New - BDR Team Presentation

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Business Development Team

1 07/17/2021
• Leads that already have an ACCOUNT linked to them – • Qualifying criteria
CONTACTS these can be a mix of customers, in-flight or former AFMNT
opportunities • Authority – Fit- Money/ROI- Need/Pain - Timing

• Steps in the pipeline used to track physical sales cycle

LEADS • Individual leads with no ACCOUNT linked to them STAGES location of your prospect

• Marketing Qualified Leads

• Representing the stages in the pipeline, queues house the
MQLs • Currently this terminology is not in use, but it’s primarily QUEUES leads so you can easily spot who is where.
used to classify inbound leads

• The sales funnel

AWAF • Are-We-A-Fit Qualification Calls PIPELINE • A way to describe each stage your prospect travels

• Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system

AE INTRO • Account Executive Introduction Calls CRM
• Salesforce is Blueworx’s CRM

• Marketing automation system

SQLs • Sales Qualified Leads MAS • NURTURE e-mails are sent from Mailchimp – Blueworx’s
BDR Profile
BDR Team Focus

% of time Primary Task

Generate Qualified Opportunities for

100% Account Executives

As Follow-up and Generate Qualified

needed Opportunities from Inbound MQLs
The Sales Cycle Problem
 Most sales organizations are structured in a way that the sales
person handles the entire sales cycle

Prospecting Rep
Account Executive

 Focus high value people on low­-volume, high-­value activities and

specialize other roles to take low­-value, high-­volume activities
The goal is to create
"business people who can sell“,
rather than sales people.
BDR Prospecting Process
Emphasis is on repeatability, consistency, sustainability, and scalability. Three key principles of the BDR program:
1. No cold calling – use email, phone, and LinkedIn to have meaningful conversations with prospects
2. Focus on results, not activities – track metrics such as # of AWAF conversations, # of emails sent, best time of day to call,
3. Everything is systematically process-driven – including management practices, hiring, training, and the prospecting process

Find Your Ideal Create Targeted Run Sequenced Have Smart, Compelling
Conversations Record & Follow Up
Prospect Lists Campaigns

1 2 3 4 5
 Spend time getting  Align lists to your ideal  Use e-mail + phone  Work responses, click-  Have a simple and clear process
customer profile throughs and opens to either pass or work
clear on who your ideal  Send in smaller batches
 Paint a vision that opportunities
customers are  In-house? Buy? Build  Personalize demonstrates you can  Be consistent in follow-up
 Use demographic, from scratch? Industry? solve problems your
Trade journals? Events?  Follow-up  Continue to add value
historical and audience has  Don’t drop the baton
psychographic data to  Resist temptation to use  Add Value
 Build trust, credibility and  Nurture with relevant content
help you get clear non-ICP list.  Use touch sequence rapport. for deals that fall through

High Revenue Purchased, Organic, Generate Interest, Connect Need & Work Opportunity,
Potential – High Industry, Referrals, Next Wants to What We Record Actionable
Likelihood to Convert Researched Steps Offer Metrics
Lead Pipeline Stages - Salesforce

Cold / Open Approach-ing Working Engaged Qualifying Qualified

This status indicates You are trying (person- Someone has identified Qualifying contact has You have had a person- An new opportunity has
that a record requires to-person) to reach the themselves or another been established and a to-person dialog with been identified and
initial outreach. lead and the prospect is individual as the right call is pending on the the lead, but are still been determined to be
active in the automated person, but is calendar. qualifying the prospect. worth handoff to an
outreach process. unqualified (e.g. a Usually the right person Account Executive for
response to an email or but they’re still defining their pursuit. This is
call, a stand visitor, a need, missing budget or often considered to be
website download or timescales, etc. the beginning of the
enquiry, etc.), but is sales process. The goal
currently being worked is to forecast
to establish qualifying opportunity deal size
contact. and close date. Time to
click the "Convert"
button and create an
Account, Contact and
Exception Pipeline Stages - Salesforce

Additional Contact Disqualified Nurture Unrespons-ive Bad Contact Info Do Not Contact

