Applied Biz Research: Assessing The Effectiveness of The Marketing Efforts of Samsung
Applied Biz Research: Assessing The Effectiveness of The Marketing Efforts of Samsung
Applied Biz Research: Assessing The Effectiveness of The Marketing Efforts of Samsung
The CEO shares a concern regarding how to delineate the impact of marketing efforts on
the brand health in short run. Most of the indices used in the brand equity model our
reflecting long term perspective.
Questionnaire Scenario
He asks you to formulate a detailed research report. The emphasis of research report
should be on following questions?
• How to reflect impact of quarterly marketing efforts on brand equity, knowing it is
very difficult show impact on brand equity in the short run.
• How would you resolve the problem????
• What is brand equity of our brand????
• What is brand equity of our close competitor? ONE-SAMPLE TTEST
• What is the brand attachment towards our brand and towards the competitor? State
the important bAttach variables: delighted etc.
• How to assess impact of marketing campaigns on brand equity: NPI Index or paired
• [Assuming there are Two or Three campaigns in a year]
Solution and questionnaire development
3 Independent
• Hypothesis developed on the basis of Aaker’s Model:
• Ho: Brand Loyalty does not have a positive impact on Brand Equity
• H1: Brand Loyalty does have a positive impact on Brand Equity
• Ho: Brand Awareness does not have a positive impact on Brand Equity
• H1: Brand Awareness does have a positive impact on Brand Equity
• Ho: Perceived Quality does not have a positive impact on Brand Equity
• H1: Perceived Quality does have a positive impact on Brand Equity
Results of Multiple Regression
Multiple linear regression analysis was used to develop a model for predicting positive impact of Brand
Loyalty, Brand Awareness and Perceived Quality on Brand Equity. The three predictors account for 79% of the
variance in Brand Equity, F = 104.7, p<.05, R2=.791. The 2 predictors i.e. Brand Loyalty & BAwareness were
showing statistically significant predictive beta coefficients, where, total Brand Loyalty β2 = .64 p<.05, total
BAwareness B3 = .42 p<.05. While, 1 predictor i.e. total PQ shows insignificant result i.e. total PQ β1 = -.12,
How to reflect impact of quarterly marketing efforts on brand
equity, knowing it is very difficult show impact on brand equity
in the short run
Pre & Post Total PQ p = 0.453, not sig 0.0065, small effect size
Pre & Post Brand Loyalty P = 0.313, not sig 0.012, small effect size
Pre & Post BAwareness P = 0.423, not sig 0.007, small effect size
Pre & Post PurchaseIntent P = 0.697, not sig 0.0017, small effect size
Impact of the intervention?
• A paired sample t-test was conducted to evaluate the impact of the
marketing campaign intervention on the Samsung users’ responses on
long term constructs. There was no statistically significant
displacement in the values of any construct from pre to post
responses. The eta squared statistic also indicated a small effect size.
Research Paper Submission
• Abstract
• Introduction
• Model & Hypotheses
Marks 10
• Methodology
Marks 5
• Results
Marks 5
• Conclusion – Discussion – References
Marks 10
Research Paper Submission
• Abstract One Page
• Introduction Two Pages
• Model & hypotheses Two Pages
• Methodology One Page
• Results Three Pages
• Conclusion & DiscussionTwo Pages
• References Two Pages