Pearl Harbor Attack

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Pearl Harbor Attack

Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor Attack
Pearl Harbor Attack
Pearl Harbor Attack
Countries participating in world war one and two

World War I began in 1914 and lasted until 1918.

 During the conflict, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman
Empire (Turkish sultanate of southwestern Asia and northeastern Africa
and southeastern Europe; created by the Ottoman Turks in the 13th
century and lasted until the end of World War I) , the central power.
 Fought against Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, Japan and the
United States , the Allied Powers.

World War II, also called Second World War, conflict that
involved virtually every part of the world during the years 1939–45. The
nations engaged in war were the Axis powers—Germany, Italy, and
Japan .
Fought against the Allies—France, Great Britain, the United States,
the Soviet Union, and, to a lesser extent, China.

An Increased Need For Natural Resources

Japan had an increased need for natural resources like oil, minerals
and steel as their goals for expansion in Asia and the Pacific increased.

The United States also had an obvious interest in these
natural resources, and in response to the Japanese aggression,
the U.S. Congress placed restrictions on doing business with
Japan. And, if that weren’t enough, Japanese assets in the
United States were frozen.

Expansion in the Pacific

President Roosevelt moved the US Pacific Fleet from California

to Pearl Harbor in 1939. This move was a threat to Japan, who
wanted to expand in the Pacific. Military leaders and politicians
saw a war between the U.S. and Japan as inevitable, with the
solution being to attack first. Japan did just that.

Those are three reasons why Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.

Many people believe the Japanese were successful in their
attack. They took the lives of more than 2,500 Americans and
destroyed 18 ships and about 300 airplanes. But, the result of
the attack did not enable Japan to expand in the Pacific. It did
not result in the acquisition of more natural resources. And,
the restrictions were not lifted as a result of the attack.
Japan's Goal in Attacking Pearl Harbor

Japan's goal was to destroy the US Pacific Fleet and crush the
will of the American people. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in
hopes that it would destroy the US Pacific Fleet and weaken the
willpower of the American people .
History of Pearl Harbor
 Pearl Harbor is located in Hawaii on the island of O'ahu. Hawaii is
located in the Pacific Ocean between California and Japan. During
the time of World War II, Hawaii was not a state, but a US territory.
Before the Attack ,World War II had been intense in Europe and Asia
for two years, but the United States had not entered the war.

 The Empire of Japan was trying to take over much of Asia and was
worried about the US Navy in Hawaii. They decided to strike in order
to prevent the United States from attacking them. The Japanese
thought that if they took out the war ships in Pearl Harbor, then the
United States Navy would be crippled and would never attack.
However, they were mistaken and the attack on Pearl Harbor had just
the opposite result. The US declared war the next day. The Attack
 The United States Navy established a base on the island in 1899.

 On December 7, 1941, the base was attacked by the Imperial Japanese

Navy airplanes and midget submarines.
 One of the main reasons that Pearl Harbor happened was because the
United States had major communication breakdowns among several
branches of the U.S. armed services and departments of the U.S.
government. This led to the surprise Japanese attack at the Hawaiian
air base.
 There was no meaningful plan for the air defense of Hawaii, for
American commanders had no understanding of the capabilities and
proper employment of air power.
 Shortly after the devastating Japanese surprise attack at Pearl Harbor
two American military commanders, Lt. Gen. Walter Short and Adm.
Husband Kimmel, were demoted of their full ranks.
 The two American commanders later sought to restore their
reputations and full ranks.
Destroying the Base at Pearl Harbor Would
Mean Japan Controlled the Pacific

Pearl Harbor ,in Hawaii, some 4,000 miles away from the Japanese
mainland, the base at Pearl Harbor was left relatively undefended,
making it an easy target.

Admiral Yamamoto Isoroku spent months planning an attack that aimed

to destroy the Pacific Fleet and destroy morale in the U.S. Navy, so that it
would not be able to fight back as Japanese forces began to advance on
targets across the South Pacific.

Japan’s surprise attack on Pearl Harbor would drive the United States out
of isolation and into World War II, a conflict that would end with Japan’s
surrender after the devastating nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki in August 1945.
 At first, however, the Pearl Harbor attack looked like
a success for Japan. Its bombers hit all eight U.S.
battleships, sinking four and damaging four others,
destroyed or damaged more than 300 aircraft and
killed some 2,400 sailors at Pearl Harbor.

 The Pearl Harbor attack had failed in its objective to

completely destroy the Pacific Fleet.
 The Japanese bombers missed oil tanks, ammunition sites
and repair facilities, and not a single U.S. aircraft carrier was
present during the attack.

• In June 1942, this failure came to haunt the Japanese, as U.S.

forces scored a major victory in the Battle of Midway,
decisively turning the tide of war in the Pacific.
What happened to Japan after Pearl Harbor?

 The United States and Japan had been at war since Japanese
forces bombed Pearl Harbor in December 1941.

 After the bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan accepted

the Potsdam terms and unconditionally surrendered to the
United States on Aug. 14, a day known as Victory in Japan, or V-J,
Day. It marked the end of World War II.Aug 9, 2011
Today there is a memorial to the US soldiers who lost their lives during
the attack on Pearl Harbor. It is called the USS Arizona memorial and is
built on the water above the wreckage of the USS Arizona. The wreckage
is considered a US National Historic Landmark.
Interesting Facts
The Japanese reportedly had intended to declare war prior to the attack.
However, the message never got to the President.
President Roosevelt gave a famous speech after the attack in which he
said December 7th would be a "date which will live in infamy(shame /
bad image) ".
Every president since Franklin D. Roosevelt has visited the USS Arizona
Memorial site.
The Japanese also used submarines, including smaller ones called
midget submarines, in the attack.
The entire attack lasted around 110 minutes, just under two hours.
The Japanese attacked on a Sunday morning because they thought the
US soldiers would be less alert at that time.
Pearl Harbor Attack
Pearl Harbor Attack

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