in Pakistan so
that Muslims could proceed with their lives according to the Holy Quran and Sunnah
 Elimination of Non-Islamic Practices
All those practices which were contrary to the Shariah such as gambling, adultery,
prostitution, intoxication and interest would be eliminated from the society
Salient Features of 1962 Constitution

 The Constitution of 1962 provided a term of five years for the Central and
Provincial Legislatures .
 The National Assembly was exclusively empowered to legislate for the central
 The Provincial Assemblies were exclusively empowered to legislate for the
provincial subjects.
Uni-Cameral Legislature

 Uni-Cameral known as National Assembly

 156 total members
 150 elected from both East and West Pakistan (75 each)
 6 seats reserved for women (3 for each)
 Indirect elected by electoral college
 25 age limit
 A person could not sit more than one seat
 If the member of the N.A will be President or Governor
 He will be cease from N.A
Indirect Election

 Indirect elections
 Electoral college elect
 National Assembly Members
Provincial Assembly Members
Presidential Form of Government

The president elected freely of the legislature and had direct command from the
electors to perform the executive functions of government
President hold office for fixed term
And could not be removed from office by an inverse vote
But by a special process of impeachment
Legislature was supreme law-making body and elected independently
And could not dissolved by executive or president
 And no proposal become law unless voted by this body
Qualification for President

1. Muslim not less than 35 years age

2. would be elected indirectly by an electoral college
3. Electoral college consists of 80,000 Electors ,equally selected form East and West Pakistan
4. 25 age on which they were eligible for electoral college
5. Limit of nominated candidate is 3
6. If number exceed , N.A has to arrange a joint session of N.A and Provincial So may it will 4
7. Period fixed for President Five years
8. Not eligible for election if any person has Two Consecutive tenure of President-ship.
Impeachment and Removal of the
 President Could be impeached on;
1. Charge violating constitution and misconduct
2. 1/3 member of N.A has to give written notice to speaker for removal
3. The notice has to set the charge and transmitted it to president
4. President can appear at the time of notice and argument

5. On the other way impeachment will be passed not less than ¾ votes of N.A
6. If the removal failed to obtained one half of total number
7. The person who gave notice of removal, he will be cease form N.A
Powers of President

Independence of executive authority

 President is
I. Head of state
II. Chief of executive
III. Reserved substantial law-making power
 President could appoint
1. Governor

2. Central Ministers
3. Auditor General
4. Judges of Supreme Court
Powers of President

The president and his cabinet

i.The president could appoint a council of
ministers to assist him in the performance in his
president was empower to dismiss
governor or minister
Powers of President

The supreme command of the defense services was also

assigned by president
 He had power
1. To raise the maintenance of defense services of
2. To grant commissions to appoint chief
3. And their salaries and pensions
Legislative Powers of President

 Veto power by President

 If a bill passed by N.A , President could do one thing of the following
i. Give assent on bill
ii.Withhold assent from the bill; Or
iii.Return bill to the N.A with a message requesting that the bill or a
particular establishment of the of the bill be considered and amendments
suggested in his message be consideration
Legislative Powers of President

 If the president did not take any of these three steps, the bill would be thought to
have received his assent after expiry of thirty days.
 The bill was sent to president 2nd time , President could do either of the
a.Give assent to the bill
b. Refer the bill to a vote under article 24 in the form of question whether
the bill should or should not receive assent.
 If the bill received majority votes of the total number of members of the electoral
college, the president would be vote to have assented to the bill.
Legislative Power of President

 President has power to issue an ordinance at any

 At time when N.A dissolved as well

 But majority number of N.A approved an

Financial Powers of President

 Presidential control over the budget

 No proposal relating to money bills could be made
except with the recommendations of the President
 N.A has no power to reject any item of the budget
Emergency Powers of President

 President could issue declaration of emergency

 No fixed time for emergency
Governors and Provincial Legislature

 Provincial Government was headed by a governor. He enjoyed

powers in the province which the President enjoyed in the center.
 The Governor was empowered to appoint provincial ministers
with the sanction of the President of Pakistan.
 The provincial cabinet was responsible
a. To Governor
b. But however Governor could not appoint or dismiss any
Provincial minister without agreement of President.
 Governor Could dissolve Provincial Assembly.
Relations Between The Center and

 Center Enjoyed more Power

 Central legislature dominancy on provincial
Drawbacks of 1962 Constitution

 Constitution was given by one Man.

 Absence of Check and balance.
 Indirect Election.
 Lack of Provincial Autonomy
 Negation of Islamic Ideology.
 Presidential Dictatorship
 Policy of suppression of fundamental rights.

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