New contact at existing This status is used to These are for folks that This status indicates This status indicates This status indicates
opportunity (convert specify the end of an are the right target that a lead has gone that their email has that the prospect has
lead). In some cases you interaction. Never going audience or through an initial bounced as a part of opted-out from all
may need a second to be a prospect for demographic, but there outreach cycle, but was the initial outreach further communication.
converted status to your product or service is no immediate unresponsive and is not program.
indicate when a record because this lead is the opportunity to pursue actively being worked.
was converted into an incorrect industry, today. If a Lead is in this This prospect may be a
account/contact company, contact or status I would like to candidate to be worked
without creating an data. Please add the see an activity created through the funnel
opportunity. corresponding for a future follow-up. multiple times.
disqualification reason This group should be
via the dependent participants in any long-
picklist. term drip marketing or
nurturing campaigns to
keep your services top
of mind.
Weekly Activity Goals
Goal Activity Required Activities

200 Weekly E-mails sent

# of e-mails sent to unique contacts each week. E-mails can be
a combination of automated and personal e-mails.

6-8% E-mail response rate (from personal and/or

automated e-mails)
For every 100 e-mails, look to achieve 6-8 positive, negative or
neutral responses.

11-13% Find-the-right-person response rate

For every 100 telephone calls you make to find-the-right-
person, look to achieve 11-13 confirmed contacts.

For every 10 contacts reached, confirm whether or not they
Contacts moved weekly from Cold to Working
were the right person, 3.5 are moved to Working Status
status because they are the right person.

20 Total minutes spent determining if contact is a fit, or

not, for what Blueworx offers
Track your time spent with this contact to help determine where
to best spend your time.

10 Maximum number of tries to reach this contact Log all call attempts and activity in Salesforce.

40% Contacts moved weekly from Working to

Qualifying status
For every 10 contacts you had a conversation, 4 were a fit for
one of Blueworx products and moved to Qualifying.

5 Maximum number of tries to reach this contact Log all call attempts and activity in Salesforce.

For every 10 contacts were I’ve had a conversation, 4 were a
Contacts moved weekly from Qualifying to
fit, and passed the qualification criteria for a buying scenarios
Qualified created opportunity and have been moved to Opportunity.
Sales Acceleration Technology

CRM Salesforce Yes

Essential LinkedIn Sales Navigator Yes

These are the applications all SDRs
need, from day one, to effectively Limited – Pending
Contact Data Zoominfo
execute their role Expansion
Sales Email Tool Outreach Yes
Growth Marketing Automation MailChimp Yes
Used to drive increases in performance
as the team scales (e.g. dialing
automation can increase call Dialing Automation Outreach Pending
productivity by up to 200%).

Optimize Gamification LevelEleven, Ambition, Hoopla No

Technologies adopted by mature
organizations to optimize their sales
development function.
Predictive Analytics InsightSquared, Clari No
Multi-Step Outbound Process
 Utilize a referral/researching approach and a Triple Touch method of outreach
that involves an BDR sending an email, leaving a voicemail, and sending a
LinkedIn InMail, all within minutes of each other
Outreach Sequence Messaging Example
Sequence # Email #1 Email #3 Email #6 Email #8
Theme Find Business Owner #1 Offer the Research Document. Awareness #2 Hail Mary
Delivery Day 1 13 24 31
Delivery Time 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 8:00 AM 11:00 AM
Email Word Count 97 39 84 48
Subject Line Character 29 33 128 67
20 mins -- {{weekdays_from_now N}}?
1. Captivating Subject Call Center Automation at {{Company}} {{first_name}}, last try…
Research on {{Company}}'s IVR Re: Research on {{Company}}'s IVR
Line Convert {{Company}}'s IVR to a Virtual Agent / {{first_name}}, will persistence pay off?
Hi {{first_name}},
We've been researching {{company}}'s IVR and Customers today demand great service 24/7. With a
other omni-channel self-service technologies in use Blueworx virtual agent, you can meet their
by companies in {{#if company_industry}}the Hi {{first_name}},
expectations head on. Whether you’re a business Hey {{first_name}},
{{company_industry}} {{else}}your {{/if}}space. I
If you'd like, I'd be happy to write up my findings on user
who needs a deep industry solution, or a
think my company may be able to help increase
2. Personalized Body
your IVR and omni-channel self-service capabilities, developer
who needs a robust platform to build an I’ve left you quite a few messages now, but haven't
containment and first call resolution rates, reduce AI chatbot from scratch, Blueworx has you covered. heard back so I'm guessing my timing is off.
repeat calls, and lower your AHT. along with relevant case studies and contextual
information, then we can review during a call. Here's an example of a Blueworx virtual agent in
We'd like to share our findings and discuss our action.
intelligent virtual assistant with the person
responsible for the IVR applications or contact
center technology.
Are you (or someone from your team) the right
person, or is there someone else that it may make If I'm mistaken, feel free to schedule some time to
Are you looking to transform your IVR into a speak here, or reply with a good time to meet.
3. Actionable CTA sense to connect with for a quick phone call (20 How does that work? chatbot or virtual agent? If so, please use this link Otherwise, I'll try back in a few months.
to automatically schedule a meeting to learn more.
Best, Best,

