Internal Klipfolio Pitch Deck

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This is your very own pitch deck to help you get your team/company on board with Klipfolio.

There are a ton of slides in here, so you have plenty of room for customization.

Go to File > Make a copy of this View Only deck so you can add, delete and move around
slides to make this deck feel right for you.

PS. Check out the [grey text] to see where you can add your own information that fits your team’s
current state and how you work.

Let’s be real.

Manual reporting is painful. It’s repetitive and

takes up valuable time. Manual reporting gets
especially messy when there are multiple
spreadsheets floating around the office.
Wouldn’t it be nice to present data in a clean
format without the confusing mess of
disconnected tools and files?
Wouldn’t it be nice to allow team members to
self-report instead of sending you repeated,
mind-numbing queries?
Life before Klipfolio Life with Klipfolio

Cut out the repeated and mind-numbing Focus on the work you love and let your team
aspects of reporting self-report with live dashboards
makes that happen.
Klipfolio gives your team visibility into your most important
metrics and KPIs.
Klipfolio is...
A cloud-based app for sharing important data and metrics using custom
real-time dashboards and reports. Klipfolio helps you work smarter,
drive results and stay competitive.
These are our top goals.
These are what we want to track.
[insert your goal]

[insert your goal]

[insert your goal]

[insert your goal]

[ie. Increase sales by X% by next quarter, hire 12 new employees by 2020, decrease churn by X% in 6 months, etc.]
This is where our data lives.
This is what we want to connect.
[insert program]

[insert program]

[insert program]

[insert program]

[ie. Excel, Google Analytics, Facebook, MailChimp, Salesforce, etc.]

This is a dashboard

A dashboard answers all of our key

questions about our business,
backed by data. All in one place.

This is how we will track our goals.

Klipfolio is for every department
Klipfolio will help us...
[pick the ones that matter most to your team]

Understand Share key

Be more
our numbers information Find trends
transparent &
with colourful with our team quicker
visualizations in seconds

Make decisions Monitor

Get support Save our
fast with real performance
every step of precious time
time data at to reach our
the way and resources
our fingertips goals
How Klipfolio works.
Work with everything

1 3
Connect our data Design our dashboard
Upload our data with Klipfolio Change colours, & add some vibrant
built-in integrations or APIs. graphs, charts or indicators.

2 4
Create a Klip or PowerMetric Share our masterpiece
Figure out what’s most important Emails. PDFs. Links. TV wallboards.
for our team to track. There’s no shortage of ways to share.
Work with Klips. Work with PowerMetrics.

A Klip is flexible, giving us complete A PowerMetric is more interactive,

control and customization over how stores our data history and provides
we visualize our data. unlimited views into our data - fast.
Klips and PowerMetrics bring
our data to life.
Bring data to insights in minutes

Meet the Klip Gallery, Dashboard Gallery, and Metric HQ.

These are the pre-built Klip, PowerMetric and dashboard one-stop

shops, so we can start monitoring our data in just a few clicks.
Customize to make it our own

Theme Drag & Drop

Choose light, dark or slate From the type of graphs to Branding
theme. Or we can make it where our visualizations will Replace Klipfolio branding by
our own with CSS and stay put, we can create our using our logo.
Javascript styling. optimal layout.
Work anywhere from any device
Sharing made easy

Published public links.

PDFs. Images. Scheduled
email snapshots.
Published private links.
Mobile app. Embedding.
Add users.
TV wallboards. Slack.
An award-winning data analytics platform
Klipfolio is here for us

Excited to get our hands 1:1 Onboarding Calls & Live Chat
dirty in designing our own Klipfolio will get us started and answer
dashboard? any questions we have along the way.

2 Leave it to the experts, Ninja Services

Klipfolio will build for us. 2-4 hours monthly of interactive sessions
to work with and train our team.

Build Plans
For projects big and small, Klipfolio
experts can build our dashboards.

[email protected]


Succeed with data.

Try now.
Business Cases
A business case for Klipfolio
Why are we deploying Klipfolio? What are we hoping to achieve?

