IOT - Home Automation System

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IOT - Home Automation


Under supervision of: Ms. Shonal vaz mam

Submitted by: SIDDHESH GITE(19202B1020)

1. Introduction

• Home automation can be defined as a

mechanism removing as much human
interaction as technically possible and
desirable in various domestic processes
and replacing them with programmed
electronic systems

• It refers to the automatic and electronic

control of household features, activity,
and appliances. Figure 1.1-Home Automation System

2. Need of Home Automation System

1- Humans are Lazy!

2- To automate Daily Tasks.
3- Money and Energy Saver.
4- Improves comfort.
5- Useful for physically
challenged people and
old age people.
6- security purpose.

2. Technology to be used

- The IOT is the technology being used for home automation system.
- The term Internet of Things was first used by Kevin Ashton in 1999.
- Refers to uniquely identifiable objects (things) and their virtual
representations in an Internet-like structure.
- Some important benefits of internet of things includes:
1) tracking behavior
2) enhanced situational awareness
3) sensor driven decision analytics
4) instantaneous control and response.

Figure 2.1 – Various applications of IOT

3. Methodology


3.1- Connection Establishment
Step 1: In order to establish a connection between, the WiFi or
HDMI option can be used (local bridge or wifi) .

Step 2: Each electronic/electrical appliance in the system is

connected to the digital pins on the Embedded Board.

Step 3: A Relay is used for connecting each device to the board,

which helps in converting high Voltage supply to low voltage

Step 4: The program is loaded on to the microprocessor chip on

the Board which specifies what action is to be performed on
receiving particular inputs

Step 5: A GUI has been developed which enables the end user to
monitor and control the appliances from any remote location Figure 3.1- circuit diagram

Step 6: Successful controlling and monitoring of appliances 10

3.2- Step by Step Procedure
Step 1: taking input from user via the help of GUI

Step 2: data is being sent to the server side by the

sensors deployed, for processing

Step 3: data is being processed via the embedded


Step 4: to access the user interface globally, cloud

service can be used

Step 5: appropriate action will be taken according

to the input being sent by the sensors Figure 3.2- procedure

Step 6: the command will be sent to the electronic

devices via relay device
3.3. Basic Graphical User Interface

Figure 3.3- Python UI

Although there can be a number of options for building GUI for the system like Android. Fig-
3.3 is the python based GUI which will be used to automate the household appliances.
4. Ideal Home Automaton system functioning

Figure 4.1- functioning of home automation system

5. Applications

We can perform variety of tasks via the help of this system like:
• Automatic light and Camera on/off by motion sensor. .

• Main door open/close detection by magnetic door sensor.

• Automatic AC on/off by temperature sensor.
• Alarm when smoke detected by smoke sensor.
• Appliance controlled through mobile phone.
• Notification via Email & SMS for getting info about any devices.

6. Challenges
• Reliability 
For home automation to succeed, developers must address concerns about
the reliability of smart devices compared with traditional home products and

• Security
to be reassured that no malicious parties will be able to hack into their
smart home systems.

• Equipment and installation cost:

Automation of home is widely related to the financial costs. The total cost
depends on the equipment you install in your house and on how much it takes to
install. The more advance the system; the cost of the system will be high as it has
more features and advantages.
7. Related Work

Figure 7.1 – Google Nest

• Google is working in the field of home automation naming it as “Google nest”. They
defined it as-” Google Nest is a home. Home. It’s more than just four walls and a roof
over your head. It’s where you feel safest and most comfortable.”

• Their mission is to create a home that takes care of the people inside it and the world
around it. Because if we really think about it, the world is just one big neighborhood.

8. Future of Home Automation System

Figure 8.1 Google assistant in home automation

• Just like the trend of AI devices such as Google Assistant, Alexa etc. have been
increased a lot, in very similar way we can customize our homes by such devices.

• It will definitely add up to the functionality of making our homes more smarter,
only a voice instruction will be required to operate and automate all the home
appliances. 17
Thank You!!!!


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