M&A Case Study Assignment

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M & A Case Study

Merger & Acquisitions –

Case Study

By: Sandeep Singh

Acquisation Strategy
Tata Motors Jaguar Land Rover
Tata Motors Jaguar & Land Rover

In June 2008, TM, Tata Motors In 2006, losses at Jaguar Cars was Ford Motors
announced the wanted to Jaguar stood at founded in 1922 by acquired Jaguar
acquisition of the expand its $715 million. Mr Willam Walmsley in 1989 for $2.5
two– Jaguar and Jaguar was not & Willam Lyons as
Land Rover (JLR)
product performing well for “Swallow Sidecar
Billion and Land
from the US-based portfolio and Ford due to high Company”. Land Rover in 2000
Ford Motors for diversify its manufacturing Rover was founded for $2.75 Billion.
US$2.3 billion market base. costs in UK in year 1978

Rationale To Acquire JLR
Gets two advance design
To enter in to the high studios and technology.
end premier segment Help TM access to latest
of the global technology which would
help to improve their core
automobile market. products.

The cost competitive

advantage as Tata Corus was
the main supplier of
automotive high grade steel to
JLR and other automobile
industry in US and Europe.

SWOT Analysis
Opportunities Threats Strengths Weaknesses

Demand of luxury
Volatility in market Tata’s strong management
automobiles in growing capability
markets like India and China driven by new products Inexperience in
Strong monetary base to Handling luxury
Strong presence of
Support from Jaguar competitors like Mercedes,
invest automobile brand
in Technology BMW, Lexus and Infinity
Synergy due to Corus,
Complete product line with Receding sales and Incorrect Timing
addition of luxury brands brand image Experience in growing
market like India of Acquisition
Access to European High interest rate Investment
due to
New product development and
and American Market riskier and costlier brand building experience economic crisis

Problems Faced Due to
Lack of access to credit to repay the bridge
• loan of US$3 Billion. TM was finding it difficult
to access credit and raise fund from the stock
market due to the tight liquidity conditions.

Global financial crisis has severely impacted the
global automobile industry especially the luxury cars
• segment Subprime mortgage crisis. The Company’s
export was declined by 38.6% during the year 2009,
due to the meltdown in major international markets .

Increasing materials and fuel

prices have slow the demand
of vehicles

Share price dropped drastically

and affect its global image

oPost acquisition due to slowdown in domestic and world economy demand of
commercial as well as passenger vehicle decreased
oThis acquisition will help the company to develop its brand in luxury passenger
oThe opportunity came to Tata motors for the acquisition is also the result of
economic downtrend
oTata motors strength, that is their managerial competencies along with
experience of large market like India, great brand and financial base help them to
take such strategic decision
Thanks !!!!

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