[Add your own use case here]

Initially we plan to track trends over time for these KPIs:

- [KPI 1]
- [KPI 2]
- [KPI 3]

From these data sources:

- [Data source 1]
- [Data source 2]
- [Data source 3]
A business case for Klipfolio (example)
Why are we deploying Klipfolio? What are we hoping to achieve?

Meeting and exceeding targets is the foundation of any sales process. On top of being target-oriented, managing
huge CRM hubs and keeping our customers happy are crucial to our sales team’s success. Klipfolio will enable us
to display individual performance side-by-side on a daily, weekly or monthly basis to see who’s ahead or behind
their goals - nothing like some friendly competition to spark motivation. Having at-a-glance visibility into both new
and existing accounts, revenue, and sales calls will also keep our entire team in-the-know in real time.

Initially we plan to track trends over time for these KPIs:

- Monthly recurring revenue (MRR)
- Lifetime value of the customers (LTV)
- Number of sales calls
- Number of new accounts
- Churn

From these data sources:

- Salesforce
- CallRail
- Google Calendar
- ZenDesk
A business case for Klipfolio (example)
Why are we deploying Klipfolio? What are we hoping to achieve?

Our marketing team is always experimenting with new ways of attracting and acquiring customers. From A/B
testing ads, to blogging and SEO, to social media campaigns, answering questions around our results can get
messy with so much going on. Klipfolio will allow us to pull both our ongoing and end results together, with
filtering and segmenting, to find our answers - fast. We will be able to measure performance against our set plan,
knowing how close or far away we are from achieving our set growth goals.

Initially we plan to track trends over time for these KPIs:

- Number of visitors
- Organic versus paid website traffic
- Ad spend
- Cost per conversion
- Number of impressions
- Engagement rate

From these data sources:

- Google Analytics
- Google Adwords
- Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
A business case for Klipfolio (example)
Why are we deploying Klipfolio? What are we hoping to achieve?

Working on software development in a fast-paced environment, makes tracking all individual and team progress
tricky. Klipfolio will enable us to build scrum dashboards to help monitor sprint goals and completion. We will be
able to view the dashboard on a TV in our daily standup meetings to highlight any actions to be taken, stay
focused and hold ourselves accountable to performance.

Initially we plan to track trends over time for these KPIs:

- Current velocity
- Unresolved issues
- Project burnout
- Feature versus bug investment

From these data sources:

- Our data warehouse
A business case for Klipfolio (example)
Why are we deploying Klipfolio? What are we hoping to achieve?

Instead of spending hours on a weekly basis gathering data from various software sources and then constructing
our own static spreadsheets using Google Sheets or Excel, Klipfolio will enable us to use real-time dashboards to
show the progression of our HR work. We won’t have to jump software to software to dig up data, Klipfolio’s
automated reporting will pull the information we need all in one report.

Initially we plan to track trends over time for these KPIs:

- Cost per hire
- Open job requisitions
- Signing bonus expense
- Span of control
- Talent retention

From these data sources:

- Google Sheets
- Excel
- JazzHR
Here’s the proof.
[choose what testimonials resonate best with you and your team, then hide the rest]

"Klipfolio has allowed us to gain valuable
“The creators of Klipfolio are true insights into our business. By
masters of visualization, displaying dashboarding our most important KPIs,
real-time data in clear beautiful charts, we’re able to remain focused and make
graphs, and diagrams.” day-to-day decisions with the big picture
-Rodrigo Rojas, TimeHunter in mind.”
-Sven Walther, Soshal

"Klipfolio helps me understand what

"The Klipfolio App is great. I was on holidays
'normal' is. I can walk by my
hiking in the Sapa Mountains in Laos,
dashboards on display while getting a
Vietnam and I was still able to keep tabs on
coffee and have all the info I need.”
all our company's KPIs on my phone!”
-Dan Crane, InfoAddict
-Betty King, Virtual HQ
[choose what testimonials resonate best with you and your team, then hide the rest]