Associated Content Link to Blueworx Retail v2 vision clip Link to personal automated calendar scheduling
Link to personal automated calendar scheduling
Qualification Meeting & Competitive Info
Prospects meet with you for their reasons, not yours

Research Exploration
Exploration Project

If the prospect mentions something similar to the following

 “You mentioned you called  “You reached out to me, I wanted to  “We’re starting to look into
into our IVR” learn more about your company” changes to our current system”
 Multiple team members join the
first call

The BDR’s goal is to gather the following:

• Deployment Specifics • Timing
• Monthly calls to IVR? • Needs
• Contact center locations?
• Number of agent seats? • Organization Mapping
• Premise or Hosted? • Account Profiling
Qualification Criteria

A UTHORITY: are we having meaningful conversations w/ people part of the decision-making unit?

F IT: is the prospect a part of our ideal customer profile and meet the minimum annual minute/agent

M ONEY: do we have good financial justification / ROI?

N EED (PAIN): do they have a need and pain that Blueworx can fulfill?

T IMING: are they looking at this project for now or in more of an exploratory phase for a future
Sample Qualification Questions
AFMNT Questions to Ask
1 – Who has initiated this project?
2 – Who is responsible for identifying / selecting / implementing the solution?
Authority 3 – Who else, other than you, is involved in this decision
4 – Are you working with external assistance such as a consulting company to help you in your selection
1 – What will define a successful outcome for this decision?
Fit 2 – Do you normally [ ] or [ ]? Example: Do you normally [use IVR hosting services] or [support in-house]?
1 – How will the funding for this be determined?
Money 2 – Is a budgetary envelop already defined? 
3 – How was the amount being defined? 
1 – What is the business issue you are trying to solve?
2 – Why is generating this initiative now active?
3 – What are the consequences on your business if you do not succeed at implementing a solution? (not on time
Need or it does not work)
4 – How do you deal with the situation today?
5 – Can you describe what satisfies you with the current state?
6 – Can you describe what you don’t like with the current state?

1 – What is an ideal timeline for this project?

2 – Is this a project you would like to kick off sooner rather than later?
Timing 3 – Is this something you are currently in planning stages for or is their more of an
immediate need?
Focus on Persona Behavior
With any major technology investment, customers are asking three fundamental questions during their buying
process. Your sales success is directly tied to your ability to lead the customer in answering these questions.

Why Why Why
BUYING Change? Now? Blueworx?

