FSE Chap 8

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Fundamental Software Engineering

Chapter Eight
Software Maintenance

Software maintenance
Software maintenance is the process of changing a system

after it has been delivered.

 Modifying a program after it has been put into use.
Maintenance does not normally involve major changes to the

system’s architecture.
Changes are implemented by modifying existing components

and adding new components to the system.


Need for software maintenance

Maintenance to repair software faults – Changing a system to

correct deficiencies in the way meets its requirements.

Maintenance to adapt software to a different operating

environment – Changing a system so that it operates in a

different environment (computer, OS, etc.) from its initial
Maintenance to add to or modify the system’s functionality –

Sources of change
New business or market conditions which cause changes in product

requirements or business rules.

New customer needs that demand modification of data, functionality or

services delivered by the system.

Reorganization and/or business downsizing that changes priorities team

Budgetary or scheduling constraints that cause a redefinition of the system
Most changes are justified

Maintenance and the SDLC

In the Waterfall software development lifecycle, we had a

nice little box at the end of the process and one which was
generally ignored in descriptions of the process
In more advanced lifecycles such as the Spiral Model,

maintenance was accorded a much more prominent place

Still, maintenance is a relatively neglected aspect of the


The Cost of Maintenance

One study found
̶ Requirements Definition 3%

̶ Preliminary Design 3%

̶ Detailed Design 5%

̶ Implementation 7%

̶ Testing 15%

̶ Maintenance 67%
Another study found at least 50% of effort spent on maintenance
Another study found between 65% and 75% on maintenance
In embedded real-time systems, maintenance costs may be up to 4 times
development costs

Why is Maintenance so Costly

Most software is between 10 and 15 years old
Much of that software is showing its age as it was created when program

size and storage space were far more important factors

This has lead to inflexible designs, coding and documentation
Maintenance is usually done by inexperienced staff unfamiliar with the

Developers don’t like maintenance
Changes often cause new faults in the system
Changes tend to degrade the structure of a program

Factors Affecting Maintenance Costs(1)

Module Independence
the ability to modify one part of the system

potential advantage of OO

Programming Language
the higher the level of the language, the cheaper the maintenance

Programming Style
the way in which a program is written

Program Validation and Testing

the more time and effort spent on design validation and program testing, the

Factors Affecting Maintenance Costs (2)

Quality of Program Documentation
the better the documentation, the easier it is to maintain

Configuration Management Techniques

keeping track of all the system documents and ensuring they are consistent is a

major cost of maintenance, therefore good CM tools and practices reduce this
Application Domain
the less well-understood the domain, the greater the likelihood of the need for

adaptive maintenance as users and developers begin to understand the domain


Factors Affecting Maintenance Costs (3)

Age of the System
the older the system, the more likely that its structure has degraded and the

harder the maintenance will be

Attracting staff who know the old languages/databases/operating systems

becomes harder and more expensive

Dependence of the System on the External Environment
the higher the dependence, the far more likely that adaptive maintenance will be

Hardware Stability
If the hardware platform will not change over the life of the system, maintenance

Differences between Maintenance and New Development

Constraints of an Existing System
Changes must conform or be compatible with an existing architecture,

design and code constraints

Shorter Time Frames
Development spans 6 months upwards

Maintenance spans hours or days up to 6 months

Available Test Data

Development creates all test data from scratch

Types of Maintenance
̶So how and why do we spend so much time and effort on maintenance?
̶Maintenance is much more than fixing bugs
̶Commonly divided into four main categories

̶ Corrective Maintenance

̶ Adaptive Maintenance

̶ Perfective Maintenance

̶ Preventive maintenance

Distribution of Maintenance effort


Corrective Maintenance(1)
Focused on fixing failures
Is a reactive process
failures and their associated faults generally need to be corrected

either immediately or in the near future

Failures vary in their cost to correct
Coding - usually relatively cheap

Design - more expensive as they may require changes to several

program components

Corrective Maintenance (2)

Fixing a fault has a 20 to 50% chance of introducing another fault
Reasons for new faults include
the ripple effect, where a change in one area may cause changes in seemingly unrelated areas

Person who makes the repair is generally not the person who wrote the code or designed the

Two types of corrective maintenance
Emergency Repairs - short time frame, often a single program, failure needs to be repaired as

soon as possible
Scheduled Repairs - failure doesn’t need immediate attention, re-examination of all emergency


Adaptive Maintenance
The evolution of the system to meet the needs of the user and the business
Caused by
internal needs

external competition

external requirements e.g. changes in law

Essentially we are introducing new requirements to the system

 Therefore we should treat like a new development in our approach and methods

Perfective Maintenance
Old proverb says “If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it”
Perfective maintenance ignores this ancient piece of wisdom
Is about improving the quality of a program that already works
Aim to achieve
reduced costs in using the system

increase maintainability of the system

more closely meet the users’ needs


Perfective Maintenance (2)

