Sustainable Management of Natural Resources - Introduction

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Sustainable Management

of Natural Resources
Natural resources :-
Natural resources are the resources available in a nature
like air, water, sunlight, soil, minerals, forests, wild life etc.
Natural resources are of two main types. They are

renewable and non-renewable natural resources.

i) Renewable natural resources :-
Those resources which can be replenished in a short
period of time like air, water, sunlight, forests etc.
ii) Non-renewable natural resources :-
Those resources which cannot be replenished in a short
period of time like minerals (coal, petroleum, natural gas,
metals etc.) because they take millions of years to be
formed. Human activities produce a lot of waste materials
which are thrown away into the environment. These wastes
cause pollution of natural resources like air, water and soil.
Classification of Natural
Ways to save Resources
Need for management of natural
resources :-
All the things we use and consume are obtained from natural resources. Due
to increase in population, industrialisation and urbanisation the demand for
natural resources is increasing and their availability is limited . So there is a
need for proper management of natural resources.
The proper management of natural resources consists of :-
i) Judicious use of natural resources and avoiding wastage of natural
ii) Long term planning for the use of natural resources so
that it last not only for the present but also for future generations.
iii) The exploitation of natural resources should not be for the benefit of a
few people but should be distributed
equally for all.
iv) While extracting and using natural resources we should also plan for the
safe disposal of wastes and avoid pollution so that no damage is caused
to the environment.

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