Behavior Buyer Behavior Descriptions

Oblivious / Unaware Unaware of the problem and potential solution
Buyers recognize there is a problem, but are indifferent to finding or working on a solution. They
Apathetic / Aware
simply do not care. The problem hasn’t bubbled up into the Urgent state yet.
Buyers recognize the problem, and know there is a solution, but don’t necessarily know about your
Thinking / Interested

As the term implies – they are desperate for a solution.  They know they have a problem and how bad it
Hurting / Evaluating is, they know about the various solutions available to them, and they even know about you.  But still
they have not made a decision. Procrastination is main reason for not moving forward.
Target Personas / Audience
Buyer Persona Role in the Buying Process
• Head of Call / Contact Centers • Typically owns all things related to ROI/TCO for a given solution
• VP / Director of Customer Service / Experience / Care / • Heavily involved in negotiations (if not the sole person outside of legal)
Support • Owns budget
• Chief Operating / Experience Officer

• Head of Customer Engagement / Loyalty • Usually gets involved later during vendor evaluations to ensure product relevance
• VP / Director of Marketing • On most occasions, not more than an influencer
• Chief Marketing Officer
• Contact Center / Digital Transformation Lead • Most likely the first buyer versus the end decision maker. Role would switch to an influencer over time.
• VP / Director of Digital • Participates in vendor evaluations to ensure product relevance and cost-efficiency
• Omni-Channel Leader

• Influences overall integration architecture, specifies technologies and best practices

Information Technology
• Will not personally use the solution, but needs to confirm that it meets requirements at a conceptual level (will ask Project
• Product Manager
Managers or Developers to confirm the technical & usability aspects)
• VP / Director of IT / Telecommunications
• Designs overall IT architecture and creates framework for projects and usually influences the “project architects”
• VP / Director of Application Development
• Owns budget
• Chief Information Officer
• Select key infrastructure technologies, leads “blueprint” and PoC projects

• Conversational Designer (Business Analyst)
• Developer
• Secondary contacts that usually serve as “gatekeepers”, but can refer you to primary buyer personas above
• Business SMEs
• Dependent on the organization size, but this role is most likely not more than an influencer
• Project Leader/Performance Manager
• LOB Leader
• Data Scientist
Pain and Need Identification
 Financial Pain (FP): show proof of pain via how the prospect can GAIN measurable positive return on
purchase (saving money, increasing revenues, increasing profits)
 Need to deflect more calls from the agents and reduce average handle time

 High cost of managing and maintaining a platform and staff on site

 Strategic Pain (SP): show GAINs of how you provide strategic enhancements to their business (improved
quality, faster product diversification, shorter market cycles, easier access to new markets)
 Not conforming to required business process (i.e. HIPAA, PCI, SAS 70, agent skill grouping, etc.)

 Lack or no real-time view of self-service performance

 Personal Pain (PP): show proof of how your decision makers can GAIN personally (increase peace of mind,
more fun, higher pride of ownership, higher chance of promotion, greater sense of accomplishment, greater
 Recurring negative brand impressions

 IT workload is high, so projects get shelved or cancelled entirely

Business Development Best Practices
• No matter how independent and self-sufficient you are, you still need structure when it comes to managing your
Embrace structure • An organized and consistent work style work best to generate consistent pipeline and revenue.
• Follow the advised daily workflow to improve the probability of making consistent quota.

• The Advised Daily Workflow is a time management plan that requires consistency and focus.
• You can create an A & B workflow switching around block & follow-up times as needed.
Plan your work, work your
• Use goal setting (3 daily goals per day) to re-enforce your intention.
plan • By minimizing interruptions, you significantly increase the probability of generating qualified opportunities for the
Account Executive.

• Every successful Business Development Representative uses block time to meet quota objectives.

“Block” time is a non- • Research has shown that 2 hour block times, once or twice daily depending on required call volume, works best.
negotiable phone activity • Block time should not be compromised. Do not allow interruptions. Perform in the mornings when you’re at your
you must do every day • If necessary, hang a “do-not-disturb” or “don’t interrupt, I’m in block time” sign to let your team know you
are busy generating opportunities for them.

• Each stage has required tracking built in to help you manage progress
• Emails sent, responses received, stage entry timers, meaningful conversations you’ve had, and qualification calls
Track your progress must be tracked in CRM
• By tracking your progress, you’ll be able to quickly spot areas in the pipeline where contacts get stuck, or where you
might want and need additional training.
Connect with us.
[email protected]

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