“Data when you need it! Klipfolio is our "We used to spend hours logging into different
best resource whenever it's time for us apps to monitor our marketing efforts. Now,
to launch a campaign and need to see Klipfolio makes it easy to see all the data we
results in real time.” need in one place."
-Jean Devenish, -Stephen Kunz, Qualtry

"We love the visuals that Klipfolio adds

“Data is vital to my work as a digital marketer, but
to our data! Our marketing team is full
data silos aren’t enough. Klipfolio dashboards give
of visual learners, and it makes it so
me visibility into all of my data so I can
much easier to digest the data we get
determine what matters most and make informed
from our consumer emails.”
decisions in real time.”
-Liz Bazner, A&W
-Maggie Fitzgerald, Empowered Marketing
[choose what testimonials resonate best with you and your team, then hide the rest]

Finance & Accounting

“Before we would build snapshot financial

reports and look into the past, now with
Klipfolio, we pull in financial data from
several data points and look into the future. “We don’t need to wait for the next report
Our leadership team is making smarter to be published or have to shuffle between
decisions and we are on target to grow by 40 multiple services and docs to understand
- 50% this year thanks to our insights from what is going on anymore. Now, with
Klipfolio. Additionally, in the consulting world, Klipfolio, we understand in real-time.”
managing payroll and other costs against -Taras Velychko, MagneticOne Group
billables is critical to success. We've built
advanced KPI tracking for historical and
future trends that our accounting software did
not have”
-Brian Dainis, Curotec
[choose what testimonials resonate best with you and your team, then hide the rest]

"Klipfolio helps me to automate repetitive
tasks. It makes me feel like an analyst
instead of a report monkey." "I am very happy and satisfied
-Jente De Ritter, Humix with the result. After leaving
unattractive, tedious, buggy,
dashboards for what Klipfolio has
"The customer support was especially amazing to offer, I intend to never look
with Klipfolio. We were able to get our dashboard back. Klipfolio has my personal
up and running in under a week. Running SQL stamp of approval!"
queries was also a breeze. If you are looking for -Christian Pain, Arora Project
an easy way to get an overview of your company
health, then I can truly recommend Klipfolio."
-Michalis Koumbarakis, CV Pics
[choose what testimonials resonate best with you and your team, then hide the rest]

"Since the implementation of Klipfolio, we "We no longer spend time at the executive
are much smarter about our business. level pulling data from multiple sources for
Every team member has the app on their a report that's stale after 1 day. Our
phone and we have multiple screens that executives are all logging into Klipfolio and
are linked to Klipfolio in our various offices. tracking real-time metrics of the company to
It’s truly been an incredible piece of drive business decisions.”
software within our organization.” -Brian Dainis, Curotec
-Elliot Campbell, Trace Medical

"Klipfolio allows you to visualize any data

“Data and Klipfolio dashboards are the
you want on your dashboard. They offer a
backbone of our company’s success. We use
Klip Gallery with API access to dozens of
Klipfolio for all of our executive reports which
data sources. It's a very powerful tool that
are emailed daily and weekly to each member
has been pivotal in providing core
of the leadership team.”
metrics for our management team."
-Piyush Parikh, Equinox Agents
-Betty King, Virtual Offices Combined
Need some inspiration?
Most popular dashboards


● Customer Lifetime Value

● Lead Funnel
● Lead to Win Conversion
● Monthly Account Retention Rate
● Monthly Recurring Revenue
Most popular dashboards


● Sales This Month

● Accounts By Country
● Open Opportunities
● Revenue and Wins by Type
● Customer Acquisition Cost
Most popular dashboards

Google Analytics

● Number of Visitors
● Number of Pageviews
● Bounce Rate
● Average Session Duration
● Sessions by Device
Most popular dashboards

Facebook Ads

● Impressions
● Reach
● Video Ad Set Placements
● Cost per Pixel
● Cost per 1000 Impressions
Most popular dashboards

Social Media

● Number of Followers
● Number of Likes
● Engagement Rate
● Social Shares per Post
● Organic vs Paid Reach
Resources: Learn everything Klipfolio

Live & On-Dema 5 Day Blogs
nd Webinars Email Courses

Tutorial Videos Learn Hub Help Center

What services do you connect to? Lots! Check out this list. If you don’t see the service
you were hoping to see, you’ve still got options to
connect it. Let us know and we’re happy to help.