Includes all efforts to polish or refine the quality of the

software or the documentation

Important that the potential benefits of the perfective

maintenance outweigh
the costs of the maintenance

and the opportunity costs of improvements elsewhere or using the

resources on new developments

Therefore before performing perfective maintenance, one

Preventative Maintenance
Can be seen as radical perfective maintenance or as an alternative to maintenance
More commonly known as Software Re- engineering
Taking a legacy system and converting its structure or converting to a new

Old system starts as a specification for the new system
Common method now is known as wrappers where an entire system is placed in

an OO wrapper and treated as one large object


Alternatives to Maintenance
Sometimes, maintenance is not enough on its own

Partial restructuring integrated with adaptive maintenance

use for orderly improvement with each system release

Complete restructuring or overhaul of the existing code

use on highly maintenance-prone system


Alternatives to Maintenance (2)

Complete redesign and rewrite
Use when more than 20% of program must be changed

Use when program is being upgraded to a new technology

Don’t use when the design and function of a system are not known

 Retirement of the system and complete redevelopment

Use when moving to a new technology

use when the costs of maintaining the software and the hardware exceed the cost

of re-development

The Maintenance Process (2)

Change Management
Uniquely identify, describe and track the status of all change
 Impact Analysis
identifies all systems and system products affected by a change
 makes an estimate of the resources needed to effect the change
 analyses the benefits of the change
 System Release Planning
 to establish the schedule and contents of a system release
 don’t want each change request released as they are processed

The Maintenance Process (3)

Change Implementation
Design Changes


Testing - must perform regression testing

System Release includes




Maintenance Problems
Someone else's program.
Developer not available.
Proper documentation doesn't exist.
Not designed for change.
High staff turnover
Maintenance activity not highly regarded.

Budget and effort reallocation

Complete replacement of the system

Maintenance of existing system


1.Quick-fix Model
This is basically an adhoc approach to maintaining software.

It is a fire fighting approach, waiting for the problem to occur and then trying to fix it as quickly as


2. Iterative Enhancement Model


 Characterization of proposed modifications

Redesign and implementation


3. Reuse Oriented Model

The reuse model has four main steps

1.Identification of the parts of the old system that are candidates for reuse.
2. Understanding these system parts.
3. Modification of the old system parts appropriate to the new requirements.
4. Integration of the modified parts into the new system.

Maintenance Models(4)
4. Boehm’s Model
Boehm proposed a model for the maintenance process based upon
the economic models and principles.
Boehm represent the maintenance process as a closed loop cycle

Maintenance Models(5)
5. Taute Maintenance Model

Maintenance Models(6)
6. Belady and Lehman Model

M : Total effort expended
P : Productive effort that involves analysis, design, coding, testing and evaluation.
K : An empirically determined constant.
c : Complexity measure due to lack of good design and documentation.
d : Degree to which maintenance team i

Lehman’s Laws of Software Change

Five laws based upon the growth and evolution of a number of large

software systems
1. Law of Continuing Change
A program used in a real-world environment necessarily must change or become

less useful in that environment

2. Law of Increasing Complexity
As an evolving program changes, its structure tends to become more complex.

Extra resources must be devoted to preserving and simplifying the structure

Lehman’s Laws of Software Change
3. Law of Large Program Evolution
Program evolution is a self-regulating process. System attributes such
as size, time between releases and the number of reported errors are
approximately invariant for each system release
4. Law of Organizational Stability
Over a program’s lifetime, its rate of development is approximately
constant and independent of the resources devoted to system
5. Law of Conservation of Familiarity
Over the lifetime of a system, the incremental change in each release
is approximately constant

Motivating Maintenance Staff

Often considered a dead-end in organizations as well as being boring!
 Critical to the success of the organization
Possible strategies
̅ Couple software objectives to organizational goals

̅ Couple software maintenance rewards to organizational performance

̅ Integrate software maintenance personnel into operational teams

̅ Create a discretionary, perfective/preventative maintenance budget which allows

the maintenance team to decide when to re-engineer the system

̅ Involve maintenance staff early in the software process during standards

preparation, reviews and test preparation


̶Maintenance is a major cost for software and must be planned for
during the entire life cycle.
̶Design workflow —use information-hiding techniques
̶Implementation workflow — good coding style
̶Documentation must be complete, correct, and current.
̶During maintenance, maintainability must not be compromised.
̶Maintenance is so critical and challenging that the best people should
be put on the task and rewarded accordingly.

Thank You!

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