Republic Act No. 9003: "Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000"

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“Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000”

An act providing for an ecological
solid waste management program,
creating the necessary institutional
mechanisms and incentives, declaring
certain acts prohibited and providing
penalties, appropriating funds
therefor, and for other purposes.
Creation of the National Solid Management
01 Commission, National Ecological Center
and LGU Solid Waste Management Boards.

Creation of multi-purpose Environmental

Cooperatives or Associations in every LGU

03 Waste segregation, waste reduction and
recycling programs.

Construction of Material Recovery

04 Facilities/Systems
Conversion of open dumpsites to sanitary
05 landfills

Integration of Ecological Waste

SALIENT 06 Management concepts in academic

curricula for formal and no-formal education

07 Administrative and enforcement procedures

National Solid Waste Management Commission

referred to as the Commission, under the Office of
the President shall be composed of fourteen (14)
members from the government sector and three
(3) members from the private sector.
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Government Sector
DILG Liga ng mga Barangay
DOST League of Municipalities

League of Cities

DOH League of Provinces

Non-Government Sector
(1) representative from the NGO

(1 )representative from the

recycling industry

(1) representative from the

manufacturing/packaging industry

*appointed by the President

for a term of 3 years
Role of DENR as Lead Agency
Recommend policies to
eliminate barriers to waste Issue rules and
reduction programs regulations

Provide technical and other Exercise visitorial and

capability by building enforcement powers to
assistance and support to ensure strict compliance
Role of National Ecology Center

Facilitate training and education on

integrated ecological waste

Establish solid waste management

information database

Establish a national recycling network

Provide technical assistance in pilot

modeling of solid waste
management facilities
SWM Boards at the
Local Government Level

Provincial SWM City/Municipality Barangay SWM

Board SWM Board Committee

Consolidate Collection of non- Segregations and

plans and recyclable collection of
programs, materials and biodegradable,
establishing special wastes compostable, and
activities and reusable solid
complementing wastes
efforts at the local
barangay levels
Ecological Solid
Waste Management

Systematic administration of activities that

provide for segregation at source, segregated
transport, storage, transfer, processing,
treatment and disposal of solid waste and al
other waste management activities that do not
harm the environment
Government Approach to
Ecological Solid Waste Management
Management destruction or
reuse of residuals and final

Resource recovery, recycling

and reuse of the
community/barangay level
Collection, proper transfer
and transport of wastes by

Source reduction and

minimization of wastes
Requirements for Segregation & Volume Reduction of Wastes

Separate Separate collection Material recovery Inventory of

containers for schedules of separate Facilities for markets for
compostables, trucks or haulers or recyclables and composts and
recyclables, special compartmentalized biodegradable recyclables
wastes and collection vehicles
Recycling Program
Prohibition of the use of
and standards
acceptable products

Environmentally Eco-labelling Reclamation

preferable programs and buy-
purchase back centers
Business and Industry Role
The Commission shall encourage introduce, develop and adopt innovative processes by:
• Recycle and re-use materials
commercial and industrial
• Conserve raw materials and energy
establishments, through • Reduce waste
appropriate incentives other than • Prevent pollution
tax incentives to: • Undertake community activities to promote
and propagate effective EWM practices

initiate, participate and

invests in integrated EWM
Projects manufacture
Prohibited Acts
P300 to P1k or P300 to P1k or P1k to P3k or
Community Imprisonment of Imprisonment
Service between 1 to 15 days of 15 days to
1 to 15 days 6 months

Littering, throwing Open burning of  Collection and transport of non-segregated

and dumping of solid waste or unsorted waste
wastes matters in
 Squatting in open dumpsite and landfills
public places and
water bodies  Open dumping , burying of biodegradable
and non-biodegradable materials in flood
prone areas
 Unauthorized removal of recyclable materials
for collection by authorized persons
Prohibited Acts
P10k to P200k or P500k or P100k to 1 M or
Imprisonment of 30 Imprisonment Imprisonment of 1
days to 3 years of 1 to 3 years to 6 years

➢ Importation of toxic  Operation of open

➢ Construction, expansion or operation of
wastes misrepresented dumpsites
waste management facilities without an
as “recyclable” or “with
 Manufacture, Environmental Compliance Certificate
recyclable content”
distribution or use of ➢ Construction of any establishment within
➢ Transportation and non-environmentally
200 meters from open or controlled dump
dumping in bulk of acceptable packaging
sites and sanitary landfills
collected domestic, materials
industrial, commercial ➢ Construction or operation of landfills or
 Importation of
and institutional wastes any waste disposal facility within or near
consumer products in
in areas other than an aquifer, groundwater reservoir or
centers or facilities watershed
acceptable materials
prescribed by law

Fiscal Incentive Non-fiscal Incentives

10-year tax and duty exemption Granted to businesses and

on imported capital equipment, industries engaged in recycling
vehicles, legacies, gifts and of waste in the form of
donations used for collection of simplified procedures for
solid waste and tax credit importation of equipment, spare
equivalent to 50% of the national parts, new materials and
internal revenue taxes and supplies, and for the export of
custom duties. processed products.
0 Financing Solid Waste
The National Treasury called the Solid Waste Management
Fund will be sourced from fines and penalties imposed,
proceeds of permits and licenses, donations, endowments,
grants and contributions and amount allocated under the
annual General Appropriations Act. The Fund will be utilized to
finance products, facilities, technologies, and processes that
would enhance proper solid waste management; awards and
incentives; research programs; information, education,
communication and monitoring activities; technical assistance;
and capability building activities.
Any citizen may file an
Any person who violates or fails
appropriate civil, criminal to comply with the provisions of
or administrative action the Act or its IRR

The DENR or other implementing
agencies with respect to orders,
rules and regulations issued

Any public officer who willfully or

grossly neglects the performance of
an act
Thank you!

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