Can you build my dashboards for me? Of course. We have Ninja Services and Partners who
can build for you. You can also build it yourself, as
Klipfolio is a Self-Serve Platform.

Can you share dashboards? Absolutely! Published links. PDFs. Images. Scheduled
email snapshots. Mobile app. Embedding. Add users
or groups. TV wallboards. Slack.

Can you export dashboards to PDFs? Yes! You can download dashboards as images or
PDFs, and can also send them out by email on a
recurring basis.

How often will the data refresh? Klipfolio can refresh data as quickly as every minute
- speed of data refresh is a factor in our pricing plans
Can I duplicate dashboards? You can very easily duplicate individual Klips. If you
are interested in duplicating dashboards, we can
certainly help, and our Partner Program may be a
good fit for you.

Do you charge it by Users? No. Check out our pricing plans for more details.

Where do I learn how to use Klipfolio? Learn Hub, Email Courses,

Live or On-Demand Webinars, Youtube Channel, and
Help Center.

How safe/secure is Klipfolio? We take your security and privacy very seriously.
AWS is our hosting partner, with a primary data
center in Montreal, Canada, and a secondary data
center in Ireland.
How do I pick a plan that fits my use case? Think about these points:
- How much content are you wanting to create?
- How many users will be creating and
consuming this content?
- How will they be viewing the dashboards?
Ie. logging in, receiving PDFs by email, clicking
a URL to view the dashboards but not logging
in as a user?
- How quickly do you need your dashboards to

These are the main factors in our pricing and based

on this, you’ll be able to find the right plan.

Klipfolio also offers Power Ups that can make your

dashboard run faster, allow you to use larger data
sets, or white-label the platform completely.
Klipfolio Partner Program
Help your clients succeed with data by offering them
the industry’s highest rated agency reporting solution.
Partner Program Overview
The new norm. Analytics at a glance. All of your data in one place.

● Everybody’s doing it. ● Understand your ● Stop wasting hours building

Become more numbers with agency client reports from scratch by
competitive with a new analytics right at your automating the time-
stream of revenue and an fingertips. Real-time consuming process.
edge to move you visualizations can be
forward. shared with whoever you ● Understanding your top
like, whenever you like. business metrics in real-time
● With plenty of resources means unbeatable results for
and a community of ● Help your team stay in- both you and your clients.
agencies, you can gain the-know and make
insights and accelerate smarter decisions backed
your business through by data, on the fly.
best practices.
Partners who are achieving more together.

Clients who are making data-informed decisions.

Countries making data a priority all around the

Join a community of data-driven leaders who are changing the game for their clients.
Ready for a closer look?
Need data from a Cloud Application?
Klipfolio supports direct connections to over 100 cloud
applications. Browse all the web services we support in our
Integration Gallery.

Need data from your computer or a file sharing service?

Connect your Klipfolio dashboard with Excel, CSV and XML
files from your computer, and FTP and SFTP files from your
server. You can also connect to data via DropBox, Box, and
Google Drive file sharing services.

Need data from a database?

You can connect your Klipfolio dashboard with MSSQL,
MySQL, Oracle Thin, Oracle OCI, Sybase SQL Anywhere,
PostgreSQL, Firebird and DB2.
Ways to connect

Upload a file SQL Query FTP/SFTP

Upload an XML, Excel, CSV, Pull in data from our Access data on our servers
or JSON file databases with a Klipfolio with a Klipfolio FTP/SFTP
SQL connector connector

Pre-Built Web Services Open Web Services Email Attachment

Use pre-built REST/URL Bring in data from 100s of Update a data source via a
connectors to popular services Klipfolio doesn’t file sent as an email
web services currently have pre-built attachment
content for

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