Lab4 - System Modeling 3 - 30-04-2018
Lab4 - System Modeling 3 - 30-04-2018
Lab4 - System Modeling 3 - 30-04-2018
Faculty of Engineering
Mechatronics Department
System Modeling(3)
Eng Mohamed Doba
30 – 04 - 2018
Find the mathematical equations that describe the series dc motor and convert it to block
diagrams, and represent the system in Simulink ??
Rs+Ra = 0.1
L = 0.5
Vt = 5
b = 0.1
J = 0.01
Find the mathematical equations that describe the series dc motor and convert it to block
diagrams, and represent the system in Simulink ??
Find the mathematical equations that describe the series dc motor and convert it to block
diagrams, and represent the system in Simulink ??
System Modeling
System modeling using mathematical equations:
- System modeling using Differential equations. (Script)
- System modeling using Block diagrams. (Simulink)
- System modeling using Transfer function. (Script + Simulink)
System modeling using Simscape library in Matlab (Simulink)
System modeling using Experimental methods
System Modeling Using Transfer Function
Transfer Function
Transfer function:
The transfer function of a linear system is defined as the ratio of the Laplace
transform of the output variable to the Laplace transform of the input
variable, with all initial conditions assumed to be zero.
Transfer Function
Find the transfer function of the spring-mass-damper system and model the system in Matlab??
Find the transfer function of the spring-mass-damper system and model the system in Matlab??
Transfer Function of DC Motor:
Find the transfer function of the DC Motor and model the system in Matlab??
Applying the Laplace transform, the above modeling equations can be expressed in terms of the
Laplace variable s:
Transfer Function of DC Motor - Matlab:
Use Matlab script to Model the DC motor using its transfer equations ?
Transfer Function of DC Motor - Matlab:
Use Matlab script to Model the DC motor using its transfer equations ?
j = 0.01;
b = 0.1;
ke = 0.01;
kt = ke;
R = 1;
L = 0.5;
s = tf('s');
dc_motor_tf = kt/((j*s+b)*(L*s+R)+kt*ke)
Transfer Function of DC Motor - Matlab:
System Modeling Using Simscape Library in Matlab
System Modeling Using Simscape:
Complex multi-domain models can be built without the need of mathematical equations.
3- Simscape/Utilities library:
(to get: Connection Port blocks)
DC Motor Modeling Using Simscape:
Model the shunt DC motor using Simscape in Simulink ??
- plot the angular speed of the motor shaft when input voltage of 5 volts.
(use default parameters in shunt dc motor block)
System Modeling Using Simscape:
Model the spring-mass-damper system using simscape??
- show the response of the system to unit step.
(input would be force, output would be velocity and position of mass)
Demonstration of using System Identification Toolbox to get the precise transfer function
of the real system.
For more details:
Control Tutorials for MATLAB and Simulink - Time-response Identification of an LRC
Demonstration using Arduino and RLC Circuit
Any Questions ?!